› Forums › Web Site › News › Web downloads!
You can now download your favorite mp3s and movies directly through the web!
Our eMULE links (below) will continue to work of course:
http://partyvibe.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=14180 http://partyvibe.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=29895
Excellent, i’ve got loads to send through now and have enlisted the help of some friends to help me upload them to you quicker…
Do i need to use yousendit.com or is the ftp info still valid??
Use the ftp server and send a private message thanks…
Nice work mate. That’s excellent news.
:horay: Nice,nice,nice..Can i download it ? if possible where…:horay:
You’ll find everything here: http://www.partyvibe.com/vbulletin/downloads.php
:horay: Juhu…Thank you:horay:
Uploading the show so it can be posted up now!
Rich :bigsmile:
how do i upload movies these days? im all confused…
sorry i was being a spack. its being sent to submit@partyvibe.com through yousendit.com as i type. 67meg file.