- This topic has 506 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated May 27, 2013 at 12:03 am by 12BarBlues.
March 31, 2013 at 11:30 am #1270340
@The Psyentist 537124 wrote:
That’s a bit more rational.
We’ll have you taking drugs again before long. *Jokes
Haha, mate I haven’t even smoked any weed since my previous psychedelic trip, just because I wanted to take drugs as a whole a break. And I haven’t felt healthier and more intact in my mind ever, feels good to be sober, and I never even used to take many drugs, but I can see how they affected me and how they changed me. Even my friends say so
March 31, 2013 at 11:57 am #1270235TBH I don’t see any difference between someone stopping drugs because they have decided to take another spiritual path or someone stopping because they have started a new uni course or job or become a parent, its everyones personal choice..
though some aspects of religion may seem outdated there are other positive things such as the sense of committment and self discipline faith tend to instil in people.
The only thing unusual here is Lshak’s relatively young age. There are plenty of ex drug users age 50+ who have quit drugs by their own choice and turned to various forms of spirituality especially amongst those who grew up in the 1960s and 1970s. Many are now in positions of power and influence through their paid employment and faith groups and they are a great deal of the reason why attitudes have changed even if drugs aren’t legal, and that sites like this one are even allowed to exist.
March 31, 2013 at 11:58 am #1270555I used to be a catholic (in fact I still wear my confirmation cross) psychoactives of all kinds have made me see through all the man made bullshit of Christianity. It’s all about control not faith with that religion. As far as I know, the majority of people have the same experience (as I’ve read in endless trip reports.) If psychedelics have pushed me toward any religion it’s Buddhism. I believe we are the creators of our reality not some mythical deity. As long as your happy in yourself that’s all that matters at the end of the day but to me it sounds like you have a latent mental disorder that psychoactive use exacerbated and your right in staying away from them. If religion helps you deal with that then great.
March 31, 2013 at 1:31 pm #1270469Attributing meaning where there is none and believing that you have been personally shown signs from God would possibly lead certain healthcare specialists to make some diagnosis re your brain architecture/chemistry. Just saying.
Whatever your reason for giving up drugs, I believe that you have made the right choice. Try to steer clear of delusional chains of thought as much as you steer clear of the drugs though.
Good luck.
March 31, 2013 at 3:00 pm #1270271ALLAH IS THE CREATOR
wth man what are you banging on about i always thought your posts were insane and this is the icing on the cake. the devil is now dmt. i always said drugs weren’t for you and i was right, you’ve clearly taken them way too serious and overthought the whole shit and are messing your head up.
clearly you have issues with believing in your families religion and obviously you want to just be part of your families islamic culture. personally i could never worship an abusive god or look up to muhammad who had a 6 year old wife that’s just sickening imo. muhammad is the devil to me and i didn’t need any drugs to tell me that, his actions told me.
that said i have no issue with people being christian, jewish, islamic…. but i think they’re mislead and stupid for believing it. everyone has a right to believe what they want just be wary with your psychedelic devil thinking shit because i’m sure 99.9% of people are gonna say you’re having mental thoughts which aren’t healthy
March 31, 2013 at 3:38 pm #1270341@p0ly 537160 wrote:
wth man what are you banging on about i always thought your posts were insane and this is the icing on the cake. the devil is now dmt. i always said drugs weren’t for you and i was right, you’ve clearly taken them way too serious and overthought the whole shit and are messing your head up.
clearly you have issues with believing in your families religion and obviously you want to just be part of your families islamic culture. personally i could never worship an abusive god or look up to muhammad who had a 6 year old wife that’s just sickening imo. muhammad is the devil to me and i didn’t need any drugs to tell me that, his actions told me.
that said i have no issue with people being christian, jewish, islamic…. but i think they’re mislead and stupid for believing it. everyone has a right to believe what they want just be wary with your psychedelic devil thinking shit because i’m sure 99.9% of people are gonna say you’re having mental thoughts which aren’t healthy
I don’t talk to my Muslim family, my dad isn’t religious and my mum is atheist, I decided to look into Buddhism and for some strange reason islam has taken a grasp into me, they are pretty insane, but to be honest, id rather be insane and have a strong belief in my life that keeps me healthy and strong, if it wasn’t for my “unhealthy/healthy” obsession with the gym, I probably would have gone a bit loopy, lucky I had other things in the real world to keep me away from drugs constantly.
That’s interesting, elaborate on how he is an abusive god and how he was a paedophile? Because if Allah took me away from drugs that’s anything but abusive, when infact I’m harming my own body and I’m barely even doing any drugs, I could BANG on and lecture you about your ways, but I don’t know you and have no right to, you live your life the way you do and believe what you do, I don’t go around calling you insane do I? But I could give you a few tips and advice about life, probably not about spirituality/religion though. Although I’m sure you do need it in your life.
So you’ve read the Quran? Even better yet, met the Islamic messenger of god and prophet? Wow man you should feel privileged..!
You may be right about people being misled, but I believe people interpret religion and the holy books in their own way, that’s the beauty about religion, and your probably right about them ‘mental thoughts’ of mine, that’s probably why I should be so happy and blessed I got pulled away from something that I feel is protecting me before it was too late.
Don’t mean to insult you in any way, but I don’t think you should rant and rave about someone improving their life with religion even if it is a load of bullshit, and as much as you don’t believe In it (well I don’t know your beliefs) but god bless you and everyone else man and I hope god helps you find the right path too (islam, Christianity or Judaism)
Peace man
March 31, 2013 at 4:39 pm #1270279What exactly was this revelation? I want to know.
March 31, 2013 at 5:06 pm #1270327March 31, 2013 at 5:20 pm #1270342@barrettone 537173 wrote:
What exactly was this revelation? I want to know.
Well I’ve taken DMT 4 times, and only once did i get visuals, 2 times I felt a hand on my chest and head and something’s telling me (without words) that I shouldn’t be taking this.
I started to get religious after my first psychedelic experience thinking it was judgement day, after that I started reading into religion, I then strayed away and started taking psychedelics again, during my psychedelic phase I started to meet more people in just a few months than I ever have, and the majority of them were all religious, knew nothing about me and my drug scene but always have me their number and told me that they think for some reason they feel like they should help me find god.
I am a very enthusiastic movie lover, and I feel like god started to communicate with me through movies, showing me THIS clip while I was on my last psychedelic trip (bare in mind on this trip I felt like if I took any psychedelic drug again god would abandon me (I wasn’t religious at this point as I had gone astray) YouTube (YouTube- due date spit on dog) literally just that scene
The next movie I watched, just a few days later was ghost rider, about a man selling his soul to the devil.
These are just a few signs, but the signs that most stand out, tell me I’m Looking into it too much, but I don’t believe in coincidence
March 31, 2013 at 5:24 pm #1270343I hadnt put these films on, i had just walked into a room and the person i was already watching these movies
Oh I also opened the Quran the day after, on a random page, and it was the start of a name chapter…
The chapter was – “repent”
March 31, 2013 at 6:20 pm #1270470@Lshak 537178 wrote:
I feel like god started to communicate with me through movies
Oh dear. I fear it is as I suspected.
Regardless, you are still making a wise choice. Keep well away from drugs, particularly psychedelics.
March 31, 2013 at 6:33 pm #1270344@Chrispydelic 537181 wrote:
Oh dear. I fear it is as I suspected.
Regardless, you are still making a wise choice. Keep well away from drugs, particularly psychedelics.
You think it’s schizophrenia? I’ve already covered this idea, I will probably go GP just to make sure since I am quite a precarious person anyways but read my above 2 posts, what’s your thoughts on that?
I don’t think god is trying to communicate to em through movies it was just that one clip, and then ghost rider seemed quite weird that it came on after I felt like one more trip could’ve led to me making a deal with the devil (whether real or not)
Dmt and the devil is really only backed up since I link the 3rd eye to the illuminati, and well gut instincts that bad things were heading my way.
Yeah I know man, I am glad whatever the case, that I stopped before it could’ve been too late
March 31, 2013 at 6:38 pm #1270280This definitely sounds like something from the psychotic spectrum I’m afraid.
March 31, 2013 at 7:17 pm #1270414@Lshak 537179 wrote:
I hadnt put these films on, i had just walked into a room and the person i was already watching these movies
Oh I also opened the Quran the day after, on a random page, and it was the start of a name chapter…
The chapter was – “repent”
These arent ‘signs’ though. There not even coincidences. Like someone was watching a random recent film and you walked in the room…. I watched that clip you posted and dont have a clue how you managed to turn that into a spiritual meaning and you were meant to see it?
And if you opened a random book and the word ‘repent’ was staring you in the face then maybe you could draw something from that, but you opened the Quran. I have a bad feeling that whatever page you opened it on you would have seen a certain word or phrase that you felt you were meant to see.
Believe what you want to believe, but also ask yourself, isnt it strange that you have found this revelation out but none of us are even close to your way of thinking? If what your saying is true, surely at least one of the people here (with there probably being hundreds/thousands of trips collectively) would have seen some idea of your conclusion within one of their own trips?
March 31, 2013 at 7:58 pm #1270535@Lshak 537135 wrote:
since December my faith and thoughts have fluctuated and now my faith couldn’t be more stronger,
THE ABOVE POST CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING ERROR ‘couldn’t be more stronger’. WHAT YOU MEANT TO SAY WAS ‘couldn’t be stronger’.
March 31, 2013 at 8:55 pm #1270672@barrettone 537183 wrote:
This definitely sounds like something from the psychotic spectrum I’m afraid.
March 31, 2013 at 8:57 pm #1270673Religion = Controlling people = Bad
But I could spit some Stephen Hawking bars and prove that there is no ALLAH
March 31, 2013 at 8:59 pm #1270281@Nigboat 537195 wrote:
Religion = Controlling people = Bad
But I could spit some Stephen Hawking bars and prove that there is no ALLAH
There is no proof either way, is the thing. But the more we know, the less “God” is required to ‘intervene.’
March 31, 2013 at 9:42 pm #1270346Well end of the day ill stick to my beliefs, there’s no evidence I can give you for you to believe and there’s no ‘evidence you can give me to believe you.
Think about me what you may, which most of you probably will think negative things, which is why I said only religious people would understand me.
Even if no one does, at the end of the day, its the only time in the past 5 months where I’ve came to a belief where I haven’t confused myself more and even given myself a headache over, I’m happy believing what I believe in. I guarantee you ask religious people if they’ve had signs from god they’ll say yes.
And we’re all different in our own ways, doesn’t mean your mad or psychotic, not healthy to plant ideas into people’s heads
March 31, 2013 at 10:53 pm #1270263If movies have signs in and are talking to you, then this does sound like very much like a psychotic problem. I used to get this a fair bit back when I smoked weed all the time and went a bit mental, and for a while after, with music as well. What ever happens I strongly suggest you stay away from drugs as it’ll not help you one bit. Whether it be god or your own subconscious telling you to stop taking them, it was right.
March 31, 2013 at 10:59 pm #1270249Yeah man my mate used to think the newspapers were talking to him and it was a big set up to get him!!!
April 1, 2013 at 1:13 pm #1270559@Lshak 537178 wrote:
(I wasn’t religious at this point as I had gone astray)
I’m not judging here or trying to discourage your faith, merely attempting to understand and possibly explain.
You may not have been praising God at this point but you must have believed in him/her/it, as how do you stray from what you don’t perceive? I am a none believer as you may have guessed and as I feel no connection I have never felt as if I’ve strayed from or been abandoned by a/my God. See my point?
I think whether it was an intoxicated hallucination, physical/psychological trauma or an unexpected blessing you had need for belief locked away in your psyche. It was just a matter of in what form you would find the key in my opinion.
If you want to hold these beliefs because they make you feel happier in life and provides answers where before there was only a void then good for you, don’t let me or anyone else stop you. But please don’t make illogical links between drugs and religion, the particular claim you make is indeed a farfetched one. If it were true I’m sure people worldwide would be whistling the same tune but as you can see just from the DMT users on this forum you appear to be quite alone in your perception, which goes back to my above point of I think you always had the need to believe in you. You clearly had some uncertainty regarding your purpose in life, whether you were aware of this or not, and religion has conveniently stepped in as it does for so many to answer the unanswerable.
Sorry I swayed somewhat from what I was originally going to type there and may have just come across as a passive aggressive tit trying to diminish your belief but I just let my fingers do the typing as I have no shepherd.
April 1, 2013 at 1:30 pm #1270237@eye. 537142 wrote:
I used to be a catholic (in fact I still wear my confirmation cross) psychoactives of all kinds have made me see through all the man made bullshit of Christianity. It’s all about control not faith with that religion. As far as I know, the majority of people have the same experience (as I’ve read in endless trip reports.) If psychedelics have pushed me toward any religion it’s Buddhism.
I too am a lapsed Catholic (from my fathers side of the family. But Even Buddhism can still have those control structures. coincidentally I was reading up on the history of the chap behind the goose paradise in the Netherlands (who actually looks genuinely buzzed up in the films he has made, I reckon he was a raver and turned to first looking after nature then buddhism as he grew older), and he is heavily featured in the Dutch blog about Buddhism.
But as well as some praise for saving all those animals, others appear to be judging him as to whether he had the qualifications(?) to hold the title rinpoche, and whether his retreats were a money making exercise (even if they were, he doesn’t appear to have many worldly posessions other than his cabin (which is full of cats and dogs he also rescues) a 4×4 (complete with amber lightbars and VOGELAMBULANCE (bird ambulance) markings) and a trailer that he uses to rescue geese from muddy fields near aerodromes), and it must cost a few Euros to feed that lot.
But there was some big argument between some old chaps below one of his articles, I couldn’t follow all of it closely as I find theological discussions hard enough to folow in English let alone Dutch, but it looked more like the moaning you would find below the line on a conservative newspaper like De Telegraaf.
Anyway I think someone who can conduct a TV interview whilst holding a live goose and also rescued 10 bullmastiff pups that someone had dumped out in a box on a rubbish tip and brings them up to live in peace with cats, kittens, peacocks, ducks and chickens (and also manages to shift this entire zoo 50km West at short notice) damn well deserves the title of rinpoche…
April 1, 2013 at 3:57 pm #1270556@General Lighting 537285 wrote:
I too am a lapsed Catholic (from my fathers side of the family. But Even Buddhism can still have those control structures. coincidentally I was reading up on the history of the chap behind the goose paradise in the Netherlands (who actually looks genuinely buzzed up in the films he has made, I reckon he was a raver and turned to first looking after nature then buddhism as he grew older), and he is heavily featured in the Dutch blog about Buddhism.
But as well as some praise for saving all those animals, others appear to be judging him as to whether he had the qualifications(?) to hold the title rinpoche, and whether his retreats were a money making exercise (even if they were, he doesn’t appear to have many worldly posessions other than his cabin (which is full of cats and dogs he also rescues) a 4×4 (complete with amber lightbars and VOGELAMBULANCE (bird ambulance) markings) and a trailer that he uses to rescue geese from muddy fields near aerodromes), and it must cost a few Euros to feed that lot.
But there was some big argument between some old chaps below one of his articles, I couldn’t follow all of it closely as I find theological discussions hard enough to folow in English let alone Dutch, but it looked more like the moaning you would find below the line on a conservative newspaper like De Telegraaf.
Anyway I think someone who can conduct a TV interview whilst holding a live goose and also rescued 10 bullmastiff pups that someone had dumped out in a box on a rubbish tip and brings them up to live in peace with cats, kittens, peacocks, ducks and chickens (and also manages to shift this entire zoo 50km West at short notice) damn well deserves the title of rinpoche…
While I realise all religion has some sort of control, some of the buddhist concepts (anatta or “non-self” basically understanding the ego) really hit home with me. Rinpoche translates to “precious one” and I certainly think that man sounds like he deserves that title too. I’m not sure I believe in reincarnation but if he has dedicated his life to saving animals (and teaching his faith) surely that makes him even more worthy of the title.
April 1, 2013 at 7:16 pm #1270207Anonymous
@photographthesun 537113 wrote:
fuck me I am sick of wankers taking cid and seeing the truth of the universe. Do bugger off.
see this is why I have given up the drink it turns me into a wanker when I am depressed. My apologies; whilst the point may have merit its manner of expression does not.
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