› Forums › The Vibe › Chat › What happens to all the old easter eggs?
That dont get sold??
i have often pondered that very question. i reckon they should give em to the ethiopians!
i eat them :cloud9:
don’t they sell them cheap?!
no, i eat them
yes, but surely not all of them. they should give them to the ethiopians for sure.
Yeah they sell them off proper cheap…
make this a sticky >:-(
well, easter is your hobby after all!!!
/me reckons sparkles would be a bit bigger if she really did eat all the leftover easter eggs :surprised
melt em down an bang’em out as somik else
i reckon.. they keep the eggs, change the date on the boxes! and sell em all over again a yr later!
i think we should buy loads cheep and go throw them at tramps:horay:
Or That!!!
Why’s my chunk not truffle shufflin!?
Chocolate cornflake cakes!!!!
*runs to Sainsburys*
how did you know it was me?
someone new with a my little pony avatar who is talking about eating loads of easter eggs…
it doesn’t take a genius, sweet :laugh_at:
so your not a genius then.
I might be…. 😛
you just admitted you were not tho,:lol_fast:
also i’d thought i’d say this one looks like a perv smilie, not groucho.:groucho:
haha init…
now theese smilies definately have eyebrows, kel 😛
no mikee, thye one you showed, does not have eyebrows.
:idea:you still doing that project?
They are selling Easter Eggsin Woolworths for 30p.
you know me – always cracking on with one project or another :mobile_ph
excellent. i could do with wasting some more time on something, gis a shout when you embark on something new