Forums Music Music Promos Naustro is back bitches! Please, put your genitals away, I was only kidding. Or was I

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      I’m simply here to hopefully get some Youtube subs and engage some folks on my new Youtube channel. Youtube is hard. I use AdWords but even their own paid services don’t work (Google I mean). Everyone wants to con you these days, even a big legit company like Google. My channel is kid friendly and even has the c on it, so it’s in Youtube Kids, I will keep it clean as opposed to my main channel I did for gaming and other nonsense.

      I am taking more notice of my Tumblr, since I got some webstats for it and they are off the scale, no idea how that happened.

      Naustro from Lafayette is my ArtistTrove, I just use it as an image board and link board, and it’s a attempt at a site, other than my Tumblr

      I try to make my new Naustro channel on Youtube fun to watch, but I don’t have any exceptional skills as far as software or editing. So just expect try-hardedness. I do streams on Livestream where I go on Facebook Livemap streams, play some emulated games, play about 4 songs from big artists that I like, some shows I just play my own stuff, and lolligag. Other videos are all freeboots from friends, and songs made videos, and a music video I managed to make of Mechinations.

      Just bookmark my artisttrove at for all my links, links are the way, the key, and the light, be the Tonberry/Dingleberry that finds your way to new alternative Downtempo music and stabs it with a dagger, bashed it with your lantern, then kills it with one hit.

      Those one hit wonder, I tell ya H’waht

      By the way, how is PartyVibe been doing? I missed this place. It seems to have been overhauled like crazy. Chat with me on here, I will check back. Otherwise email me, it’s by far the best way to just talk:

      Guess that’s about it, or at least all I care to divulge at this time.

      – Naustro

      In the meantime, stare at this… [ATTACH=CONFIG]86938[/ATTACH]

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    Forums Music Music Promos Naustro is back bitches! Please, put your genitals away, I was only kidding. Or was I