- This topic has 18 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated September 14, 2010 at 7:03 pm by disco disco.
September 4, 2010 at 9:36 am #1049643
would you a buy off a gypsy?
would you buy one of my lucky charms sir?
oh right, nah im alright thanks.
thats how the conversation went when i opened my door this morning. bizare. i sort of wish id had a look at what her lucky charms looked like now tho!
wheres the nearest site to me then? only been power tools and sofas that they’ve tried to sell me before!
September 4, 2010 at 12:14 pm #1228828They look well nice you should of got some man!
September 4, 2010 at 12:41 pm #1228823used to love em as a kid!
September 4, 2010 at 3:53 pm #1228831lol
September 4, 2010 at 7:14 pm #1228816Anonymous
hi all ,
I answered the door once when i was ten , it was a gypsie selling lucky heather . I told her that we wasnt interested , she then proceeded to put a curse on me . Lucky i dont believe in that sort of thing ….that and i had my lucky rabbits foot on me and a bottle of holly water lol .regards
ps im now 38 and im still alive is there a time limit on a curse ?September 5, 2010 at 1:48 am #1228824@mungo1972 397275 wrote:
ps im now 38 and im still alive is there a time limit on a curse ?
nah, im afraid not, they could strike at any time!:wink:
September 6, 2010 at 9:48 am #1228833thats fucking great! I love when random stuff for no good reasons happens to people. But persinally no i wouldn’t buy off a gypsy
September 8, 2010 at 10:02 pm #1228817Anonymous
Hi process ,
You mean ive gotta spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder waiting for something bad to happen …….bit like the final destination movies !!!! . Oh well least if it happens ill go in a spectacular totally unbelievable way lolRegards
MungoSeptember 13, 2010 at 3:23 pm #1228818Anonymous
last week, i spent a fiver on a few leaves from those bushy evergreen trees that grow everywhere :S stupid gypsies, get me every time.
September 13, 2010 at 6:08 pm #1228829@harr!et 398042 wrote:
last week, i spent a fiver on a few leaves from those bushy evergreen trees that grow everywhere :S stupid gypsies, get me every time.
September 13, 2010 at 6:19 pm #1228819Anonymous
cos she cornered me! she said she’d curse me and i’m too young to die :’/ she had a huge mole on her lip any everything! she was the real mcoy.
September 13, 2010 at 7:27 pm #1228826@harr!et 398087 wrote:
cos she cornered me! she said she’d curse me and i’m too young to die :’/ she had a huge mole on her lip any everything! she was the real mcoy.
what.. you brought ‘lucky heather’?
I thought it was only tourists that fell for that these days.. :group_hug
September 13, 2010 at 7:29 pm #1228830Smoke those leaves, you’ll get proper high. Gypo leaves innit
September 13, 2010 at 8:48 pm #1228820Anonymous
Hi Hat ,
I think you did the right thing , no one wants a curse . I didnt buy the lucky heather got cursed and although im 38 im still waiting for my nasty end . I wouldnt mind if she was selling something i actually wanted or needed but why is it always lucky heather or clothes pegs …..which they’ve probably nicked from your back garden anyway . I mean they should widen the variety of goods and maybe they’d get more sales , still they do tarmac drives now though lol .regards
mungoSeptember 13, 2010 at 9:22 pm #1228827@mungo1972 398124 wrote:
still they do tarmac drives now though lol .
I ended up having my drive done by some local gypsies (brick paved) – not me – my dickhead ex agreed to ‘cold calling’ without me knowing and didnt realise. I did straight away as soon as I heard about it and wasnt too happy as I was conserned there may be more to the price that he’d agreed…
I must say they did a marvelous job,
but seemed like slave labour – two older chaps about 60 -70 years old and one even got a smack in the mouth from the ‘boss’ (I think on reflection for my benefit to know what he is like ) and they were provided with countless cups of tea and biscuits!! 😉however it was when it came to pay they suddenly did the whole…
you owe us more money, 3 of em turning up to the house when I was on my own demanding money etc,
I went fucking mental,
in the end I had 2 rather large lads in the front room with baseball bats – just in case –
and I just refused to give anymore then the dumb ex had agreed, they finally realised I wasn’t gonna back down despite the whole ‘threats of we’re gypsies’ etc, and they were paid only what he’d agreed, and luckily got quote / invoice on paper.I must admit I was shitting it inside but will not have the piss taken out of me by people who think they can intimidate me, they can fuck right off!
I have no problem with peoples heritage (my mum has Romany roots) but its just the intimidation that gets me :hopeless:
September 13, 2010 at 9:43 pm #1228832go on mummy!
one a gypsy offered me something to make me tipsy and i said NO NO NO
September 13, 2010 at 9:52 pm #1228821Anonymous
Hi Tank Girl ,
Fair play to you , your a brave woman and take no shit . However i think if i was in your shoes i’d have felt better if those two rather large lads had shotguns instead of baseball bats . Still i bet those gypsies wont mess with you again 🙂 . And no i dont disslike gypsies at all , where i used to like as a kid a gypsie family used to stay in the fields not far from my house every year . They were great , they had a proper horse drawn caravan all painted traditionally , beautiful to look at . And they used to let us stroke the horses . They were nice people but as always its the bad ones that every one talks about .regards
mungoSeptember 13, 2010 at 10:00 pm #1228822I reckon I actually know which woman it was what called at process’s door, as she usually is arounds this area.
One of my late fathers best mates was a Gypsy, she lived in a caravan but worked in this high tech scientific lab along with my dad. Gypsy culture is not unlike the upbringing strict Asian families (might be why my Dad got on well with her 😉 ) but just like many Asian cultures its patriarchal and encourages the use of physical strength and dominance behaviour and angry young men can therefore do a lot of damage if not kept in check.
September 14, 2010 at 7:03 pm #1228825i found out that they werent actually from any local site, but had just moved onto a patch of land about 10mins from my house. they were alright apparently. didnt caus eany trouble and where only there for about a week then moved on. they left loads of toilet paper scattered all over the trees though. in my exo its the romany gypsies that are usually the okay ones, but some of the others that dont really hold the same values.
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