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      There’s a lot of debate of theories and possible UFTs.
      And I think at the moment you’ve got string/m theory which is trying to sort it out BUT they can’t come up with a single answer – they keep getting multiple answers, which they thing is a little embarrassing.

      I wish that last paragraph was more precise and accurate, but I haven’t really thought about UFT for awhile, because I had an idea that put me off being all that thrilled on it.

      I’m thinking that yes, there IS actually a Unified Field Theory out there.
      And this little one inch equation explains how everything in the universe functions.

      However the universe has lots of different ways it could be structured.

      So what I think we’ll have is a bunch of UFTs we can throw out immediately – because they don’t describe our universe but one in which say, fission is impossible — something really obvious like that.

      But the more we look the more we’ll be left with vast numbers of UFTs that MIGHT POSSIBLY describe our universe, but because of the limits of our observations and even the limits of what observations we could imagine making, we’ll never nail down for absolute certain the one potential UFT that actually describes our universe perfectly.

      There will be many that are so good that maybe it won’t make any difference within the life time of our universe if they aren’t totally perfect.
      In which case, FABULOUS, at least from our observational standpoint they’d do a damned good job.

      But yeah, I just think there will always be a certain level of uncertainty.


        Theres been lots of UFT….


        also that one the Greeks and Roman’s had….bout them geezers living on a hill who made things happen.

        Science is trying too hard to be like religion nowadays.

          elretardo87 wrote:
          Science is trying too hard to be like religion nowadays.

          I think science is like a bunch of kids who think they’ve got awesome toys and know better than anyone else.

          It has this intense belief that their toys and ideas can measure and describe everything.

          There’s no good theory about consciousness. Science doesn’t know where to begin in explaining awareness.

          But it has this heady optimism that their awareness, which they don’t understand, will be enough for them to describe EVERYTHING that is or could be.

          Imagine finding yourself behind the wheel of a car. You don’t know what kind of car it is or how it runs, but you have total faith you can drive it all the way to India. It could be a brand new state of the art jeep, or it could be a 30 year old clapped out mini without any working indicators or brakes. You have no way to tell.

          That’s what science is without an understanding of consciousness.

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        Forums The Vibe Chat Unified Field Theory