Forums The Vibe Chat Plans for the weekend???

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      :bounce_fl :crazy_dru :crazy:


      General Lighting

        hopefully going out to some rave this weekend, can’t say any more details for obvious reasons..

        what I will say though is for all the slagging off “Norfolk” raves get, they aren’t actually that bad!

        (bear in mind I’m new to this part of the country although I’ve been raving in London and SE England for years)

        The odd drunken idiot aside, IMO they are a lot like outdoor raves in SE England about 7 years ago when the bulk of people went there to party rather than to pose or act “hard…”


          why whats yours??????????????????????????
          mine ..oh..going into rotherham tonite meet a mate have a drink catch up on how the free party i missed went…then home no clubbing for me this wknd either ..being good as alwayz
          next sunday HEADCHARGE so will loose it then …Bring it on ….xx
          Saturday day to myself …bliss….
          sunday …bike ride for sure …x
          happy wknd all……:love:

          the rev

            gonna be going to bury st edmunds on sunday hopefully, just bought a van on ebay and cant wait to pick it up. So ill probably have a reasonably quiet one saturday i have to catch the 8am train.


              Chilled out night tonight, probably getting stuff sorted for tomorrow night. Oh may have another go at inflicting pain on myself with the poi i found in me room last night.

              Then tomorrow night i am off to Project Storm :bounce_fl

              Hope everyone has a good weekend ahead of them. raaa

              Shit Robot

                Back To France-Work not play:hopeless:


                  am not planning owt this weekend, saving the pennies for the Twisted event in London next weekend, Hallucinogen, Younger Brother, Shpongle, Eat Static….Cant wait for this..



                    Well I hope you all have fun and I shall hopefully see some of you partying tomorrow!! :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl

                    JB x


                      Tonite am just gonna go out n get mega blazed. Then tomoz i cant decide, i know theres a rig going out, cant decide between that or project storm!!!

                        Sound-Guy wrote:
                        Tonite am just gonna go out n get mega blazed. Then tomoz i cant decide, i know theres a rig going out, cant decide between that or project storm!!!

                        Storm will have girls dressed up as coppers :groucho:

                        Sorry i am now trying to work out if that can be slightly kinky :laugh_at:

                        ooo handcuffs raaa

                          General Lighting wrote:
                          what I will say though is for all the slagging off “Norfolk” raves get, they aren’t actually that bad!

                          ….at least they are putting sumtin on rather than talk about it!…..and stellabox man is funny!

                          General Lighting
                            ….at least they are putting sumtin on rather than talk about it!…..

                            true, but its really only because this regoin is big and there are less cops than in other parts of England that they get away with it..

                            There was a vibrant scene in many other parts of the country but the venues got overused then cops clamped down, yes people did try fighting them but the cops fought harder and won.

                            Many rigs are now in police storage, or rig owners have given up, so all some areas have left is talk and ketamine (although they do not want to admit this).

                            It is not so much like European countries where it seems more young people work with solidarity and people “our” age still want to party or at least support the scene even if they can’t rave.

                            We wouldn’t even have had something like ungdomshuset for 20 years as no one has enough solidarity to work together and keep such a place for the long term.

                            Many (but not all) ravers here just want a bit of fun in their teens/youth and then they go to University or become parents themselves – then they just care about their own job or their families and can’t give a fuck what happens to the rave scene. When they are 30 many even support the cops closing down noisy rave events. I’ve even seen people I once partied with turn that way..

                            !sinner69! wrote:
                            …..and stellabox man is funny!

                            not so much so when you live only 10miles away and then have to pay for the police car from your taxes, and know that cops will clamp down more on your local raves and ravers as a reprisal.

                            then againI’ve seen the pictures from your country and the way cops operate there, so I understand why you may feel this way…

                              Sound-Guy wrote:
                              Tonite am just gonna go out n get mega blazed. Then tomoz i cant decide, i know theres a rig going out, cant decide between that or project storm!!!

                              The rig going out prob wont set up till well late anyways .. do both :p

                              General Lighting
                                Sandals wrote:
                                The rig going out prob wont set up till well late anyways .. do both :p

                                ah well its not just our area thats slack then :laugh_at:

                                  General Lighting wrote:
                                  ah well its not just our area thats slack then :laugh_at:

                                  Lol, i think its more to do with the fact they want people to go after the coven .. so will set up later so more people get in to the party.


                                    Hum party after the coven………. if i can blag a lift i might see what happens 😉

                                      General Lighting wrote:

                                      not so much so when you live only 10miles away and then have to pay for the police car from your taxes, and know that cops will clamp down more on your local raves and ravers as a reprisal.

                                      then againI’ve seen the pictures from your country and the way cops operate there, so I understand why you may feel this way…

                                      my statement there is taken out of context, sorry; What I ment was, if it had not been for that he fucks up for a lot of people/parties it is funny! think in a 5 years time, we all laugh about it, and I do not think it will be repeated…..and for all organisers this stunt should be sumthing to learn from. that cop cars should be isolated, so no-one fucks it up while you comunicate with the coppers!

                                      General Lighting
                                        !sinner69! wrote:
                                        my statement there is taken out of context, sorry; What I ment was, if it had not been for that he fucks up for a lot of people/parties it is funny! think in a 5 years time, we all laugh about it, and I do not think it will be repeated…..and for all organisers this stunt should be sumthing to learn from. that cop cars should be isolated, so no-one fucks it up while you comunicate with the coppers!

                                        fair enough… although in this case the cops also “isolated themselves”

                                        there was 14 other police cars and some police vans in that area, they mostly stayed together apart from this one

                                        I think some cops were also trying to be “hard” and not accepting that the rest of the police had already decided the rave could continue, they drove further on and their car broke down, which was why it got abandoned.

                                        Then they were slow to take it away and it was a now “sitting duck” for angry people TBH.

                                        but I hope they will not make this same mistake again and nor will the ravers.


                                          Weekend off! :yawn:

                                            starlaugh wrote:
                                            Storm will have girls dressed up as coppers :groucho:

                                            Sorry i am now trying to work out if that can be slightly kinky :laugh_at:

                                            ooo handcuffs raaa

                                            Sometimes I worry about you Starlaugh . . . :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

                                            The silver hot pants fiasco . . . :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl

                                            The self-poi-sterilization debacle . . . 😥 😥 😥

                                            An now u’re trying to work out if girls in uniforms with handcuffs can be slightly kinky ? ! :omg: :you_crazy :devil_wag :groucho: :bounce_fl


                                              I wouldn’t really worry about me Tafira, I gave up on that a long time ago! 😉

                                              I worked out the uniform thing very quickly! :groucho: Gonna be short skirts and stuff yummm haha! wooo cant wait till tomorrow camera in hand and getting ready to get into perv mode :weee: :good_evil

                                                starlaugh wrote:
                                                I worked out the uniform thing very quickly! :groucho: Gonna be short skirts and stuff yummm haha! wooo cant wait till tomorrow camera in hand and getting ready to get into perv mode :weee: :good_evil

                                                :laugh_at: :laugh_at: :laugh_at:


                                                  erm i’s off for a few quiet drinks/spliffs tonite, tommoro nite is gunna be class, headin local for a party

                                                  sunday nite we normally go down the pub, but we got exams on monday i think. probly go anyway like, but i mite be able to restrict myself :yakk:

                                                  Agent Subby

                                                    My last night in Benidorm for me so I’m gonna watch my nephew sing. He does 2 gigs a night in cabaret bars and is very good I may add.
                                                    Don’t know where he gets his good voice from because I emptied a bar t’other night when I sung “Sheila Take A Bow” on the karaoke.:groucho: :groucho:
                                                    Me definitely no Morrissey! Wish I was though. The Mozfather rules:wink:
                                                    And tomorrow I’ll miss the bloody cup final because I’ll be 35000 feet in the air:weee:
                                                    :love: :love:


                                                      Quiet weekend in as I am playing the radio on sat night 9-12pm and also sunday from 4-7 pm [by quiet i mean not far to travel :laugh_at:]


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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Plans for the weekend???