Forums Music Music Production Work in progress. Lament Configuration.

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  • #1054155

      I really wasn’t going to put this up but Xenoben convinced me that I should so here it is:

      Lament Configuration by DJ KRS-P on SoundCloud – Create, record and share your sounds for free

      Ps how do I post widgets again?

      General Lighting

        [html][sc]the name of your track after (it *must* be unique from any others on sc or it does not work)[/sc]
        [SOUNDCLOUD]entire URL of the soundcloud link[/SOUNDCLOUD]

        General Lighting


          MC G-Tek

            Cool mate, good tune man, like it.


              @General Lighting 499916 wrote:

              removed an incorrect link

              Is that your track GL? I usually don’t have much time for those dubsteppy sounds but that is fucking SICK! I love it!

              General Lighting

                err that should be yours! unless someone else has picked the same name….


                  I suggest to use the full soundcloud link and soundcloud between the [] then the name issue is gone…. or you can find two soundcloud editor buttons when you click Go Advance, use the one to the right (orange with white cloud) to avoid the name issue, the other button gives you the sc between the [] and require a genuine name…

                  General Lighting

                    this should be correct now. it might seem like a bit of a odd way to do it, but the way its done allows the sound to be embedded without risking security or formatting problems with our forum if there is a problem with soundcloud..


                      Cheers. GL that one wasn’t mine. Must have had the same name as you said. Rather good though.

                      MC G-Tek

                        @Chrispydelic 500030 wrote:

                        Cheers. GL that one wasn’t mine. Must have had the same name as you said. Rather good though.

                        Ha ha, that was the tune I checked out, whoops! I’ll check your one out now instead!

                        MC G-Tek

                          Well assuming I’ve listened to the right one this time (think I did, actually logged into soundcloud & listened there), that’s a sick tune man, proper dark. Nice work Crispy.


                            Cheers geeza. It needs a fair bit of work, the bassline mutes the kick drum so I need to work on that and it needs tightening up and EQing properly.

                            MC G-Tek

                              @Chrispydelic 500042 wrote:

                              Cheers geeza. It needs a fair bit of work, the bassline mutes the kick drum so I need to work on that and it needs tightening up and EQing properly.

                              I’ll take your word for that mate, you (like most people on here) know a hell of a lot more about music production than I do, but sounds pretty phat to me dude.


                                Really nice tune … the mix down needs a little work as it’s a bit muddy in the low ends and lacks punch/Sub bass, drums are a little quite too … but nicely written. I’ll have a go at mixing it down if you want – always need practice. 8o)


                                  @DaftFader 500057 wrote:

                                  Really nice tune … the mix down needs a little work as it’s a bit muddy in the low ends and lacks punch/Sub bass, drums are a little quite too … but nicely written. I’ll have a go at mixing it down if you want – always need practice. 8o)

                                  Nice one dude!


                                    @Chrispydelic 500060 wrote:

                                    Nice one dude!

                                    If you want me to have a go at mixing it, when it’s done send it over as separate tracks and I’ll have a stab at it for ya. 🙂

                                    General Lighting

                                      its a good tune – apologies for the mix up last night, I had been drinking and did not check the link correctly

                                      I need to get into the habit of checking every audio file I deal with to be 100% sure when I work with the community radio stations as if you transmit a track with swearing in it its a Ofcom violation unless you apologise – or less “bad” but still embarassing would be to put the wrong track on playout and a presenter and guests be left with dead air as it turns out to be 2 minutes short of the expected length. but then you are expected to be sober :laugh_at:

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                                    Forums Music Music Production Work in progress. Lament Configuration.