"Disclaimer : All views expressed are of the author`s opinion
and have no connection with any group or groups involved in crop circle
The first crop-circle formations were seen around
1981 in the U.K. although there had been so called "UFO nests"
in Australia in the 1960's.
The circles prescence was brought
to media attention by Pat Delgado and one of the first pictures seen in
the press was of a circle at Cheesefoot Head in Hamphire dating from 1981.
Also in this year were recorded formations at Litchfield and Wantage in
Over the next few years a small number of
formations appeared every year - including a formation with a central
circle and satellite circles in 1983 again at Cheesefoot Head, Hamphire.
Also in 1983, Pat Delgado joined forces with Colin Andrews who
was working at the time as an electrical engineer in the area. These two
researchers carried out most of the definitive on the phenomena until
In 1992 two sextagenarians Doug Bower and Dave Chorley came forward to
say they they had hoaxed all the crop circles seen in Britian since 1978.
Although initially it seemed that their claim may be valid it was soon
proved that they had hoaxed at the most a handful of formations for Today
newspaper and others which were of very poor quality. Despite the obvious
flaws in their story the general opinion which the media was left with was
that all crop circles must be hoaxes and since 1992 the subject has
received very little media attention.
Also there are various
people on the crop circle scene who are professional debunkers and can be
often found in other areas such as UFO research and other associated
phenomenon creating as much anti-propaganda as possible to remove all
scientific credulity from the subject despite having no evidence and no
respect for genuine research.
one has produced verifyible evidence that either crop circles are
definately hoaxed or that there is definately a genuine intelligent
phenomena behind them.
No hoaxer has ever been able to produce
convincing evidence for any major formation he/she has created where the
origin of the formation is in doubt!!!
There is scientific evidence of
plant mutation within crop circles.
There is very good evidence that
no HUMAN has created some formations given the time span involoved in
making a circle.