Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!

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  • #1150736
    General Lighting

      @p0lygon-Window 344022 wrote:

      haahaha sneakers is horrible

      i also hate other american words like diaper

      for some reason Diaper is a really common surname in East Anglia…


        @General Lighting 344027 wrote:

        for some reason Diaper is a really common surname in East Anglia…


        Daniel Diaper


          @General Lighting 344027 wrote:

          for some reason Diaper is a really common surname in East Anglia…


          Daniel Diaper


            “Mr diaper, how may i help you?”


              “Mr diaper, how may i help you?”


                @General Lighting 344027 wrote:

                for some reason Diaper is a really common surname in East Anglia…


                mind you im not sure how many diapers ive heard of if any at all..


                  @General Lighting 344027 wrote:

                  for some reason Diaper is a really common surname in East Anglia…


                  mind you im not sure how many diapers ive heard of if any at all..

                  Tank Girl

                    @PhilKmorgan 343934 wrote:

                    sounds like ur actually the one who needs the shiatsu..:laugh_at:

                    Indeed!! so stressed with all this solisitor stuff, think I might treat myself when its all over (If they not completely rinsed me)

                    Tank Girl

                      @PhilKmorgan 343934 wrote:

                      sounds like ur actually the one who needs the shiatsu..:laugh_at:

                      Indeed!! so stressed with all this solisitor stuff, think I might treat myself when its all over (If they not completely rinsed me)


                        FUCKING RAINING AGAIN!!! ARGH!


                          FUCKING RAINING AGAIN!!! ARGH!

                          Tank Girl

                            @DJCliffy 344090 wrote:

                            FUCKING RAINING AGAIN!!! ARGH!

                            we’ve had glorious weather over the last few days, so being selfish am glad of cooler air so i can sleep today 😉

                            Tank Girl

                              @DJCliffy 344090 wrote:

                              FUCKING RAINING AGAIN!!! ARGH!

                              we’ve had glorious weather over the last few days, so being selfish am glad of cooler air so i can sleep today 😉


                                @Tank Girl 344063 wrote:

                                so stressed with all this solisitor stuff, think I might treat myself when its all over (If they not completely rinsed me)

                                I might be a available for a small fee, discretion assured :laugh_at::laugh_at:.

                                The other thing is that solicitors are actually professional parasites and leeches..


                                  @Tank Girl 344063 wrote:

                                  so stressed with all this solisitor stuff, think I might treat myself when its all over (If they not completely rinsed me)

                                  I might be a available for a small fee, discretion assured :laugh_at::laugh_at:.

                                  The other thing is that solicitors are actually professional parasites and leeches..

                                  Tank Girl

                                    @PhilKmorgan 344097 wrote:

                                    The other thing is that solicitors are actually professional parasites and leeches..

                                    yes but one needs a parasite to get me rid of another one you see

                                    Tank Girl

                                      @PhilKmorgan 344097 wrote:

                                      The other thing is that solicitors are actually professional parasites and leeches..

                                      yes but one needs a parasite to get me rid of another one you see


                                        more potent rain


                                          more potent rain

                                          Tank Girl


                                            fuck off spamming C*NTS!!!!!

                                            PV getting lots this morning :hopeless:

                                            Tank Girl


                                              fuck off spamming C*NTS!!!!!

                                              PV getting lots this morning :hopeless:


                                                    @boothy 341874 wrote:

                                                    fucking long-time friends parents what trust you suspectin you of supplyin drugs to their son (cos you know, it’d never be his own choice would it!) is not the fucking one. nice bit of mud to my name again, eh?


                                                    i got threatened with violence the other week if i was “pushing drugs on my son, i’ll kick your fucking head in”. it’s so over the top. his son (my best mate) isn’t even in any addiction trouble, and actually rarely takes anything (which ironically i think contributed to the problem!). what happend was he had a bad trip and basically admitted to his dad why he was actin strange.

                                                    now i am told i am not welcome at a place which has been a second home since i was 2. i was round as a toddler, as an infant, junior and through teenage years up till now. same goes for my mate round ours. looked after to the max and always welcome.

                                                    it just stings a bit when your told “you’d better not be thinkin of comin round our fuckin house” by you best mates dad. means a lot cos through thick and thin we’ve been together and still will, but to have a parent influencing shit like that and making it difficult just fucks things up, and i feel completely unjustly.


                                                      @boothy 341874 wrote:

                                                      fucking long-time friends parents what trust you suspectin you of supplyin drugs to their son (cos you know, it’d never be his own choice would it!) is not the fucking one. nice bit of mud to my name again, eh?


                                                      i got threatened with violence the other week if i was “pushing drugs on my son, i’ll kick your fucking head in”. it’s so over the top. his son (my best mate) isn’t even in any addiction trouble, and actually rarely takes anything (which ironically i think contributed to the problem!). what happend was he had a bad trip and basically admitted to his dad why he was actin strange.

                                                      now i am told i am not welcome at a place which has been a second home since i was 2. i was round as a toddler, as an infant, junior and through teenage years up till now. same goes for my mate round ours. looked after to the max and always welcome.

                                                      it just stings a bit when your told “you’d better not be thinkin of comin round our fuckin house” by you best mates dad. means a lot cos through thick and thin we’ve been together and still will, but to have a parent influencing shit like that and making it difficult just fucks things up, and i feel completely unjustly.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!