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  • #1171537

      You know, I mean to go out of there way to pay taxes, yet bask in the fruits of what taxes have paid for. Ie roads and hospitals which they will all use, while at the same time use all the services. TBF poly that comment wasnt really serious, but obviously taxes need to be paid. I you dont want to pay taxes go live in a field, dont send you kids to school, dont use the NHS, dont drive, then its fine. Just pisses me off when people preach about not paying taxes, in some misted, deluded hippy opinion.

      General Lighting

        I would think they already know of the rationalwiki site as I’ve seen it posted on their sites as well. A few of Exodus/Leviticus were mentioning freeman stuff as they thought it could stop them being busted for growing dope (it didn’t).

        @p0ly 454655 wrote:

        I’ve heard of people even someone i met in South of France who’s a musician called ‘Freeman’ (we hired him to come play at our house party) and he was able to avoid taxing his car.

        This has a much more to do with technical and operational limitations of ANPR and other computer networks used by the authorities, as well as budget cuts and there being less specialist traffic police around than before (and those what exist chasing after gary boys) than genuine legal loopholes. Even as recently as the mid 2000s someone who kept away from city areas outside peak hours could still drive a expired or non existent tax and without any license or paperwork at all and even be on the computer known for all this.

        And this was in what you would have thought was the most bait vehicle as well, one what wasn’t even originally from the UK but imported (so it has more info on VOSA record) it wasn’t me but a good friend I knew well in the area and spent a lot of time with.

        General Lighting

          I would think they already know of the rationalwiki site as I’ve seen it posted on their sites as well. A few of Exodus/Leviticus were mentioning freeman stuff as they thought it could stop them being busted for growing dope (it didn’t).

          @p0ly 454655 wrote:

          I’ve heard of people even someone i met in South of France who’s a musician called ‘Freeman’ (we hired him to come play at our house party) and he was able to avoid taxing his car.

          This has a much more to do with technical and operational limitations of ANPR and other computer networks used by the authorities, as well as budget cuts and there being less specialist traffic police around than before (and those what exist chasing after gary boys) than genuine legal loopholes. Even as recently as the mid 2000s someone who kept away from city areas outside peak hours could still drive a expired or non existent tax and without any license or paperwork at all and even be on the computer known for all this.

          And this was in what you would have thought was the most bait vehicle as well, one what wasn’t even originally from the UK but imported (so it has more info on VOSA record) it wasn’t me but a good friend I knew well in the area and spent a lot of time with.


            @TheLostOne 454659 wrote:

            You know, I mean to go out of there way to pay taxes, yet bask in the fruits of what taxes have paid for. Ie roads and hospitals which they will all use, while at the same time use all the services. TBF poly that comment wasnt really serious, but obviously taxes need to be paid. I you dont want to pay taxes go live in a field, dont send you kids to school, dont use the NHS, dont drive, then its fine. Just pisses me off when people preach about not paying taxes, in some misted, deluded hippy opinion.

            well blaming hippies because the system allows them to do something is not a fault in the person it’s a fault in the system.


              @TheLostOne 454659 wrote:

              You know, I mean to go out of there way to pay taxes, yet bask in the fruits of what taxes have paid for. Ie roads and hospitals which they will all use, while at the same time use all the services. TBF poly that comment wasnt really serious, but obviously taxes need to be paid. I you dont want to pay taxes go live in a field, dont send you kids to school, dont use the NHS, dont drive, then its fine. Just pisses me off when people preach about not paying taxes, in some misted, deluded hippy opinion.

              well blaming hippies because the system allows them to do something is not a fault in the person it’s a fault in the system.


                @General Lighting 454660 wrote:

                I would think they already know of the rationalwiki site as I’ve seen it posted on their sites as well. A few of Exodus/Leviticus were mentioning freeman stuff as they thought it could stop them being busted for growing dope (it didn’t).

                This has a much more to do with technical and operational limitations of ANPR and other computer networks used by the authorities, as well as budget cuts and there being less specialist traffic police around than before (and those what exist chasing after gary boys) than genuine legal loopholes. Even as recently as the mid 2000s someone who kept away from city areas outside peak hours could still drive a expired or non existent tax and without any license or paperwork at all and even be on the computer known for all this.

                And this was in what you would have thought was the most bait vehicle as well, one what wasn’t even originally from the UK but imported (so it has more info on VOSA record) it wasn’t me but a good friend I knew well in the area and spent a lot of time with.

                the thing is that article is clearly 100% biased against the whole thing. Do you honestly think the whole thing is complete rubbish and would never work in any circumstances????


                  @General Lighting 454660 wrote:

                  I would think they already know of the rationalwiki site as I’ve seen it posted on their sites as well. A few of Exodus/Leviticus were mentioning freeman stuff as they thought it could stop them being busted for growing dope (it didn’t).

                  This has a much more to do with technical and operational limitations of ANPR and other computer networks used by the authorities, as well as budget cuts and there being less specialist traffic police around than before (and those what exist chasing after gary boys) than genuine legal loopholes. Even as recently as the mid 2000s someone who kept away from city areas outside peak hours could still drive a expired or non existent tax and without any license or paperwork at all and even be on the computer known for all this.

                  And this was in what you would have thought was the most bait vehicle as well, one what wasn’t even originally from the UK but imported (so it has more info on VOSA record) it wasn’t me but a good friend I knew well in the area and spent a lot of time with.

                  the thing is that article is clearly 100% biased against the whole thing. Do you honestly think the whole thing is complete rubbish and would never work in any circumstances????

                  General Lighting

                    @p0ly 454662 wrote:

                    the thing is that article is clearly 100% biased against the whole thing. Do you honestly think the whole thing is complete rubbish and would never work in any circumstances????

                    some of the tactics would initially work as a delaying tactic whilst the authorities tried to work out if the person involved was of normal mental health and intelligence, whether they understood English, if they were deliberately trying to avoid payment to make a political point, or is genuinely skint and has simply read about this idea on the net and thought its worth a chance.

                    Ironically its so-called “political correctness” and “human rights” what makes this happen, as public authorities can’t assume that people always understand the rules nor can they kick in peoples doors for crime or seize property for debts until they have clear evidence against them.

                    On some occasions the authorities do make a mistake and have to let someone off something but when you start baiting them or even if you come to notice of them for other reasons. They tend not to forgive and forget and it comes back to haunt you.

                    A personal example was that in 1990 I moved to London. I was not a anti-poll tax activist – I went to the Council, got a form and filled in I had moved from Reading and needed to transfer to the London electoral register. I did go on a student loans/public services march (like the ones last year but without any rioting) but was far more interested in pills than politics.

                    Coincidentally, this wave of dissent caused strike action at the local Council, and someone there either ignored, filed or simply did away with the registration form I had filled in earlier. Reading, however, removed me from the register. This meant i didn’t get a poll tax bill. I dropped out of Uni in 1992, (by such time both Thatcho and the poll tax were long gone), moved back to Reading, moved back to the family home, went back on the electoral register there, and life carried on as normal.

                    In 1994 I got arrested for drugs in London. I gave them correct details, and whilst I was in the cells they checked me against the London electoral register. Of course there was nothing there – not even proof that I was a British citizen! On early Sunday morning both Reading Council and the Home Office Immigration (no border agency back then!) were closed, as was the Register office of the London region I was born in (barely 5 miles away from where I then lived) so metpol had absolutely no proof I even had a right to be in Blighty.

                    The end result was my mum getting a knock on the door from Thames Valley cops at 6am and being told “your son’s been arrested for drugs in London and the Metropolitan Police have no record of his right to stay in the UK. Could you please show us either his passport or birth certificate so we can tell London he can be bailed” (incdentally the cop mentioning my offence was against privacy as I was well over 17 then but no human rights act either).

                    TBH the cops weren’t even being malicious (even the one mentioning my offence as my mum probably thought I had been in a crash or something) – just following the rules – just because I speak perfect English with what might be viewed as a London/Essex accent wouldn’t be proof I had UK residence, could have even been smuggled in as a baby, you used to be able to buy them in Malaysia… thinking about it cops could equally have sent me to Heathrow Immigration detention for at least the weekend. Even I was white they could have said I was a homeless and the address was not a valid one and banged me up for the weekend…

                    hadn’t even planned to evade the poll tax and just thought the Council were being slow (they gave me a library card so I thought they must know I was a resident). they couldn’t backdate the payment as it was a Government error anyway, and had I not got caught in London this wouldn’t have happened but if this can happen to someone who didn’t set out to evade a tax (but broke another law) far worse can (and does) happen to those who quite deliberately set out to blag the system and come into conflict with it – even if its not immediate…

                    General Lighting

                      @p0ly 454662 wrote:

                      the thing is that article is clearly 100% biased against the whole thing. Do you honestly think the whole thing is complete rubbish and would never work in any circumstances????

                      some of the tactics would initially work as a delaying tactic whilst the authorities tried to work out if the person involved was of normal mental health and intelligence, whether they understood English, if they were deliberately trying to avoid payment to make a political point, or is genuinely skint and has simply read about this idea on the net and thought its worth a chance.

                      Ironically its so-called “political correctness” and “human rights” what makes this happen, as public authorities can’t assume that people always understand the rules nor can they kick in peoples doors for crime or seize property for debts until they have clear evidence against them.

                      On some occasions the authorities do make a mistake and have to let someone off something but when you start baiting them or even if you come to notice of them for other reasons. They tend not to forgive and forget and it comes back to haunt you.

                      A personal example was that in 1990 I moved to London. I was not a anti-poll tax activist – I went to the Council, got a form and filled in I had moved from Reading and needed to transfer to the London electoral register. I did go on a student loans/public services march (like the ones last year but without any rioting) but was far more interested in pills than politics.

                      Coincidentally, this wave of dissent caused strike action at the local Council, and someone there either ignored, filed or simply did away with the registration form I had filled in earlier. Reading, however, removed me from the register. This meant i didn’t get a poll tax bill. I dropped out of Uni in 1992, (by such time both Thatcho and the poll tax were long gone), moved back to Reading, moved back to the family home, went back on the electoral register there, and life carried on as normal.

                      In 1994 I got arrested for drugs in London. I gave them correct details, and whilst I was in the cells they checked me against the London electoral register. Of course there was nothing there – not even proof that I was a British citizen! On early Sunday morning both Reading Council and the Home Office Immigration (no border agency back then!) were closed, as was the Register office of the London region I was born in (barely 5 miles away from where I then lived) so metpol had absolutely no proof I even had a right to be in Blighty.

                      The end result was my mum getting a knock on the door from Thames Valley cops at 6am and being told “your son’s been arrested for drugs in London and the Metropolitan Police have no record of his right to stay in the UK. Could you please show us either his passport or birth certificate so we can tell London he can be bailed” (incdentally the cop mentioning my offence was against privacy as I was well over 17 then but no human rights act either).

                      TBH the cops weren’t even being malicious (even the one mentioning my offence as my mum probably thought I had been in a crash or something) – just following the rules – just because I speak perfect English with what might be viewed as a London/Essex accent wouldn’t be proof I had UK residence, could have even been smuggled in as a baby, you used to be able to buy them in Malaysia… thinking about it cops could equally have sent me to Heathrow Immigration detention for at least the weekend. Even I was white they could have said I was a homeless and the address was not a valid one and banged me up for the weekend…

                      hadn’t even planned to evade the poll tax and just thought the Council were being slow (they gave me a library card so I thought they must know I was a resident). they couldn’t backdate the payment as it was a Government error anyway, and had I not got caught in London this wouldn’t have happened but if this can happen to someone who didn’t set out to evade a tax (but broke another law) far worse can (and does) happen to those who quite deliberately set out to blag the system and come into conflict with it – even if its not immediate…


                        man i dont know wether to rant or rave about my night, lost lots of money and weed but got sum punani in the process. wooooooo


                          man i dont know wether to rant or rave about my night, lost lots of money and weed but got sum punani in the process. wooooooo


                            @cozmic 455410 wrote:

                            man i dont know wether to rant or rave about my night, lost lots of money and weed but got sum punani in the process. wooooooo

                            elaborate on your punani story if you can breadrin!


                              @cozmic 455410 wrote:

                              man i dont know wether to rant or rave about my night, lost lots of money and weed but got sum punani in the process. wooooooo

                              elaborate on your punani story if you can breadrin!


                                Elaborate on the losing weed story if you can breadin!

                                (We were at a squat party one night (6 of us) and my mate who was holding onto the hash lump (sizeable) had it in his cigarette packet. He smoked the last cigarette and threw the packet into the fire.
                                It wasn’t until later when we wanted a smoke that he realised what he had done.
                                Sad times.


                                  Elaborate on the losing weed story if you can breadin!

                                  (We were at a squat party one night (6 of us) and my mate who was holding onto the hash lump (sizeable) had it in his cigarette packet. He smoked the last cigarette and threw the packet into the fire.
                                  It wasn’t until later when we wanted a smoke that he realised what he had done.
                                  Sad times.


                                    @kiwifruit 455440 wrote:


                                    what do you put your bread in?


                                      @kiwifruit 455440 wrote:


                                      what do you put your bread in?

                                      General Lighting

                                        now listen up bredrin, you put de bread in de bread bin, and de hash in the hash tin, then you know it cyan get dash pon de fire 😉

                                        General Lighting

                                          now listen up bredrin, you put de bread in de bread bin, and de hash in the hash tin, then you know it cyan get dash pon de fire 😉


                                            seen , sistren and breadbins… my missus once threw our last two pills into the fire…


                                              seen , sistren and breadbins… my missus once threw our last two pills into the fire…


                                                @General Lighting 455453 wrote:

                                                now listen up bredrin, you put de bread in de bread bin, and de hash in the hash tin, then you know it cyan get dash pon de fire 😉

                                                Have you been doing mephedrone again GL? :laugh_at:


                                                  @General Lighting 455453 wrote:

                                                  now listen up bredrin, you put de bread in de bread bin, and de hash in the hash tin, then you know it cyan get dash pon de fire 😉

                                                  Have you been doing mephedrone again GL? :laugh_at:

                                                  General Lighting

                                                    @DaftFader 455488 wrote:

                                                    Have you been doing mephedrone again GL? :laugh_at:

                                                    na man, you tink I some kin’ of djam idiot to still do that kin’ of foolishness? just de pure sensi for me, fresh from de plant in de portaloo tent..

                                                    (actually I haven’t touched anything today (or for some time) and not smoked for ages but its true about the portaloo cabin, can’t say too much more detail but a while back someone did use one of these (minus loo!) for the purposes of growing in…

                                                    General Lighting

                                                      @DaftFader 455488 wrote:

                                                      Have you been doing mephedrone again GL? :laugh_at:

                                                      na man, you tink I some kin’ of djam idiot to still do that kin’ of foolishness? just de pure sensi for me, fresh from de plant in de portaloo tent..

                                                      (actually I haven’t touched anything today (or for some time) and not smoked for ages but its true about the portaloo cabin, can’t say too much more detail but a while back someone did use one of these (minus loo!) for the purposes of growing in…

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!