Forums The Vibe Chat What Can You See Out the Window?

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  • #1040414
    Shit Robot

      This is what we see,:)

      Shit Robot

        Shit Robot

          Cant get the pic to show soz:hopeless:


            That’s my wiew when i move,I cant wait:groucho::groucho:

            One of the biggest and most beautiful forrests in Denmark:weee::weee:


            Hope this is working :you_crazy

              GoodDoG wrote:
              Cant get the pic to show soz:hopeless:

              Are you using this ?


              Shit Robot

                Maybe it will show this time,thanks if it does angel:)

                miss bassets

                  awwwww man u lucky buggas all i can c is more houses only grass is in my garden all rest r concrete city 🙁

                    miss bassets wrote:
                    awwwww man u lucky buggas all i can c is more houses only grass is in my garden all rest r concrete city 🙁

                    Me too, plus ive got the added bonus of a smashed up deserted stolen car, on the carpark at the end of my garden …. GHETTO !

                    Should be moving to a nicer part very soon, more in the sticks with some nice views. Will post a pic then maybe :laugh_at:

                    miss bassets
                      titch wrote:
                      Me too, plus ive got the added bonus of a smashed up deserted stolen car, on the carpark at the end of my garden …. GHETTO !

                      Should be moving to a nicer part very soon, more in the sticks with some nice views. Will post a pic then maybe :laugh_at:

                      yep i wanna move!! a shack in the mountains will do, for now tho iv resorted to sticking a couple of nice landscape n sunset pics around my window, not quite the same i kno lol

                      Techno Viking

                        Not quite outside my window but nearby…




                          All I got is my lawn (which is in a right state – looks more like a patch of mud with occasional grass – needs returfing really – and covered in wood – I stripped out my kitchen the other week and aint took the stuff to the tip yet) then the road and over the road old peoples bungalows with pristine gardens.

                          And theres a tree, which part of my bed is hanging from at the mo! lol

                          timid rabbit




                                from the end of my street


                                  a brick wall, but wait it gets better. it is a wall that backs on to a scrapyard, and the noise is feckin brilliant BOOOOM BAAAANG CRAAASH SCCCRRAAAAPE. and all at 7 in the morning. i love it:hopeless: not slept for about 5 years now:crazy: going a little mad:yawn:


                                    Sorry to be so negative but this is out the front:

                                    (leftover glass of the car stolen outside my house last night)

                                    ..and my concrete yard out the back which has the gate opened about once a week when wankers come in at night to check if the door/windows are secure (I pressume):

                                    I haven’t always got such a bleak outlook on life by the way. 😉

                                    Shit Robot

                                      Soz Bio,I sometimes think sticksville sucks big time (you know no clubs ,5 miles to nearest shop ect ect) but seeing that i now I think I prefer it here to be honest.

                                        titch wrote:
                                        Me too, plus ive got the added bonus of a smashed up deserted stolen car, on the carpark at the end of my garden …. GHETTO !

                                        Should be moving to a nicer part very soon, more in the sticks with some nice views. Will post a pic then maybe :laugh_at:

                                        Is that the same car that was there about 10 years ago?!?! If it is then that is savage.

                                        Where you moving to? Not too far from where you are now I hope.

                                          GoodDoG wrote:
                                          Soz Bio,I sometimes think sticksville sucks big time (you know no clubs ,5 miles to nearest shop ect ect) but seeing that i now I think I prefer it here to be honest.

                                          It’s not all bad, but i’d like to move to a ‘safer’ area. I hate going out to parties and leaving the house un-guarded. I shouldn’t have to feel that way.

                                          Shit Robot

                                            Know what you mean a couple we know moved to central Newcastle from here 6 weeks ago,so far they have been broken into/burgled 7 times,they on thier way back down here at the earliest op:you_crazy:you_crazy

                                              GoodDoG wrote:
                                              Know what you mean a couple we know moved to central Newcastle from here 6 weeks ago,so far they have been broken into/burgled 7 times,they on thier way back down here at the earliest op:you_crazy:you_crazy

                                              Christ on a bike! That’s bad.

                                              I moan about my area but it’s nothing compared to some of the really bad areas in the UK. I feel sorry for them.

                                                BioTech wrote:
                                                Is that the same car that was there about 10 years ago?!?! If it is then that is savage.

                                                Where you moving to? Not too far from where you are now I hope.

                                                Nah its new one, the council normally take around a year to move them, then the bandits leave another there within a couple of days lol.

                                                Moves not defo yet, but wont be far at all though, just to Corton 😉 ..

                                                Tank Girl

                                                  during the first year of renovating the house the 1st photo and when it snowed the other week the 2nd and 3rd

                                                  General Lighting

                                                    From my room window I can see too many other houses for me to take pictures without infringing others’ privacy so can’t put one up here.

                                                    The houses are arranged in a sort of square made up of blocks of 4 houses each, with a communal space with a block of garages in the middle – few people use any more for cars as the roofs are knackered and the garages aren’t the most secure.

                                                    I think some lads use the space for working on various motorbikes, which they then go and race around Princes Street

                                                    The rest of the view isn’t much good either; all I can see of note in the distance is the Orwell bridge and a railway line.

                                                    There are some “woods” but they in fact conceal the Anglian Water sewage works (you can still hear the pumps going in the night) , and a few months ago the cops were searching through them looking for evidence related to the prostitute murder cases.

                                                    This is one of the “nicer” areas of town though! (Its no worse than my last house in Reading IMO)…

                                                      timid rabbit wrote:

                                                      used to live on the irwell myself.salfords godawful but the rivers great.Had many a day down there. Not much in the line of fish mind you had more chance of catching a special brew can:wink:

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat What Can You See Out the Window?