Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!

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  • #1149352
    Gylfi Gudbjornsson

      parental units are lame and annoying

      Gylfi Gudbjornsson

        parental units are lame and annoying


          @TheLostOne 450615 wrote:

          Its not nice is it? I can imagine all a doctor will do is prescribe some kind of sedative, as sleep paralysis only happens in light sleep. Ive been off work for a week and this is when it started again. As soon as I get tired and go back to work im pretty sure it will go.

          It was terrifying – I used to have nightmares with the sleep paralysis sometimes and be waking up but still unable to move and convinced I was about to die. Fresh air and exercise are a good way to wear yourself out – I have a dog especially to make sure I get exercise every day {and of course she is a wee gem too }


            @TheLostOne 450615 wrote:

            Its not nice is it? I can imagine all a doctor will do is prescribe some kind of sedative, as sleep paralysis only happens in light sleep. Ive been off work for a week and this is when it started again. As soon as I get tired and go back to work im pretty sure it will go.

            It was terrifying – I used to have nightmares with the sleep paralysis sometimes and be waking up but still unable to move and convinced I was about to die. Fresh air and exercise are a good way to wear yourself out – I have a dog especially to make sure I get exercise every day {and of course she is a wee gem too }


              no rants for me at all, i got the swagger and a big spring in my step WOOP de FUCKING WOOP WOOP.


                no rants for me at all, i got the swagger and a big spring in my step WOOP de FUCKING WOOP WOOP.


                  @TheLostOne 450615 wrote:

                  Its not nice is it? I can imagine all a doctor will do is prescribe some kind of sedative, as sleep paralysis only happens in light sleep. Ive been off work for a week and this is when it started again. As soon as I get tired and go back to work im pretty sure it will go.

                  that really sucks.. the worst feeling is being really tired and not wanting to go to sleep.


                    @TheLostOne 450615 wrote:

                    Its not nice is it? I can imagine all a doctor will do is prescribe some kind of sedative, as sleep paralysis only happens in light sleep. Ive been off work for a week and this is when it started again. As soon as I get tired and go back to work im pretty sure it will go.

                    that really sucks.. the worst feeling is being really tired and not wanting to go to sleep.


                      I hate sleep paralys .. use to get it loads when i was doing alot of pills, never get it anymore now i rarely take stims.

                      I’d suddenly wake up in terror not being able to move or breath for at least 10 second. … also like raj convinced I was gonna die from suffercation. The feeling of relife when i managed to gasp a breath of air was emence!


                        I hate sleep paralys .. use to get it loads when i was doing alot of pills, never get it anymore now i rarely take stims.

                        I’d suddenly wake up in terror not being able to move or breath for at least 10 second. … also like raj convinced I was gonna die from suffercation. The feeling of relife when i managed to gasp a breath of air was emence!

                        Gylfi Gudbjornsson

                          i hate feeling. i’ve had enough of it, a bit of numbness would be nice. so as i don’t have to concern myself with anything remotely emotion based

                          Gylfi Gudbjornsson

                            i hate feeling. i’ve had enough of it, a bit of numbness would be nice. so as i don’t have to concern myself with anything remotely emotion based


                              are you trying to hide from a feeling nn-gazatryptamine? blotting it out wont solve anything.


                                are you trying to hide from a feeling nn-gazatryptamine? blotting it out wont solve anything.

                                Gylfi Gudbjornsson

                                  depression isn’t what i want to be feeling mate, i spent yesterday carving my arm apart. sitting in my ‘feeling’ isn’t doing me much good either

                                  Gylfi Gudbjornsson

                                    depression isn’t what i want to be feeling mate, i spent yesterday carving my arm apart. sitting in my ‘feeling’ isn’t doing me much good either


                                      have you spoke to a proffesional mate? drugs tend to make these things worse in the long run. that’s just my opinion. others may disagree.


                                        have you spoke to a proffesional mate? drugs tend to make these things worse in the long run. that’s just my opinion. others may disagree.

                                        Gylfi Gudbjornsson

                                          yea yeah, been to see many pros, but they all seem to just, well, do nothing for me, i tell the best i can to them, then they just sit there and look at me like im supossed to be doing there job.

                                          i dont really get on it much anymore, due to being depressed, i might have a wee trippy one or a bit smack to ‘alleviate’ things, but i know the drug dint help

                                          Gylfi Gudbjornsson

                                            yea yeah, been to see many pros, but they all seem to just, well, do nothing for me, i tell the best i can to them, then they just sit there and look at me like im supossed to be doing there job.

                                            i dont really get on it much anymore, due to being depressed, i might have a wee trippy one or a bit smack to ‘alleviate’ things, but i know the drug dint help


                                              i’m not a doctor or anything but sounds like you’ve got low levels of serotonin perhaps. sure theres lots of stuff to help that. do you excercise eat healthy etc


                                                i’m not a doctor or anything but sounds like you’ve got low levels of serotonin perhaps. sure theres lots of stuff to help that. do you excercise eat healthy etc

                                                Gylfi Gudbjornsson

                                                  i exersice MORE than i should, i skateboard every given day. ass for healthy eating, hmmm, im kinda in balance of good for you and ruins you sortta thing

                                                  Gylfi Gudbjornsson

                                                    i exersice MORE than i should, i skateboard every given day. ass for healthy eating, hmmm, im kinda in balance of good for you and ruins you sortta thing


                                                      watch rhod gilbert & the cat that looked like nicholas lyndhurst. might cheers you up pal lol

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!