Forums The Vibe Introductions the purple fairy has arrived

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  • #1035800

      hello evrybody….havent seen this place new as u probably guessed.well anyways my name is hattie im into music in all forms go clubbing a lot in brighton but my bro has got me into the free party scene so i thought id log sad to see the summers about to go back to sleep so need party news to cheer me up!if anybody can say hay that would also make me v.smiley.remember kids-never drink bongwater,it will only make u feel grumpy.
      love from the one with the vertical hair.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      Techno Viking

        Welcome to the site purple fairy. Having someone as positive sounding as you do, join us is always a blessing.

        So, how’s life in brighton treating you?


          Brighton is sweet, i love that place


            aah thankyou i do try and be positive 🙂 life in brighton is just fabulous right now but getting expensive….soon i might have to get a job…,im sure it wont go that far….

            im actually hearing about a lot of free raves in goodwood at the moment,so im thinking:maybe brighton is getting old and its time to take my fairy dust someplace new?never thought id say that,but there you go-sometimes in life you have to kiss goodbye to the things you love.but let me know what u think.

            big hugs and weed-smelling kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            Techno Viking

              Having to leave Brighton is getting pretty common these days, it seems like a shame.

              Anyway there’s definately something on in your area this weekend, so keep your ears open… 🙂

              General Lighting

                Originally posted by PuRpLe_KooKy
                hello evrybody….havent seen this place new as u probably guessed.well anyways my name is hattie im into music in all forms go clubbing a lot in brighton but my bro has got me into the free party scene so i thought id log sad to see the summers about to go back to sleep so need party news to cheer me up![/quote]

                every cloud has a silver lining = winter and recession means commercial propertys which cannot be let are sometimes abandoned and left insecure 😉

                the winter isn’t that bad if ppl work together 2 make it better….

                remember kids-never drink bongwater,it will only make u feel grumpy.
                love from the one with the vertical hair.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                LOL! I would have thought ne1 who could drink and hold down bong water is either on a comedown or has run out of everything else 😉 but I am certainly not going to try it myself!


                  A friend of mine drunk the vodka we were using as a water substitute for a bong. He promptly threw his guts up in 0.5 seconds flat.

                  Hello Purple Kooky! Welcome to Partyvibe!

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                Forums The Vibe Introductions the purple fairy has arrived