- This topic has 46 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated May 18, 2006 at 7:45 pm by LadyProdigy.
May 16, 2006 at 10:43 pm #1073731vicky wrote:angry enough to steal a boat and row to port talbot?
Why? You need a lift sweetie?
May 17, 2006 at 11:06 am #1073735Jon_tooth wrote:It’s a load of bollocks innit blud.Nah thats what is insid your head blud
May 17, 2006 at 11:09 am #1073739*LadyP vomits noisily.
May 17, 2006 at 11:35 am #1073719Anonymous
LadyProdigy wrote:*LadyP vomits noisily.i hope you’re gonna clear that up young lady…
May 17, 2006 at 1:58 pm #1073711Unity can only be manifested by the Binary. Unity itself and the idea of Unity are already two.
Buddhayeah i’m quoting again jon 🙂
May 17, 2006 at 2:21 pm #1073700Mongo wrote:Unity can only be manifested by the Binary. Unity itself and the idea of Unity are already two.
Buddhasurely Buddha meant 10 ? 🙂
May 17, 2006 at 3:52 pm #1073712General Lighting wrote:surely Buddha meant 10 ? 🙂do you mean 0010 ?
don’t you mean 0001 ? 😛
May 17, 2006 at 3:58 pm #1073732Mongo wrote:do you mean 0010 ?don’t you mean 0001 ? 😛
surely you mean 1010
if you want binary 10 anyway
May 17, 2006 at 4:02 pm #1073713Jon_tooth wrote:surely you mean 1010if you want binary 10 anyway
but did he say 10 or did he mean 0010 ?
binary as a a true picture of unity 🙂
May 17, 2006 at 4:11 pm #1073733Mongo wrote:but did he say 10 or did he mean 0010 ?0010 isnt binary 10 you retard
May 17, 2006 at 4:41 pm #1073720Anonymous
i dont like the way this thread is going. it turns out i dont have to take drugs to get confused…
May 17, 2006 at 5:13 pm #1073714Jon_tooth wrote:0010 isnt binary 10 you retard10 is short for 0010 😛
but yeah i’m and idiot
and Use this is why unity doesn’t work :bigsmile:
there’s somethings people don’t understand,
May 17, 2006 at 5:25 pm #1073716I have so much i would like to say just don’t know how to get it outta my onto here so people understand.
All i can say is PLUR IS SO ALIVE at the parties i go too.
General Lighting- boy do you have a negative outlook on parties, i don’t know what parties you go to but damn they must be bleak.
John- If YOU believe that fighting is the only way you get respect then it’s your way, i have a feeling it’s not what you really want but hey what you look for in life comes your way.
Vicky & Use i agree with you both.
John i so aint a push over either, so don’t think all us so called hippy’s are fluffy.
I dunno when i joined the scene i didn’t talk to anyone and was very closed withing myself, i have since opened up and speak to people of all walks of life, i look out for people who are looking confused and lost by playing bumper cars with them, after awhile they smile and end up laughing and wander off to enjoy, i share my water with people who are steaming (literally) and smile and hug loadsa people. It takes me ages to say later to all the people i know these days and i go to parties all over the place. It starts with each of us, so when you feeling shite on a comedown think fuck it shake it off and smile and make someone else smile too, it’s infectious.
my 2p for now :toxic: :horay:
May 17, 2006 at 5:44 pm #1073701Irie wrote:I have so much i would like to say just don’t know how to get it outta my onto here so people understand.All i can say is PLUR IS SO ALIVE at the parties i go too.
General Lighting- boy do you have a negative outlook on parties, i don’t know what parties you go to but damn they must be bleak.
just the normal ones in the SE, London, Bristol and sometimes Wales.
I don’t get bad comedowns as I don’t cane it like I used to so thats not changing my views – I also used to help people put on parties for about 10 years or so – clearly I do enjoy them but I don’t hide bad news or deny problems.
90% of people at parties are reasonable. They at least make an effort to be nice to one another when they are high and if they are a bit grouchy on the comedowns its normally only tiredness.
Its just 10% of people you have to watch out for. Like last NYE where two of my oldest friends fought over a 5 year old grudge – it wasn’t a big fight but it shouldn’t have happened and spoilt the atmosphere; also there are always people who behave like idiots at parties unless they are watched and words had with them.
I’ve got a lot of friends on the scene and still have a good time and have been to a few good parties in the last couple of years (last one I went to was particularly good!) but I don’t let my guard down these days.
Yes I used to be all up for speaking to randoms etc, I have no initial prejudices due to my background but if you are too nice people walk all over you and/or take the piss. In some areas if you are not careful you can get yourself into very nasty situations indeed.
Things are different for girls/ladies. I haven’t met you but you are probably a good looking lady who doesn’t look anything like her age. Even proper scum are gonna be nice to you 😉
I am a bloke from an ethnic minority. I am used to being (initially) mistrusted and viewed with suspicion (people initially usually think I am a cop or a drug dealer!), the fact this world is in global conflict over resources, race and religion doesn’t help either.
Normal societies attitudes do not disappear just because people have taken loads of drugs… but if people are safe with me I am safe with them.
That said I get the best out of parties that I can and its still the least worst way of spending a weekend though.
May 17, 2006 at 10:04 pm #1073734Irie.. of course I don’t go fighting at parties you daft bint.
I agree with you about GL’s negative attitude though.
GL.. Do you really not talk to random’s at parties in case you get into a bad situation?
That’s ridiculous mate.
When I met you you did seem kinda quiet and a bit repressed, but I thought you were just shy. For someone with so much to say, who is obviously a decent and intelligent bloke, it’s a shame that you feel you can’t just chat to people don’t know at parties.
It’s generally a piece of piss to tell who are the bad apples at parties, so there is no excuse for not speaking to new people.
For me that’s one of the primary reasons for patying.. if I felt that paranoid when out and about I just wouldn’t bother mate.
I wonder why you do.
May 17, 2006 at 10:34 pm #1073702Jon_tooth wrote:Irie.. of course I don’t go fighting at parties you daft bint.I agree with you about GL’s negative attitude though.
GL.. Do you really not talk to random’s at parties in case you get into a bad situation?
That’s ridiculous mate.
I said certain areas; mostly the more sketchy London events which I no longer go to! Its a bit different at other places especially where I’m with friends and I know a lot of people.
I started raving in London – years ago I used to talk to all sorts of people around SE London, including some of the less savoury areas. No one managed to rob me although I have had a few close shaves. You learn from these experiences in order to survive.
In other areas I do (eventually) talk to new people (how else do you think I have otherwise been partying for all this time?)…
Quote:When I met you you did seem kinda quiet and a bit repressed, but I thought you were just shy. For someone with so much to say, who is obviously a decent and intelligent bloke, it’s a shame that you feel you can’t just chat to people don’t know at parties.I’ve only met you twice TBH. On both occasions I was completely trashed, had been up all night in some remote part of Wales and on the verge of a k-hole… That was why I didn’t have much to say – none of it would have made sense/been understood.
Just because people aren’t running their mouth off all the time doesn’t mean they aren’t enjoying themselves.
Quote:For me that’s one of the primary reasons for patying.. if I felt that paranoid when out and about I just wouldn’t bother mate.I wonder why you do.
they are less shit than a night out in the town, hanging about on the streets (which I am too old for now) or staying in – thats why!
its not paranoia; just being aware of surroundings and situations etc. It is how I have survived 16 years of partying. I still make new friends – it just takes me a while to suss people out before I really trust them.
Another thing to note is that a lot of the upbeat reviews/reports on free parties myself and others used to write a few years back can no longer be circulated openly due to PEL laws..
May 18, 2006 at 9:42 am #1073710Jon_tooth wrote:Why? You need a lift sweetie?No 😉
my cousin – an old Fantazia cheesy rave head who has definately lost a few too many braincells over the years – missed his ride back after caning the mumbles mile and taking far too many e’s, so him and a mate nicked a row boat and paddled all the way to Port Talbot.it’s a miracle he wasn’t washed out to sea – or fell out of the boat – or one of the many things i can imagine going wrong in that situ..
and some poor chap in swansea may never know what happened to his boat (unless by some marvellous coincidence he frequents PV and reads this!)
of all the swansea mash up stories I’ve heard – that’s my favourite
May 18, 2006 at 9:55 am #1073703vicky wrote:No 😉my cousin – an old Fantazia cheesy rave head who has definately lost a few too many braincells over the years – missed his ride back after caning the mumbles mile and taking far too many e’s, so him and a mate nicked a row boat and paddled all the way to Port Talbot.
it’s a miracle he wasn’t washed out to sea – or fell out of the boat – or one of the many things i can imagine going wrong in that situ..
and some poor chap in swansea may never know what happened to his boat (unless by some marvellous coincidence he frequents PV and reads this!)
of all the swansea mash up stories I’ve heard – that’s my favourite
LOL – when I lived in Reading I used to regularly encounter people from S Wales; this does not surprise me one bit.
I knew this Welsh squatter girl who would cane bare speed and got the reputation for being “dragon” but she actually had a heart of gold. She used to look after all sorts of transient types and at least try and stop them bein so self destructive – and despite the chaotic lifestyle of squatters her place was spotless…
She once went into the dogs home and picked out this growling Alsatian pup – they told her “you can’t have that one, it is dangerous and is going to be put down!, and we don’t give dogs to people without stable homes”
Anyway she managed to convince them to give her the dog and say to any managers that “we left a door open and it ran away” – and totally managed to change its behaviour!
last time I saw it it was a really cool dog which didn’t hassle anyone apart from barking at the door which dogs are supposed to do..
She also got in trouble with her mum for riding a pony into the hallway of her old house in Wales… (it was antics like that which ended up with her becoming a squatter in Reading…) and on a particularly bad comedown once wrote on the wall of her squat in huge letters “RDYW (name censored) DIM HAPUS” ….
May 18, 2006 at 10:13 am #1073726Sandman wrote:what this all about to you ? :bigsmile:Reminds me of Dreazone for some reason.
May 18, 2006 at 10:55 am #1073715Sandman wrote:what this all about to you ? :bigsmile:The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and
Avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on A religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual as a
Meaningful unity. If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it
Would be Buddhism.Albert Einstein
this is what i think 🙂
May 18, 2006 at 11:33 am #1073717Jon_tooth wrote:Irie.. of course I don’t go fighting at parties you daft bint.:rant: :argue_mad :get_you::hiding: raaa :oh_god::horay: :alcoholic :biggreen:
May 18, 2006 at 7:45 pm #1073721Peace love unity and respect are all good things to aspire to, but they have their limits. i beleive things that others dont nessecarily, but i have RESPECT for other peoples beleifs, as at the end of the day most religious/spiritual beleifs all lead to the same thing, just different ways of symbolising it. I do beleive in karma, and i also beleive in the earths energy and how we can use it to make our own and other peoples lives better.
Love to me is about loving everyone regardless of their culture or what they have done, as at the end of the day although someone may not be able to walk properly, it doesnt make them any less human that u or i, or mean that they dont feel the same feelings as us. i have a low tolerance for bullying, and discrimintaion.
Unity however, thats a difficult one, because we are all people yet we are all different, maybe we should unite, but then thats would cause problems as not everyone would wantto do the same thing, and therefore we get conflicts of ideals, so maybe prehaps we do not need to unite, and should unite in a way we all respect each others choice to be different and work alongside each other in order to survive. as at the end of the day it is harder for one person to survive on his own with no help in anyway from other people. Think how many people it must have taken for u to be where u are, from the people who drive the bus, grow your food, to the people who made the tv you sit and enjoy in the evening or the musicians who have been inspired by others to make the music that you love. To not unite in some ways means a lonely and boring existance, however we should not feel we have to unite in every opinion and personality. if we did we would just be droids.:horay:
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