Oxfordshire's Crop Circle Group Web Pages
The first place to look for all the information on Oxfordshire crop formations. Run in conjunction with the Oxfordshire Centre for Crop circle studies 2007 and Contact International Worldwide UFO research. Details of Contact International can be obtained from P.O. Box 23, Wheatley, OXON, OX33 1FL or the hot-line 01869320989. NOTICES We are currently running on 6 formations for 2008 As crop circle research is about the dissemination of information I have added a forum for anyone to contribute to help our research into the phenomena in the Oxford area. CONTINUING NOTICE FOR 2008 SEASON We are desparately short of spotters in the county this year. If anyone would like to contact us or leave feedback on the web boards then it would be greatly appreciated. Obviously we can only cover certain parts of the county with limited members so anyone spotting anything can report it here and we'll investigate. |
Formations in 1994 |
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 1994 | |
Formations in 1995 |
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 1995 | |
Formations in 1996 |
Reports and Pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 1996. | |
Formations in 1997 |
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 1997 | |
Formations in 1998 |
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 1998 | |
in 1999
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 1999 | |
in 2000
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 2000 | |
in 2001
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 2001 | |
Formations in 2002 |
Formations in 2003
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 2003 | |
in 2004
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 2004 | |
Formations in 2005 |
in 2006
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 2006 | |
in 2007
Reports and pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 2007 | |
Formations in 2008
Reports and
pictures of Oxfordshire crop circles in 2008Updated 06-08-08
Paul Vigay`s 2008 Crop Circle Database | CropCircle Connector 2008 | Temporary Temples | Lucy Pringle's Website : Welcome.... | BBC News | UK | Q&A: Crop circles | Glastonbury Symposium - crop circles and signs of our time | UK Crop Circles | cropcircleresearch.com| The Crop Circular: crop circles research| Crop Circles : The Real Picture | Weird Wiltshire - Crop Circles | Swirled News | BBC - Science & Nature - Space - Crop Circles |
E-mail me with any new formation reports at