- This topic has 26 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated November 24, 2005 at 1:53 pm by kezza b.
November 21, 2005 at 10:53 am #1036962
Happy monday all! Anyone have any excitment at the weekend? :bounce_ci
I feel old after going to an old school friends wedding. aghh! scary!
November 21, 2005 at 12:04 pm #1067798I had fun in a sense.
We supplied the soundsystem for a garage event. Fun was had with friends and sound but not with the music! It’s always fun to get the system out but it seems so much more of challange when you aren’t setting it up for your own use. Especially when you throw stairs in to the mix like there was on Sat/Sun.
November 21, 2005 at 12:26 pm #1067812That sounds pretty good. how did the party go? i was so well behaved this weekend, cant wait to go out next weekend and have some madness!
November 21, 2005 at 2:02 pm #1067802heya kezza!!
how’s things, what you been up to? My weekend was ok, few drinks on fri, film on sat night and african drumming lesson on sun…should be going for a mad one in london this weekend though! :weee:
November 21, 2005 at 2:25 pm #1067813Hia mate glad you had a good weekend. i got v drunk on free wine! yeah so cheap and fun weekend. even got an early night as i was on the all day drinking! :alcoholic
have you decided where your going at the weekend yet?
November 21, 2005 at 4:11 pm #1067799kezza b wrote:That sounds pretty good. how did the party go? i was so well behaved this weekend, cant wait to go out next weekend and have some madness!It was ok. Venue was fairly full. Bit of attitude, which was to be expected with the kind of music being played. I think there was a huge ruck at the end outside actually, which is a shame. We left sharpish so didn’t see anything happen. It involved one of the female promoters and it’s resulted in them being kicked out of the one and only venue round here that is good enough to hold a night.
Annoying for us because we lose a regular hire client that help pay off the debt the soundsystem generates.
Highlight of the night was having some chap MC down my earhole about bling and ‘bitches’ even though I’d told him not to. Couldn’t stop laughing in the end and he just walked off a bit confused and lost. I felt a bit bad but I had asked him not to and I told him before hand that I probably wouldn’t enjoy his lyrics, but he insisted.
November 21, 2005 at 4:16 pm #1067814yeah mc’s can really do your head especially when chatting about hoes and stuff. “shut up i just wanna jump around to the music you freaks!” haha!
im definatly in need of a party this weekend ive been on good behaviour for too too long!
November 22, 2005 at 11:04 am #1067803kezza b wrote:Hia mate glad you had a good weekend. i got v drunk on free wine! yeah so cheap and fun weekend. even got an early night as i was on the all day drinking! :alcoholichave you decided where your going at the weekend yet?
heya! i think my friend wants to go to frantic at se1 club although i’m gonna try and persuade her to go to a dnb night at mass!! so how’s u today? :weee: :cloud9:
November 22, 2005 at 11:07 am #1067815yea im pretty good stayed and and watch a film last night. v relaxing. your weekend should be wicked im looking forward to cut loose :cloud9: just found out theres another good dnb night on my birthday, shy fx, friction and jfb. yeah!
how are you?
November 22, 2005 at 11:13 am #1067804i’m not too bad thanx, looking forward to the weekend! found out i passed my l1 counselling course last night so that was cool :cloud9: so your friend’s wedding go ok? :cloud9:
November 22, 2005 at 11:24 am #1067816well done!! yeah wedding was really good. saw some v old school friends and had lots of free wine. It was nice to go back and see the family for a bit too, wont be back til xmas now. feeling well rested! :cloud9:
got an interview this week thou so a bit nervous.November 22, 2005 at 12:29 pm #1067805kezza b wrote:well done!! yeah wedding was really good. saw some v old school friends and had lots of free wine. It was nice to go back and see the family for a bit too, wont be back til xmas now. feeling well rested! :cloud9:
got an interview this week thou so a bit nervous.what’s your interview for? GOOD LUCK!! your weekend sounded cool….so epoc this weekend? That will be cool :bounce_ci
November 22, 2005 at 12:41 pm #1067811I had a mental weekend – went to the Aspire squat party in Leeds. It was belting, Desert Storm did the Techno downstairs (although wasn’t one of their best sets), and there were another 3 rooms playing various different stuff.
Wicked swing band on the Friday night, great people etc what else can you ask for?
November 22, 2005 at 12:46 pm #1067796ParrotBoy wrote:I had a mental weekend – went to the Aspire squat party in Leeds. It was belting, Desert Storm did the Techno downstairs (although wasn’t one of their best sets), and there were another 3 rooms playing various different stuff.Wicked swing band on the Friday night, great people etc what else can you ask for?
good stuff – was a bit worried there wouldn’t be much of a winter seasons but it seems people are learning about good venue and location choice…
had such an excellent time in Bristol; one of those raves which was in just the right venue (abandoned warehouse with little immediate re-use value) with the right people; even the cops were OK and (surprisingly for that area) there weren’t very many of them (although weather may have played a part there). It only lasted till about 12:00 Sunday or so but that was fine by me (the organisers took that decision collectively to ensure that the warehouse could be cleared in the light and that people wouldn’t be too sleep-deprived driving back home)
Biotech – glad to hear you had fun at the weekend. sorry to hear about the beef but quite frankly that goes with the UK Garage scene. MCs which glorify violence, greed and misogyny really annoy me as well as I feel they are giving a bad example to youths; and music is a powerful tool to reach people’s minds which should be used with respect.
Sadly people on the Garage scene seem to enjoy the conflict and violence, I notice they’ve even abandoned a lot of the “love songs” (although mostly about lust and gender tension) in favour of grime where the lyrics are even darker….it appears to be fairly commonplace to attempt to disrupt a rivals’ event by causing a disruption (down here fire alarms being set off in the venue, CS gas discharged and even hoax bomb calls have all happened!) 🙁
I hope you managed to get paid before all the trouble kicked off!
D&B fans may have noticed much of the “gun talk/rude bwoy chat” has disappeared from the tracks and lyrics; I think there’s good reasons for that…
November 22, 2005 at 1:18 pm #1067817funny cat wrote:what’s your interview for? GOOD LUCK!! your weekend sounded cool….so epoc this weekend? That will be cool :bounce_ciInterview is for a hr job which is kinda what i wanted to go into so could be good. lots more money too so i’ll be able to rent and everything!
November 22, 2005 at 1:31 pm #1067808Anonymous
im not about at all (this is merely an illusion) as i have no net acess in me hoose yet. cant moan, as i cant really afford it yet anyway. im now in the library, sampling the communal delights. have been fucked out of my mind since i moved to brighton, which started off with a 4 day mdma and ket binge, which didnt exactly set me up to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, so ive been mooching about like a mooch. and organising a night at volks. we have breakers and beatboxes as the latest additioin to our roster, its shapin up nicel;y
hopefully see you thursday, kessa, should be phat. anyway, back to my job apps, peace out…
November 22, 2005 at 1:40 pm #1067818hey use hows the organising of the night at the volks?
November 22, 2005 at 9:19 pm #1067800General Lighting wrote:I hope you managed to get paid before all the trouble kicked off!D&B fans may have noticed much of the “gun talk/rude bwoy chat” has disappeared from the tracks and lyrics; I think there’s good reasons for that…
Once we see they have got enough people through the door to cover overheads we usually make a point of asking for it. If they get a bit funny we tell them we’ll turn it off.
November 23, 2005 at 9:52 am #1067819Morning all :bounce_b: :bounce_o: :bounce_m:
Happy Wednesday :wave:
November 23, 2005 at 2:51 pm #1067797kezza b wrote:Morning all :bounce_b: :bounce_o: :bounce_m:Happy Wednesday :wave:
hi there…
at least its not too long until the weekend…
there’s a legal event in Bristol raising money for free party sound systems you may be interested in (its called gener8r – will try and get some more details soon)
best of luck with the job interview, it seems like no one wants to offer young people a secure job any more.
I work in a Finance/HR area as well (the two are combined where I work). not too bad but there are obvious ethical dilemmas as you are often involved with downsizing and monitoring the quality of staff, and (particularly in smaller private sector enterprises) unpopular HR policies are introduced at the whim of management rather than buy robust business cases.
I hope if you do get the job you oppose stuff like compulsory workplace drugs testing unless there is a safety risk (my employers do not carry this out as there is no business or operational need to do so!)
if its any consolation, the people in Kuala Lumpur who are taking your jobs will not hold on to the work for too long ; an Indian or Chinese company will wrestle it away as soon as the standards of spoken English of their staff reach or exceed those of the Malaysians (they are fairly expensive staff for call-centre outsourcing).
My family are from Malaysia, there is some fairly serious racial conflict brewing in SE Asia at the moment (to add to all the terrorism scares!) as everyone fights for the outsourcing work. Malaysia has a large mixture of Asian communities so those men made unemployed by one ethnic group go about robbing and beating the sh*t out of those who have the work…
November 23, 2005 at 3:28 pm #1067806kezza b wrote:Morning all :bounce_b: :bounce_o: :bounce_m:Happy Wednesday :wave:
HI!!!!!!!!!!!! hope your wednesday has treated you well….half way through week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :weee:
November 23, 2005 at 4:10 pm #1067820Hey funny cat, im good how are you?
Thanks for the good luck general lighting. I know what you mean about all the outsourcing stuff crazy!I went to the volks for a bit last night cool old skool night. was there first one so a bit quiet but think it could get good. lots of old rave tunes :horay:
November 23, 2005 at 4:16 pm #1067807i’m not too bad just really looking forward for the weekend to get here!!! been scoffing haribo today so feel a little queasy!! :sick:
November 23, 2005 at 4:19 pm #1067821yum sweets! im feeling surprisingly ok seeing as i went to the volks, but i was well behaved and didnt get trashed! dont think im up to much this evening thou :cloud9:
The fog seems to be closing in yuck!November 24, 2005 at 1:48 pm #1067809Anonymous
kezza b wrote:hey use hows the organising of the night at the volks?pretty good, looks like we have a firm lineup for the first two nights, im still umming and ahhing about the flyer, ive made three versions and i dunno which to go for. on top of that i have no money for decor, which is winding me up a treat. but its all good fun.. im just about to go and pick up some preflyer flyers that we’ve knocked up, black and white, lots of text. i cant work out if they are a good idea. i guess we’ll see. are you gwan to cutloose tonight?
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