Forums The Vibe Chat Shockraver

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  • #1044193

      I’ve just noticed the party info section off shockraver’s been took down


        from reading that info there, fair play to em.:wink:


          from reading that info there, fair play to em.:wink:


            Its a shame it was a very usefull resource for those ravers with wandering feet. I am not suprised though I was at a few raves in Italy last year. I was particulally suprised at the sausage and crack shop that setup and the attendence of the french red cross tent showing videos on hep and handing out meth scripts :crazy:


              Its a shame it was a very usefull resource for those ravers with wandering feet. I am not suprised though I was at a few raves in Italy last year. I was particulally suprised at the sausage and crack shop that setup and the attendence of the french red cross tent showing videos on hep and handing out meth scripts :crazy:

              Techno Viking

                StAy UnDeRgRoUnD.

                tHiS Is tHe 0nLy ReAsOn wHy tHe iNfoPaRtY SeCtIoN Is aCtUaLLy cLoSeD. tHiS Is n0t tHe eNd 0f ShoCkRaVer tRaNsMiSsIoNs, bUt a LaSt AttEmPt 2 SaVe the UnDeRgRoUnD tEkNo MoVeMeNt. y0u WoNt NeeD ShoCkRaVeR’s iNfo aNyMoRe 2 fInD tHe PartY, y0u WiLL fInD It In a dIffErEnt wAy… aSk 2 y0uR fRiEnDs aNd LooK 4 iNfo aRoUnD y0u, bUt pLeAsE: DoNt SeNd mE aNy E-mAiLs aSkInG 4 tHiS iNfo. We aRe aLL InVoLvEd wItH cHaNgInG tHe ShIt InSiDe fReE PaRtIeS (aBoVe aLL In ItaLy), aNd It iS a tAsK 0f aLL 2:

                St0p PoLiCaL rEpReSsIoN

                St0p dRuGs BuSiNeSs iNsIdE tHe PaRtY

                pReVeNt tHe dIy CuLtUrE fRoM LoSiNg ItS oRiGiNaL mEaNiNg…
                Let’S aLL StaRt t0gEtHeR 2 fIgHt tHe RottEn aSpEct 0f tHe UnDeRgRoUnD… Let’S aCt… NoW!

                tHiNgS cAn ChAnGe If We aLL tRy 2 HaVe a p0sItIvE AttItUdE In aLL UnDeRgRoUnD eNvIr0nMeNtS. uNc0nScIoUsNeSs, tHoUgHtLeSsNeSs aNd gReEd aRe tHe MaIn cAuSe 0f tHe dEgEnErAtIoN n0t aLLoWeD aNyMoRe.

                If aNy0nE foLLoWeD tHeSe No-RuLes, eVeRitHiNg WoULd Be EaSIeR.


                tAz Is a fReE pLaCe, wHeRe tHe VeRtIcALLy PoWeR Is SpoNtAnEoUsLy SuBstItuDeD By oRiZoNtAL SyStEm 0f ReLatIoNsHiPs… Is aN eXpErIeNcE wHiCh CaN dIsApPeAr wHeN tHe RePrEssIvE pReSSuRe BeCoMeS t00 StRoNg, 2 ReFORm iN 0tHeR pLaCeS aNd dIffErEnt aGeS, cHaNgInG NaMe aNd IdEntItY; It’S a MeNtaL SpAcE, WhErE y0u CaN Go, RuNNiNg AwAy fRoM tHe InDuCeD NeCeSsItIeS aNd fRoM tHe CoNdItIoNiNgS, 2 SuRpRiSe tHe eNeMy dIsAppEaRiNg fRoM hIs sIgHt….

                tAz Is LiKe a pLaCe, pHysIc aNd MeNtaL, wHeRe pEoPLe CaN fReELy aSSoSiAtE, wItH No wRittEn RuLeS 2 SuBmIt, bUt FoLLoWiNg CoMMoN IdEaLs, In wHiCh eVeRyoNe CaN fReELy eXpReSs hIs IdEaS aNd hIs wAy 0f tHiNkInG, CoNfRoNtInG EaCh 0tHeR… SuCh aS a fReE SoCiEtY BaSeD oN SoLiDaRitY, fReE aSSoCiAtIoN 0f IdEaS aNd Pe0pLe…

                tHiS Is oUr tAz tHe tAz CoNcEpt By hAkIm bEy


                Techno Viking

                  StAy UnDeRgRoUnD.

                  tHiS Is tHe 0nLy ReAsOn wHy tHe iNfoPaRtY SeCtIoN Is aCtUaLLy cLoSeD. tHiS Is n0t tHe eNd 0f ShoCkRaVer tRaNsMiSsIoNs, bUt a LaSt AttEmPt 2 SaVe the UnDeRgRoUnD tEkNo MoVeMeNt. y0u WoNt NeeD ShoCkRaVeR’s iNfo aNyMoRe 2 fInD tHe PartY, y0u WiLL fInD It In a dIffErEnt wAy… aSk 2 y0uR fRiEnDs aNd LooK 4 iNfo aRoUnD y0u, bUt pLeAsE: DoNt SeNd mE aNy E-mAiLs aSkInG 4 tHiS iNfo. We aRe aLL InVoLvEd wItH cHaNgInG tHe ShIt InSiDe fReE PaRtIeS (aBoVe aLL In ItaLy), aNd It iS a tAsK 0f aLL 2:

                  St0p PoLiCaL rEpReSsIoN

                  St0p dRuGs BuSiNeSs iNsIdE tHe PaRtY

                  pReVeNt tHe dIy CuLtUrE fRoM LoSiNg ItS oRiGiNaL mEaNiNg…
                  Let’S aLL StaRt t0gEtHeR 2 fIgHt tHe RottEn aSpEct 0f tHe UnDeRgRoUnD… Let’S aCt… NoW!

                  tHiNgS cAn ChAnGe If We aLL tRy 2 HaVe a p0sItIvE AttItUdE In aLL UnDeRgRoUnD eNvIr0nMeNtS. uNc0nScIoUsNeSs, tHoUgHtLeSsNeSs aNd gReEd aRe tHe MaIn cAuSe 0f tHe dEgEnErAtIoN n0t aLLoWeD aNyMoRe.

                  If aNy0nE foLLoWeD tHeSe No-RuLes, eVeRitHiNg WoULd Be EaSIeR.


                  tAz Is a fReE pLaCe, wHeRe tHe VeRtIcALLy PoWeR Is SpoNtAnEoUsLy SuBstItuDeD By oRiZoNtAL SyStEm 0f ReLatIoNsHiPs… Is aN eXpErIeNcE wHiCh CaN dIsApPeAr wHeN tHe RePrEssIvE pReSSuRe BeCoMeS t00 StRoNg, 2 ReFORm iN 0tHeR pLaCeS aNd dIffErEnt aGeS, cHaNgInG NaMe aNd IdEntItY; It’S a MeNtaL SpAcE, WhErE y0u CaN Go, RuNNiNg AwAy fRoM tHe InDuCeD NeCeSsItIeS aNd fRoM tHe CoNdItIoNiNgS, 2 SuRpRiSe tHe eNeMy dIsAppEaRiNg fRoM hIs sIgHt….

                  tAz Is LiKe a pLaCe, pHysIc aNd MeNtaL, wHeRe pEoPLe CaN fReELy aSSoSiAtE, wItH No wRittEn RuLeS 2 SuBmIt, bUt FoLLoWiNg CoMMoN IdEaLs, In wHiCh eVeRyoNe CaN fReELy eXpReSs hIs IdEaS aNd hIs wAy 0f tHiNkInG, CoNfRoNtInG EaCh 0tHeR… SuCh aS a fReE SoCiEtY BaSeD oN SoLiDaRitY, fReE aSSoCiAtIoN 0f IdEaS aNd Pe0pLe…

                  tHiS Is oUr tAz tHe tAz CoNcEpt By hAkIm bEy



                    I beleive their website was featured on Italian TV.


                      I beleive their website was featured on Italian TV.

                        Dr Bunsen wrote:

                        Looks like they need to fix their shift/caps lock key.

                          Dr Bunsen wrote:

                          Looks like they need to fix their shift/caps lock key.

                          General Lighting
                            KDW32 wrote:
                            sausage and crack shop that setup
                            and the attendence of the french red cross tent showing videos on hep and handing out meth scripts :crazy:
                            I beleive their website was featured on Italian TV.

                            Clearly its not just “Norfolk” then – people everywhere seem to just take the piss and forget that drugs are actually illegal and that a lot of people loathe what we get up to and would rather we didn’t boast about it publically

                            Italy is now considering various “anti-rave” laws. I expect Mr Shockraver is probably being brave/stubborn but has had contact from the local plods too about the site content..

                            I wish they would write either in decent English or French than this fake “cyberpunk” type chat.

                            The sensible “cyberpunks” gave this all up in the 1990s – most of them got jobs in IT and just try to avoid being bangalored these days..

                            General Lighting
                              KDW32 wrote:
                              sausage and crack shop that setup
                              and the attendence of the french red cross tent showing videos on hep and handing out meth scripts :crazy:
                              I beleive their website was featured on Italian TV.

                              Clearly its not just “Norfolk” then – people everywhere seem to just take the piss and forget that drugs are actually illegal and that a lot of people loathe what we get up to and would rather we didn’t boast about it publically

                              Italy is now considering various “anti-rave” laws. I expect Mr Shockraver is probably being brave/stubborn but has had contact from the local plods too about the site content..

                              I wish they would write either in decent English or French than this fake “cyberpunk” type chat.

                              The sensible “cyberpunks” gave this all up in the 1990s – most of them got jobs in IT and just try to avoid being bangalored these days..

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                            Forums The Vibe Chat Shockraver