Forums The Vibe Chat Tilgate Park Chicks Flung Off Spinny Spin / CRAWLEY

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  • #1038725
    Techno Viking


      BBC: ‘Lethal’ playground stunt blasted

      A park stunt in which two girls were thrown from a roundabout powered by a moped is being investigated by police.

      Officers were alerted to the incident in Crawley, West Sussex, after seeing video footage of the prank on a US-based website.

      The video shows a spinning motorcycle wheel being placed on the outer edge of the roundabout by two teenage boys. Two girls are crouched in its centre.

      Insp Mark Piper said the stunt was similar to a “high-speed road crash”. The roundabout eventually reaches a speed of about 20mph (32km/h) and the girls, believed to be 12 or 13 years old, are flung off violently…

      Shit Robot

        There was some footage on west country news the night before last of a couple of teenagers climbing to the top of the main mast of a large boat/ship parked? in a harbor then diving from it into what was reported as 5 feet of water. Madness!

        Had a quick hunt for an avi or something but couldn’t find anything.


          The boat could not have been that large if it was moored in 5 feet of water. Nuts all the same though.

          The kids in the roundabout clip were stupid but I feel a bit sorry for them. Dumb as it is, it’s the kind of thing that I might have once done ‘for a laugh’ when I was 13-14 and not really thought about the consequences.


            Good old crawley! :laugh_at: :laugh_at: :laugh_at: :laugh_at: :laugh_at: :laugh_at:

            Shit Robot

              Mast looked to be about 35 feet or so.Moored,thats the word I was looking for,if it aint got pedals and handlebars Im useless

              General Lighting

                theres far worse TBH amongst people who try and set up stunts for their youtube etc videos

                some bloke actually managed to torch this young girl (and seriously burn himself) by trying to recreate a stunt where flourescent lamp tubes filled with petrol were smashed over someone and lit…

                he escaped jail but both of them are scarred for life..


                  lets just hope the girls didnt get hurt and learnt something from this…:you_crazy

                  General Lighting
                    raj wrote:
                    lets just hope the girls didnt get hurt and learnt something from this…:you_crazy

                    cops checked all NHS emergency departments and no girls of that description had presented there with serious injuries so I expect they had a lucky escape

                    provided you don’t hit anything solid along the way, rolling along the concrete even at 20mph is only going to land you with minor scrapes and bruises – as I found out some years ago after dodgy road surface caused me to fall off my bike…)

                      raj wrote:
                      lets just hope the girls didnt get hurt and learnt something from this…:you_crazy

                      They r OK!

                      Sorry did not read G-L’s post. . . .

                      General Lighting

                        the lad with the motorbike has been identified and has to go to the cops on Saturday for a bollocking (they can’t actually charge him for much as no one has been hurt)

                        He has already made a statement to the media strongly warning others against trying such a stunt.


                          Pretty bloody stupid idea but the girls seemed quite willing


                            :you_crazy :you_crazy How stupid can you get…The girls dont look like they are pressured in to doing that…but the guys are older,they should try and think..cant figure out who are the most stupid of them:you_crazy :you_crazy

                            General Lighting
                              Sound-Guy wrote:
                              Pretty bloody stupid idea but the girls seemed quite willing

                              the lad said he had previously tried the stunt with a pedal cycle and presumably hadn’t considered the effect the increase of speed would have had with regard to centrifugal force. (do they not teach you this stuff in school any more?)

                              Actually thinking way back to some time in the early 1980s I’m sure me and my mates back in Reading did try this (with a pedal bike) – it would have been around 1985 or so – there was a teachers’ strike so often lessons would be cancelled and you would be allowed to roam the neighbourhood (or more correctly no one was there to stop you).

                              We took turns to pedal the bike/get on the roundabout and no one was hurt (the speed was naturally limited by the fact that this is quite strenuous) but some do-gooder like an off duty dinner lady saw us and told the school – there were words about this “unsafe practice” in assembly.

                              shortly afterwards the roundabout was removed from the rec in its entirety as it was “unsafe” (same happened to many others around the county).


                                the lad said he had previously tried the stunt with a pedal cycle and presumably hadn’t considered the effect the increase of speed would have had with regard to centrifugal force. (do they not teach you this stuff in school any more?)

                                You dont need to be taught this, its bloody common sense. At the end of the day there just stupid and got no respect!. If this happened to my little sister by sum prick on a ped i would wrap a golf club around him and his bike!!!!

                                General Lighting
                                  Sound-Guy wrote:
                                  You dont need to be taught this, its bloody common sense. At the end of the day there just stupid and got no respect!. If this happened to my little sister by sum prick on a ped i would wrap a golf club around him and his bike!!!!

                                  true – TBH though many people didn’t have much more common sense or respect in the 1980s/early 90s and girls got treated as badly if not worse.

                                  There are plenty of harsher things that happened to people in my area that nowadays the people doing it would have got nicked for…

                                  It was only that mopeds were harder to get hold of and if you could afford one you wouldn’t risk fucking it up trying a stunt like this.

                                  Perhaps though people were slightly more worried about getting in trouble or hurting someone else.

                                  OTOH DIY justice was just as common if not more so. The problem is though that either the little shit you take action against grasses you up; you go to HMP or YOI and his bigger brother (or his mates) are already in the same slammer… or you get form for violence and can’t get a job – or alternatively it ends up in your house getting bricked / your bike being torched / your other family members being attacked until the feds eventually get called in by somebody (often the neighbours annoyed at all the racket)

                                  before cops had airwave radios our crew used to hear loads of stuff like this on the scanner.. stuff like grown men chasing chav kids down the street with knifes and axes, peoples houses being done over, feuds would last generations this way (West Berkshire was best(worse?) for this sort of stuff, kept the feds so busy for years they couldn’t do anything about Ridgeway raves!)

                                  probably better the bobbies and media got to him first…


                                    it is quite funny seeing those two idiot girls flying through the air

                                    darwin will sort them out

                                    General Lighting
                                      globalloon wrote:
                                      it is quite funny seeing those two idiot girls flying through the air

                                      darwin will sort them out

                                      TBH they have all learnt their lesson I expect. The family of the lad who did it was quite brave to actually let their details be printed; lots of chavs are perfectly happy to carry out “DIY justice” against a “criminal” (after all he’s got at least one moped they could nick and/or torch!)

                                      consider that one of the guys who got an ASBO for raves got his house done over and his decks robbed the week after his name was in the paper….

                                      Techno Viking



                                          i used to live in crawly .. what a fooknig shit hole …most of the people there are chav scum .. i used to hang around in the skate park with the cool kids and you would get idiots like the guys on the video doing stupid shit like that .. even tho they didn’t know how to skate they would try stupid stunts and get hurt .. lol ..serves them right as they normaly would of stolen the skate board/bike off some one any way …


                                            OMG i wanna try that but do it with a superbike not a pussy whipped little moped


                                              DJCliffy wrote:
                                              OMG i wanna try that but do it with a superbike not a pussywhipped little moped :crazy:

                                              yeah i got the idea to do that now … lol … i bet i wouldn’t fall off either …


                                                I wouldn’t fall off because i would get someone to gaffer tape me to the spinning device and have a camcorder strapped to my head for effect. I reckon it would be slightly worthwhile.


                                                  DJCliffy wrote:
                                                  I wouldn’t fall off because i would get someone to gaffer tape me to the spinning device and have a camcorder strapped to my head for effect. I reckon it would be slightly worthwhile.:you_crazy

                                                  yeah just tie rope around your feet and the roundabout .. then you can fly like a kite in circuls .. haha that would be well fun …


                                                    My son was very impressed with those girls..

                                                    They can fly…

                                                    “Do we have roundabouts here” he asked


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                                                  Forums The Vibe Chat Tilgate Park Chicks Flung Off Spinny Spin / CRAWLEY