› Forums › Radionics › Radio Promotion › Radio tonight
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Anybody want to play?
Mmmm…. a might be up for playin a couple of hours later…..raaa raaa raaa
A cant do ma show tomorrow coz am playin at a warehouse party…..:weee:
a will try n kick off about 9ish…:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
:bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g:
Peace, Graham
You’re the best :weee::weee::weee:
And I hope you’ll have a great time tomorrow raaa
And we are LIVE http://www.partyvibe.com/radio.php
Was a great show Graham..
Thanks raaa
Cheers for that Graham…
That’s us just back from Nottingham had an amazing weekend the club was packed and both Satyr’s an my set went down a storm… raaaraaa