› Forums › Music › Who would win in a fight?
out of these random artists who would win in a fight? :weee:
huh? have you done the poll?
ah there’s the poll .. i started to type random stars here lol
trinny is the skinny one? she would break lol
so susannah
You left out Mr Blobby!:crazy:
the poll didnt come up when I looked initially
I vote for Lemmy as he is god raaaraaaraaaraaa
i apologise lol
he was busy that day… :bounce_fl
yay who else put billy idol? lol
the cheeky girls would batter em all
the gallagers ? there like the hardest ppl ever lol
i vote lemmy as he has to smoke and drink to actually stay alive as his body is so used to it
and smoking and drinkig makes u look hard
what about curt kobain hed smash em all up with his sik guiter like he did with most of the stages he played on!!!rip the main man himself….:cry: