Forums The Vibe Chat people sh!tting on the floor at work?!

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      WTF?! apparantly someone has been doing a dump on the floor in one of the toilets at work. and its happened a few times so they’ve had to set up a poo watch to see who’s doing it! apperantly its a fetish cause they get off on the fact that other people are gonna see it.. anybody else heard of this? w.r.o.n.g. :yakk:

      General Lighting

        yes I have heard of this happening and also in a similar work environment to what you are currently in. I think as well as the warped gratification its also done as a reprisal for work problems/job cuts etc (consider for instance the dirty protests of the IRA in Maze Prison the 1980s..)




            Is it you Dionysus? It’s ok mate you can tell me the truth. i won’t judge ya.


              people used to do that when i worked at a weatherspoons. dirty fuckers! … i was trying to do lines in them fuckin bogs… i dont want those dirty fucks shit sittin there when i do!


                @DJCliffy 350203 wrote:

                Is it you Dionysus? It’s ok mate you can tell me the truth. i won’t judge ya.

                i just cant help myself, i just love shitting on the floor, really gets me going! :hopeless:


                  @DIONYSUS 350211 wrote:

                  i just cant help myself, i just love shitting on the floor, really gets me going! :hopeless:

                  :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at: Imagine if somebody actually did that and got caught shitting on the floor.

                  Let us know if they catch the shitter brown handed.




                      that happened at christmas when i was working as a chef … we really wern’t prepared for the amount of people coming through the door and some of the food was pretty poor (i was only doing the veg at the time so i’m not to blame :laugh_at:) and the customers were paing over £50 a head. apparently someone shit right in the middle of the floor of the toilets cos there food was messed up ..and i don’t mean in the cubical .. but actualy in the middle of the floor where the sinks are! … personaly i don’t see it as revenge for the bad food .. i see it more as a little christmas pressie for the cleaner to say thanks for the loverly meal :love:


                        @General Lighting 350196 wrote:

                        yes I have heard of this happening and also in a similar work environment to what you are currently in. I think as well as the warped gratification its also done as a reprisal for work problems/job cuts etc (consider for instance the dirty protests of the IRA in Maze Prison the 1980s..)

                        I saw this in the movie Hunger


                          A guy with a severe case of dirty bottom syndrome.


                            @General Lighting 350196 wrote:

                            yes I have heard of this happening and also in a similar work environment to what you are currently in. I think as well as the warped gratification its also done as a reprisal for work problems/job cuts etc (consider for instance the dirty protests of the IRA in Maze Prison the 1980s..)

                            yeah, although its slightly more justifiable as a protest in prison. the motivation is more sound than at an average job.

                            General Lighting

                              @boothy 350234 wrote:

                              yeah, although its slightly more justifiable as a protest in prison. the motivation is more sound than at an average job.

                              The field of work dionysys is in (and what I was doing until I moved out of SE England) isn’t exactly an “average job”, not in its culture, especially at the higher levels.

                              In the office I was at it wasn’t just deliberately contaminated loos but actual sharps being left around the toilet areas.. all of this started when job cuts were announced. These are big buildings with not as much CCTV as you would think (its still not yet culturally acceptable to have CCTV in bogs in most places) and there are plenty of opportunities for sabotage.

                              the harsh thing is some poor black dudes end up having to clear it up, just like in the “good old days” of the Empire (although I also suspect the people what do this sort of thing also realise it).


                                @DaftFader 350223 wrote:

                                that happened at christmas when i was working as a chef … we really wern’t prepared for the amount of people coming through the door and some of the food was pretty poor (i was only doing the veg at the time so i’m not to blame :laugh_at:) and the customers were paing over £50 a head. apparently someone shit right in the middle of the floor of the toilets cos there food was messed up ..and i don’t mean in the cubical .. but actualy in the middle of the floor where the sinks are! … personaly i don’t see it as revenge for the bad food .. i see it more as a little christmas pressie for the cleaner to say thanks for the loverly meal :love:


                                classy ahahaha

                                sorry ive got a soft spot for poo humour

                                Tank Girl

                                  depends where you work I guess,

                                  It’s happened where I worked lots but the people were generallly unwell,

                                  my sis works in a elderly private care home and one of the alzheimers ladies always waits til she can sneek into the staff office and either pisses or shits on the staff chairs – I am hoping this is when she is ‘lucid’ and knows what she is doing and its revenge for the ammount of money she is being charged to live there :laugh_at::laugh_at:

                                  and dirty protest is still going strong – when my friend was a nurse in a mh ward in a prison it still happened regularily

                                  and womens toliets are often really bad with shit up the wall etc – but maybe its just the pubs I used to frequent at the time 😉


                                    @General Lighting 350236 wrote:

                                    The field of work dionysys is in (and what I was doing until I moved out of SE England) isn’t exactly an “average job”, not in its culture, especially at the higher levels.

                                    ah i cant remember what job he does – i was more talking about daft’s restaurant scenario when i said average job, although thinking about it i dont know what i meant by “average” at all.

                                    i just meant in prisons with the IRA it was a bit of a different motivation is all


                                      @boothy 350245 wrote:

                                      i was more talking about daft’s restaurant scenario when i said average job

                                      What you trying to say? :hopeless::laugh_at:


                                        @DaftFader 350255 wrote:

                                        What you trying to say? :hopeless::laugh_at:

                                        I don’t even know myself mate.

                                        I didn’t mean that working in a restaurant is average by any means. I did myself full-time for over a year.

                                        I meant that it wasn’t prison. Basically.


                                          tbf i thought it was a less than avarage job lol .. shit pay shit hours ect. ect.



                                            oh i hated it.

                                            got ripped off for what i was doing

                                            worked every weekend, didnt finish till 11-12 at night

                                            glad im not there any more


                                              @Tank Girl 350244 wrote:

                                              my sis works in a elderly private care home and one of the alzheimers ladies always waits til she can sneek into the staff office and either pisses or shits on the staff chairs –



                                                funny this thread came up as the other day (saturday) i was at work in this shithole full of cunts who treat all workers crap and give fuck all work so they gain more out of us… anyway i decided to take a piss behind this shelf of dvds!! don’t judge me! they are bastards i swear

                                                Dr Chaos

                                                  @p0ly 350278 wrote:

                                                  funny this thread came up as the other day (saturday) i was at work in this shithole full of cunts who treat all workers crap and give fuck all work so they gain more out of us… anyway i decided to take a piss behind this shelf of dvds!! don’t judge me! they are bastards i swear

                                                  Anger is like a virus, it spreads

                                                  They’re is no point working with people like that, it’ll just make you more miserable.


                                                    i love this thread


                                                      My mate got banned form where we used to work for pissing up the windows…. he was naughty and bad.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat people sh!tting on the floor at work?!