Forums The Vibe Chat The HAPPY Thread! Opposite Of Rant Thread

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  • #1210107
    General Lighting

      @know_hope 496596 wrote:


      The Ocelot was a favoutie pet and it’s name was Babou. On one occasion Dali took his pet ocelot to a fashionable New York restaurant and tied its lead to a leg of his table prior to ordering. A woman, walking past, stopped and protested at the fact that wild animals were being allowed in. Dali calmly replied that it was only a cat that he’d painted in op-art style. Recognising Dali, the woman became embarrassed and looked closer. “Now I can see it’s a cat,” she said. “At first, I thought it was an ocelot.” :laugh_at:

      a friend of mine had to work on the access control for an ocelot enclosure somewhere outside Alyesbury (a private collection). the cats are classed as dangerous wild animal here (though no worse behaved than a big siamese) they were confined to a smaller cage whilst he was working and glared at him and hissed him throughout.





          General Lighting

            in the Middle east and South Asia there are numerous mouse-like hamsters, which are neither mouse nor hamster


            Mouse-like hamster – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


              Broke even on poker night, did some pretty good coke but somehow lost to a guy that was so ketemised that he couldnt stand up. Theres no point bluffing against an oponent with hundreds of thousands in chips and has no idea what is going on. T’was a great night though.


                @Chrispydelic 497711 wrote:

                Broke even on poker night, did some pretty good coke but somehow lost to a guy that was so ketemised that he couldnt stand up. Theres no point bluffing against an oponent with hundreds of thousands in chips and has no idea what is going on. T’was a great night though.

                so thats y they wear sunglasses on tv… they’re all k’d up

                Tank Girl

                  ~OOOhhh, been offered a job I went for –

                  not the full time 37.5 hour post but a 30 hour week,

                  I have done my sums and think I can just about afford to take it

                  I am really excited, (as long as my sums are right!!!) just need to discuss the offer with HR tomorrow but I am pretty darn happy 🙂

                  and the prospect of working 4 days a week is well good!!!

                  The Psyentist

                    Good luck with that TankGirl


                      i went to my middle sons firist secondry skool pt meeting and hes doin great yay! and me and mr n.r.g found out we are having a fourth son !


                        after an eleven year gap

                        Tank Girl

                          had really good feedback from someone who I really (really!) enjoyed working with who cant read or write very well,

                          written in to my service after working with me, to say thank you

                          this (Pavee) guy really made my day 🙂 as he didnt have to do this


                            There IS a god!!


                              Monday my best friend in the world got a MASSIVE (or at least… big enuff) grant from an arty art Uncle Scrooge Shiny Money Vault foundation sort of thing to rent tools+coolest ever workshop for sculpting (for a full 18 months). Pretty epic. 5 years of trying to squeeze money out of everything with money in it, for a mad dream that everything with money in it has categorically said can’t possibly ever even pay for itself.

                              Is it proof not everybody with an annual income of £500,000+ is per definition oozing evil like Ebola victims ooze bodily fluids? I’m thinking it just might be 🙂

                              …. Plus, he’s hired me (with, like, monetary compensation & stuffs) to paint it.
                              Wait… Is it an atelier if it’s on the ground floor? Or should that go in the Ask Everything thread?

                              @WicKLe 508293 wrote:

                              There IS a god!!

                              Please, please tell me vegans can eat that!

                              General Lighting

                                @dis 508756 wrote:

                                …. Plus, he’s hired me (with, like, monetary compensation & stuffs) to paint it.
                                Wait… Is it an atelier if it’s on the ground floor?

                                Today it can be on any floor of the building. Atelier is merely French for workshop but has got adopted by many Northern European languages as a word specifically for an artists workshop – where it makes sense to have good light there and preferably daylight (at least until Philips, Osram and others invented “daylight type” lamps). so they were built with big windows to face North.

                                (This is explained in the Wikipedia entries for artists studios in NL and DE but not in English, as in English “atelier” is used as a word for European art from a particular period, or to denote a method of art teaching/apprenticeship.)

                                But I can see why it makes sense to put a sculptors workshop on the ground floor – as the end products could be very heavy!

                                NL : Een ideaal atelier heeft ruimte en veel daglicht. Daarom wordt het traditionele atelier vaak ingericht op de zolder van gebouwen, waar met enkele ingrepen grote vensters zijn te maken. Ateliers worden ook wel ingericht in voormalige schoollokalen en fabriekshallen die goede daklichten hebben. Spreekt men van atelierramen, dan bedoelt men hoge op het noorden gelegen ramen.

                                DE : Bei einem Atelier eines Künstlers der bildenden Kunst (Maler, Fotograf etc.) ist eine gute Belichtung mit Tageslicht von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung; daher sind hier Dachateliers häufig, die nach Norden ausgerichtet sind (gleichmäßiger Lichteinfall)



                                  How can I feel like I hate the world on one day and then wake up the nx feeling so lucky to be alive. Must be the menapause


                                    Thursday… not quite Friday but it will do for now 🙂


                                      I love my wife


                                        i love waking up to a prominant winky

                                        The Psyentist

                                          Combine the previous 2 posts (except gf not wife) and that’s why I’m happy!


                                            halfway to weekend… hang in there 🙂


                                              Recovered from my illness in just 2 days.
                                              Celebrated by having a fucking brutal workout to some trance
                                              Lifes good indeed raaa


                                                Chuc mot ngay moi vui ve hanh phuc
                                                Hay cung nhau dong gop nhung bai viet that hay cho dien dan nay.
                                                Cam on tat ca.


                                                  I know exactly what you mean mate, although i don’t speak Vietnamese (I assume thats where you’re from due to the .vn in your location)


                                                    I’m so very happy that I currently have my liver cancer under control and in check! I should have been gone a long time ago, but know that God must really need me here for something great in my near future for Him to have kept my life going as long as He has.
                                                    It started out with only Hepatitis-C in 1994, but I wasn’t aware of my condition until 1999 during a blood test to see why my liver enzymes were so high. This condition is what led to me developing liver cancer, but like I said, I’m so happy it’s under control.
                                                    I have a wonderful daughter and a gorgeous son now and both are as healthy as an Ox! I’m so very proud of both of them for being who they are and for my second child, Kyle, who’s such a very kind and giving little boy!
                                                    I couldn’t ask for more!!! I’m in love with my kids and they’re both in love with me and this makes me grateful to be alive and to wake up each and every morning having them both on my mind. ~~~~~

                                                    Tank Girl

                                                      I am a happy bear 🙂

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat The HAPPY Thread! Opposite Of Rant Thread