Forums Music Audio Visual UK : £100 million BBC mega tech project goes titsup

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  • #1055899
    General Lighting

      This is why I tend to look at what other North European broadcasters are doing as best practice rather than Auntie.

      FFS how did they manage to fuck that up anyway? All they needed to do was use the cash to buy some big bandwidth networks from BT or Arqiva to share the larger content across sites and standardise the audio and video formats when capturing the old analogue content, which is exactly what SVT (Sveriges Television of Sweden) successfully did when faced with the same issue, as do the radio and TV broadcasters at Hilversum in NL..

      The BBC has scrapped a £98m digital production system, which its director general said had “wasted a huge amount of licence fee payers’ money”. The Digital Media Initiative was set up in 2008 but was halted last autumn having never become fully operational.

      “I have serious concerns about how we managed this project,” BBC director general Tony Hall said.

      An independent review has been launched “to find out what went wrong and what lessons can be learned”,

      BBC News – BBC abandons £100m digital project

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    Forums Music Audio Visual UK : £100 million BBC mega tech project goes titsup