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  • #1142640

      i’m not saying everyone on the dole is a waste. those who genuinly can’t work i can sympathize with, it’s the ones who just cant be bothered to do a days work that i can’t stand. period.


        i’m not saying everyone on the dole is a waste. those who genuinly can’t work i can sympathize with, it’s the ones who just cant be bothered to do a days work that i can’t stand. period.


          I give out people their JSA and other benefits.. some deserve some do not it annoys me too but such is life.

          Still dont get your comparison though lol


            I give out people their JSA and other benefits.. some deserve some do not it annoys me too but such is life.

            Still dont get your comparison though lol


              an empty building not being used – a waste of a bulding

              a drug addict on the dole cause they can’t be bothered to work – a waste of a human being

              harsh but true.


                an empty building not being used – a waste of a bulding

                a drug addict on the dole cause they can’t be bothered to work – a waste of a human being

                harsh but true.


                  And if they could be bothered to work and be addicted to drugs, they wouldnt be a waste of a human?


                    And if they could be bothered to work and be addicted to drugs, they wouldnt be a waste of a human?

                    General Lighting

                      @BitsNpeazes 413636 wrote:

                      i thought it had more to do with the fact that every body needs a place to live only most of us have to work our butts off to afford to do it legally! no offence squaters, i just have no sympathy for the whole thing!

                      I now live in my own house with a mortgage but I have stayed in squats in the past and helped others keep them going when I lived in SE England. A lot of squatters do actually work but do short term work which does not permit them to put down deposits on places – others are only in a country for a few months and then return to their native lands.

                      in my town squatters are living in a half broken up maltings open to the cold air and they don’t even touch the empty buildings or half-finished new ones because they don’t want to bring it on top for themselves. others live in factories. most you would not want to live in any of these places. Just a couple of days ago I spoke to some people who didn’t take a squat because it became evident someone else was using the building for storage and they didn’t want to disrupt their business.

                      General Lighting

                        @BitsNpeazes 413636 wrote:

                        i thought it had more to do with the fact that every body needs a place to live only most of us have to work our butts off to afford to do it legally! no offence squaters, i just have no sympathy for the whole thing!

                        I now live in my own house with a mortgage but I have stayed in squats in the past and helped others keep them going when I lived in SE England. A lot of squatters do actually work but do short term work which does not permit them to put down deposits on places – others are only in a country for a few months and then return to their native lands.

                        in my town squatters are living in a half broken up maltings open to the cold air and they don’t even touch the empty buildings or half-finished new ones because they don’t want to bring it on top for themselves. others live in factories. most you would not want to live in any of these places. Just a couple of days ago I spoke to some people who didn’t take a squat because it became evident someone else was using the building for storage and they didn’t want to disrupt their business.


                          @BitsNpeazes 413672 wrote:

                          an empty building not being used – a waste of a bulding

                          a drug addict on the dole cause they can’t be bothered to work – a waste of a human being

                          harsh but true.

                          I think we’re brainwashed to believe work is so important yet many live of food wasted by everyone else and wasted buildings. If someone doesn’t want to work and can pull it off without hurting others i’m happy they are living the life they want.


                            @BitsNpeazes 413672 wrote:

                            an empty building not being used – a waste of a bulding

                            a drug addict on the dole cause they can’t be bothered to work – a waste of a human being

                            harsh but true.

                            I think we’re brainwashed to believe work is so important yet many live of food wasted by everyone else and wasted buildings. If someone doesn’t want to work and can pull it off without hurting others i’m happy they are living the life they want.


                              So true


                                So true


                                  Hi All ,
                                  I hate to see a building un-used ….there are loads of farm houses rotting away to nothing in my county . Even worse alot of old married quarters at old dissused RAF stations are rotting away to …..why . Seems to me there is a shortage of houses in this country and it costs a shed load for a mortgage , its a crime to see a house wasted . So if some one gets in and lives there all well and good , as long as it dont mess a business or the actual owners up .



                                    Hi All ,
                                    I hate to see a building un-used ….there are loads of farm houses rotting away to nothing in my county . Even worse alot of old married quarters at old dissused RAF stations are rotting away to …..why . Seems to me there is a shortage of houses in this country and it costs a shed load for a mortgage , its a crime to see a house wasted . So if some one gets in and lives there all well and good , as long as it dont mess a business or the actual owners up .



                                      @p0ly 413676 wrote:

                                      I think we’re brainwashed to believe work is so important yet many live of food wasted by everyone else and wasted buildings. If someone doesn’t want to work and can pull it off without hurting others i’m happy they are living the life they want.

                                      Even if it means those who work pay more tax to help the ones who don’t want to work? i don’t think thats fair at all.


                                        @p0ly 413676 wrote:

                                        I think we’re brainwashed to believe work is so important yet many live of food wasted by everyone else and wasted buildings. If someone doesn’t want to work and can pull it off without hurting others i’m happy they are living the life they want.

                                        Even if it means those who work pay more tax to help the ones who don’t want to work? i don’t think thats fair at all.


                                          The system is unfair, luckily we’re part of NATO so we get spoiled the most from using Third world country resources and getting cheap stock from hard working Chinese.

                                          We didn’t create the system and we don’t have to be part of it though we think we do.


                                            The system is unfair, luckily we’re part of NATO so we get spoiled the most from using Third world country resources and getting cheap stock from hard working Chinese.

                                            We didn’t create the system and we don’t have to be part of it though we think we do.


                                              If the dole is so bad they can change it to benefit the community like i hear they do in France.

                                              People who have kids then live off benefits piss me off more than job seekers, seen people get houses handed to them for having a kid….? MADNESS, 50 pound a week is pathetic if you can live off that then i’m amazed, JSA is shitter than not working IMO so if people wanna stay on it let them, least people who want to make money will have more job opportunities.


                                                If the dole is so bad they can change it to benefit the community like i hear they do in France.

                                                People who have kids then live off benefits piss me off more than job seekers, seen people get houses handed to them for having a kid….? MADNESS, 50 pound a week is pathetic if you can live off that then i’m amazed, JSA is shitter than not working IMO so if people wanna stay on it let them, least people who want to make money will have more job opportunities.


                                                  + the job centre has loads of staff thanks to unemployed



                                                    + the job centre has loads of staff thanks to unemployed


                                                    Tank Girl


                                                      was an unhappy tankette – I’d downloaded – or uploaded ? :you_crazy

                                                      some 16 files – one the most important one as I need to hand it in for another assignment – and it got lost in the puter…. and 9 were totally lost in the nether region of this bloody laptop

                                                      I finally found 9 and it wouldnt open any of them…

                                                      tried getting summat of tinternet to open it – apparently (so I’ve found out today) its useless spyware?

                                                      anyway – me IT security matey – who is the dogs bollox on puters – came over tonight and not only found the other 9 lost files, but turned em in to WAV files and helped mucho mucho

                                                      so am now a happy tankette :bounce_fl:bounce_fl

                                                      ****phew**** as other wise I’d have had nothing to hand in!!!

                                                      just half of it to finish and me 2000 word one to complete for jan…

                                                      til the next one in feb :laugh_at:

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!