Forums The Vibe Chat The HAPPY Thread! Opposite Of Rant Thread

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  • #1215276
    MC G-Tek

      @Mezz 538389 wrote:

      With a bottle of E’s you could charm a long line of hotties to follow you to the party like the popeyed piper

      That’s a brilliant plan man, I could live with that!


        Party at Mezz’s!!!

        The Psyentist

          I typed ‘techno goose’ into my search engine and these images came up[ATTACH=CONFIG]84222[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]84223[/ATTACH]


            Did a 20 mile bike ride yesterday and a 12 mile bike ride today.
            Also hit the weights hard yesterday..

            Pumped and so much motivation


              @The Psyentist 539185 wrote:

              I typed ‘techno goose’ into my search engine and these images came up[ATTACH=CONFIG]84222[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]84223[/ATTACH]

              I have a feeling we have upset the google search engine by making so many faberge egg posts on a dance music website. LOLCANO

              Techno goose
              trance goose
              drum and bass goose
              breakbeat goose
              hardcore goose
              psytrance goose
              faberge eggs

              Lets hope that that adds to the disorder.

              General Lighting

                youtube already think I am a Dutch farmer in Drenthe who runs a pirate radio station (even the cat videos often come up in Dutch), interspersed with film of tractors, poultrykeeping, piratenliedjes in NL/NDS and DE, and demonstrations of 50kW FM transmitters..


                  Oh the reason I came here;

                  Fucking mega happy because I went to price up a kushy job 2 mins down the road and the old bitch only went and went for the deal. Obviously logtech doesn’t disclose customer information but 2 fucking grand!!! Obviously my expenses and materials have to come out of it but that still leaves me with like £1500. I’m gonna start ripping up her lawn tomoz cos I need to level it and get some new good turf and lay that mother fucker down. Then it’s a simple case of making the border look nice which is a piece of piss cos she has fuck all in her flower beds anyway. I’m just gonna go get some nice cheap pansies and tulips. I’m gonna have to get them in quick though and prey no squirrels sniff em out and dig the fuckers up like they have done to me so many times before. ANYWAY i’m drifting. So this will only take me a few weeks or maybe 3 Collecting the deposit 2moz and hopfully gonna try and abduct a 16 or 17 year old lad o do some wheelbarrowing and stuff for me. I would like to have someone older but I can’t afford like 40 tot50 jib a day. 25 or 30 maximum and only for like 5 days. I know it sounds harsh but that’s what I started on when I was a nipper. Also i’m not gonna be working the crap out of him. I have a couple of lads in mind but i’m pretty sure one of them is gonna let me down and shit by not turning up. But the other one might be ok.

                  But anyway i’m so fucking happy that I have landed this job. Along with that and the sunshine I feel really fucking happy 🙂

                  Although I do have to wait ages for the big chunk of money but it kinda sorts out my ticket money for september and if I can save some of it for spending cash too. I do have another bigish job in may but it is gonna be mega hard work as I have to do paving and shit ans TBH it’s not exactly my trade. I can do it but I would rather not cos I don’t like cement and mixing etc. I prefer soil and grass and flowers etc.

                  So who’s gonna join me in a mid day cuppa tea to celebrate?


                    Oh I know i’m shouting about it on here but people who know me on FB i’m going to try and keep this under my hat cos my family will be all like “MONIES”


                      @thelog 539485 wrote:

                      So who’s gonna join me in a mid day cuppa tea to celebrate?

                      *Mezz raises a cuppa*

                      MC G-Tek

                        Nice one loggy mate, well chuffed for ya man. Don’t spend all that money on sweets though, save some for chemicals too!

                        General Lighting

                          Tired but happy as in the daytime been hauling stuff for a kitchen rebuild in my house (an indian dude who is a friend of some work colleagues is doing most of the building work and plumbing as though I can do maintenance, I am no builder).

                          Nothing spectacular there (partly an attempt to create a more masculine “North European” design at a fraction of what the proper stuff costs (€20000 for a Keller)) – as mine was fucked anyway, the sink was going to go through the worktop as water was leaking on it and it had been put together by some bodge merchants… (the pipes had no supports etc)

                          I got the builder to save the reasonably intact worktops and two of the cupboards to use in my studio upstairs…


                          This isn’t finished yet, all the equipment needs to be connected up again for one thing and its way too late to start using a hole saw to drill the cable access holes – the idea is that “dinosaurus” laptop (6 year old laptop with cooked battery that is used for audio level monitoring, streaming and carts playout) and the screen next to it (connected to a PC below I built out of two what would have gone to WEEE scrap container) are lined up at the same height as the other 3…that old PC will be used to process traffic from my radio scanner (it can log all the frequencies etc) and maybe skype if a 2001 era PC with WinXP will even run it…

                          Also will go through the pile of recovered wood/MDF to see what is worth keeping, can use some of the blocks as monitor speaker stands (rather than a pile of books) and to mount the LED indicators properly (the ones for mic live and which monitor circuits are selected..) and hide the plastic crates and other tat (everything is designed so I can still move it if needed as some of the damn plumbing for the central heating is still below all this, including the important pump, hopefully it stays working for a few more years)

                          But now I will have a couple of beers before bedtime, managed to find some old skool Grolsch with the beugelfles (swing top bottle). It is the real stuff too, not the UK-brewed kattenpis sold in cans that unfortunately is sold as Grolsch here… Proost!


                            *drool* I’ve got about a 2% attention span but i think i could never get ‘bored’ in there!

                            General Lighting

                              Compared to what folk have for their home studio and workshops in NL, DE (and probably DK too) that is basic stuff to be fair. One German chap pointed out that in many parts of Northern Europe the weather is so abysmal for half the year (and one of his other hobbies is meteorology so I fully believe him) making many outdoor activities a chore so its often worth having a decent space indoors for recreation…


                                Yeah it is like that in scotland too (needing to compose indoor activities)
                                Some of my mates do have some pretty cool stuff as you’ll know like corky raj and Noname and that, but apart from them, your setup looks wicked fun. I think we in scotland spend too much money on getting wasted rather than saving up for things like this :laugh_at:


                                  Just got through to the second stage of a job interview I really really really want.


                                    @photographthesun 541465 wrote:

                                    Just got through to the second stage of a job interview I really really really want.

                                    Good luck !


                                      @photographthesun 541465 wrote:

                                      Just got through to the second stage of a job interview I really really really want.

                                      Congrats mate, hope you go all the way………….. so long as the interviewer’s a hottie lol


                                        cheers folks

                                        MC G-Tek

                                          Happy days, I’m now an official auto-complete option on Youtube, tiny triumph for the weekend!

                                          Oh, and Man Utd only need 3 points to win the league now – and will hopefully get them tomorrow!

                                          Tank Girl

                                            Marcus found £100 in a drawer I’d hidden and forgotten about 🙂

                                            MC G-Tek

                                              @Tank Girl 541707 wrote:

                                              Marcus found £100 in a drawer I’d hidden and forgotten about 🙂

                                              Result mate!

                                              The Psyentist
                                                Tank Girl

                                                  @MC G-Tek 541709 wrote:

                                                  Result mate!

                                                  Esp as I brought 5 pairs of boots last week :0


                                                    @Tank Girl 541707 wrote:

                                                    Marcus found £100 in a drawer I’d hidden and forgotten about 🙂

                                                    Had you hidden from him ?

                                                    Tank Girl

                                                      @Mezz 541719 wrote:

                                                      Had you hidden from him ?

                                                      probably hid it whilst drunk thinking it wasn’t good to have it lying about, lucky he’s honest!

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat The HAPPY Thread! Opposite Of Rant Thread