- This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated April 10, 2008 at 11:57 am by KDW32.
April 7, 2008 at 5:20 pm #1044193
I’ve just noticed the party info section off shockraver’s been took down
April 7, 2008 at 5:23 pm #1160067from reading that info there, fair play to em.:wink:
April 7, 2008 at 5:23 pm #1217937from reading that info there, fair play to em.:wink:
April 7, 2008 at 5:36 pm #1160068Its a shame it was a very usefull resource for those ravers with wandering feet. I am not suprised though I was at a few raves in Italy last year. I was particulally suprised at the sausage and crack shop that setup and the attendence of the french red cross tent showing videos on hep and handing out meth scripts :crazy:
April 7, 2008 at 5:36 pm #1217938Its a shame it was a very usefull resource for those ravers with wandering feet. I am not suprised though I was at a few raves in Italy last year. I was particulally suprised at the sausage and crack shop that setup and the attendence of the french red cross tent showing videos on hep and handing out meth scripts :crazy:
April 8, 2008 at 4:30 am #1160064StAy UnDeRgRoUnD.
tHiS Is tHe 0nLy ReAsOn wHy tHe iNfoPaRtY SeCtIoN Is aCtUaLLy cLoSeD. tHiS Is n0t tHe eNd 0f ShoCkRaVer tRaNsMiSsIoNs, bUt a LaSt AttEmPt 2 SaVe the UnDeRgRoUnD tEkNo MoVeMeNt. y0u WoNt NeeD ShoCkRaVeR’s iNfo aNyMoRe 2 fInD tHe PartY, y0u WiLL fInD It In a dIffErEnt wAy… aSk 2 y0uR fRiEnDs aNd LooK 4 iNfo aRoUnD y0u, bUt pLeAsE: DoNt SeNd mE aNy E-mAiLs aSkInG 4 tHiS iNfo. We aRe aLL InVoLvEd wItH cHaNgInG tHe ShIt InSiDe fReE PaRtIeS (aBoVe aLL In ItaLy), aNd It iS a tAsK 0f aLL 2:St0p PoLiCaL rEpReSsIoN
St0p dRuGs BuSiNeSs iNsIdE tHe PaRtY
pReVeNt tHe dIy CuLtUrE fRoM LoSiNg ItS oRiGiNaL mEaNiNg…
Let’S aLL StaRt t0gEtHeR 2 fIgHt tHe RottEn aSpEct 0f tHe UnDeRgRoUnD… Let’S aCt… NoW!tHiNgS cAn ChAnGe If We aLL tRy 2 HaVe a p0sItIvE AttItUdE In aLL UnDeRgRoUnD eNvIr0nMeNtS. uNc0nScIoUsNeSs, tHoUgHtLeSsNeSs aNd gReEd aRe tHe MaIn cAuSe 0f tHe dEgEnErAtIoN n0t aLLoWeD aNyMoRe.
If aNy0nE foLLoWeD tHeSe No-RuLes, eVeRitHiNg WoULd Be EaSIeR.
tAz Is a fReE pLaCe, wHeRe tHe VeRtIcALLy PoWeR Is SpoNtAnEoUsLy SuBstItuDeD By oRiZoNtAL SyStEm 0f ReLatIoNsHiPs… Is aN eXpErIeNcE wHiCh CaN dIsApPeAr wHeN tHe RePrEssIvE pReSSuRe BeCoMeS t00 StRoNg, 2 ReFORm iN 0tHeR pLaCeS aNd dIffErEnt aGeS, cHaNgInG NaMe aNd IdEntItY; It’S a MeNtaL SpAcE, WhErE y0u CaN Go, RuNNiNg AwAy fRoM tHe InDuCeD NeCeSsItIeS aNd fRoM tHe CoNdItIoNiNgS, 2 SuRpRiSe tHe eNeMy dIsAppEaRiNg fRoM hIs sIgHt….
tAz Is LiKe a pLaCe, pHysIc aNd MeNtaL, wHeRe pEoPLe CaN fReELy aSSoSiAtE, wItH No wRittEn RuLeS 2 SuBmIt, bUt FoLLoWiNg CoMMoN IdEaLs, In wHiCh eVeRyoNe CaN fReELy eXpReSs hIs IdEaS aNd hIs wAy 0f tHiNkInG, CoNfRoNtInG EaCh 0tHeR… SuCh aS a fReE SoCiEtY BaSeD oN SoLiDaRitY, fReE aSSoCiAtIoN 0f IdEaS aNd Pe0pLe…
tHiS Is oUr tAz tHe tAz CoNcEpt By hAkIm bEy
April 8, 2008 at 4:30 am #1217934StAy UnDeRgRoUnD.
tHiS Is tHe 0nLy ReAsOn wHy tHe iNfoPaRtY SeCtIoN Is aCtUaLLy cLoSeD. tHiS Is n0t tHe eNd 0f ShoCkRaVer tRaNsMiSsIoNs, bUt a LaSt AttEmPt 2 SaVe the UnDeRgRoUnD tEkNo MoVeMeNt. y0u WoNt NeeD ShoCkRaVeR’s iNfo aNyMoRe 2 fInD tHe PartY, y0u WiLL fInD It In a dIffErEnt wAy… aSk 2 y0uR fRiEnDs aNd LooK 4 iNfo aRoUnD y0u, bUt pLeAsE: DoNt SeNd mE aNy E-mAiLs aSkInG 4 tHiS iNfo. We aRe aLL InVoLvEd wItH cHaNgInG tHe ShIt InSiDe fReE PaRtIeS (aBoVe aLL In ItaLy), aNd It iS a tAsK 0f aLL 2:St0p PoLiCaL rEpReSsIoN
St0p dRuGs BuSiNeSs iNsIdE tHe PaRtY
pReVeNt tHe dIy CuLtUrE fRoM LoSiNg ItS oRiGiNaL mEaNiNg…
Let’S aLL StaRt t0gEtHeR 2 fIgHt tHe RottEn aSpEct 0f tHe UnDeRgRoUnD… Let’S aCt… NoW!tHiNgS cAn ChAnGe If We aLL tRy 2 HaVe a p0sItIvE AttItUdE In aLL UnDeRgRoUnD eNvIr0nMeNtS. uNc0nScIoUsNeSs, tHoUgHtLeSsNeSs aNd gReEd aRe tHe MaIn cAuSe 0f tHe dEgEnErAtIoN n0t aLLoWeD aNyMoRe.
If aNy0nE foLLoWeD tHeSe No-RuLes, eVeRitHiNg WoULd Be EaSIeR.
tAz Is a fReE pLaCe, wHeRe tHe VeRtIcALLy PoWeR Is SpoNtAnEoUsLy SuBstItuDeD By oRiZoNtAL SyStEm 0f ReLatIoNsHiPs… Is aN eXpErIeNcE wHiCh CaN dIsApPeAr wHeN tHe RePrEssIvE pReSSuRe BeCoMeS t00 StRoNg, 2 ReFORm iN 0tHeR pLaCeS aNd dIffErEnt aGeS, cHaNgInG NaMe aNd IdEntItY; It’S a MeNtaL SpAcE, WhErE y0u CaN Go, RuNNiNg AwAy fRoM tHe InDuCeD NeCeSsItIeS aNd fRoM tHe CoNdItIoNiNgS, 2 SuRpRiSe tHe eNeMy dIsAppEaRiNg fRoM hIs sIgHt….
tAz Is LiKe a pLaCe, pHysIc aNd MeNtaL, wHeRe pEoPLe CaN fReELy aSSoSiAtE, wItH No wRittEn RuLeS 2 SuBmIt, bUt FoLLoWiNg CoMMoN IdEaLs, In wHiCh eVeRyoNe CaN fReELy eXpReSs hIs IdEaS aNd hIs wAy 0f tHiNkInG, CoNfRoNtInG EaCh 0tHeR… SuCh aS a fReE SoCiEtY BaSeD oN SoLiDaRitY, fReE aSSoCiAtIoN 0f IdEaS aNd Pe0pLe…
tHiS Is oUr tAz tHe tAz CoNcEpt By hAkIm bEy
April 8, 2008 at 11:38 am #1160069I beleive their website was featured on Italian TV.
April 8, 2008 at 11:38 am #1217939I beleive their website was featured on Italian TV.
April 8, 2008 at 11:47 am #1160066Dr Bunsen wrote:Looks like they need to fix their shift/caps lock key.
April 8, 2008 at 11:47 am #1217936Dr Bunsen wrote:Looks like they need to fix their shift/caps lock key.
April 10, 2008 at 11:57 am #1160065KDW32 wrote:sausage and crack shop that setupQuote:and the attendence of the french red cross tent showing videos on hep and handing out meth scripts :crazy:Quote:I beleive their website was featured on Italian TV.Clearly its not just “Norfolk” then – people everywhere seem to just take the piss and forget that drugs are actually illegal and that a lot of people loathe what we get up to and would rather we didn’t boast about it publically
Italy is now considering various “anti-rave” laws. I expect Mr Shockraver is probably being brave/stubborn but has had contact from the local plods too about the site content..
I wish they would write either in decent English or French than this fake “cyberpunk” type chat.
The sensible “cyberpunks” gave this all up in the 1990s – most of them got jobs in IT and just try to avoid being bangalored these days..
April 10, 2008 at 11:57 am #1217935KDW32 wrote:sausage and crack shop that setupQuote:and the attendence of the french red cross tent showing videos on hep and handing out meth scripts :crazy:Quote:I beleive their website was featured on Italian TV.Clearly its not just “Norfolk” then – people everywhere seem to just take the piss and forget that drugs are actually illegal and that a lot of people loathe what we get up to and would rather we didn’t boast about it publically
Italy is now considering various “anti-rave” laws. I expect Mr Shockraver is probably being brave/stubborn but has had contact from the local plods too about the site content..
I wish they would write either in decent English or French than this fake “cyberpunk” type chat.
The sensible “cyberpunks” gave this all up in the 1990s – most of them got jobs in IT and just try to avoid being bangalored these days..
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