Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      @Weesteve 357759 wrote:

      Took mephedrone 2 nights ago. Nose bleed after a fat line lmao.

      It is very morish and all my mates are calling me greedy, meh.

      I cant remember alot of the night as i was drinking and done alot of Meph.

      Gunna watch out next time if i try it agian.

      Im no expert. However, keep going like that and two things may happen. 1 a pretty fucked up nose and 2, tollerence and therefore less enjoyment from the drug. Both you dont want :D.


        @Stured 357769 wrote:

        Im no expert. However, keep going like that and two things may happen. 1 a pretty fucked up nose and 2, intollerence and therefore less enjoyment from the drug. Both you dont want :D.

        intollerence = tollerence 😉


          correct again 😉


            yeah, im just sticking with doing TINY little lines from now on if i take it.


              @Buzz 357838 wrote:

              yeah, im just sticking with doing TINY little lines from now on if i take it.

              I would mate. I was trying to explain this to my mates on sat, they were doing huge lines and i was trying to tell them it ain’t poodle!! 😉


                hello, anyone know about plantfeed …this isnt spam….ordered earlier and have had no communication from them, dont want to be ripped off…thanks 😀


                  @zolacd 357869 wrote:

                  hello, anyone know about plantfeed …this isnt spam….ordered earlier and have had no communication from them, dont want to be ripped off…thanks 😀



                    Mephe is bad………………..


                      I take it every one is now getting on the Meph is a very dangerous drug bandwagon.

                      General Lighting

                        not me – I still consider it to be no worse than stronger amfetamines (which also scare a lot of people) but aren’t as dangerous if treated with respect.


                          Totally agree with you there GL. I don’t mind it but it’s not something i’d do all the time.


                            @p0ly 357873 wrote:


                            Yep im shhhh’ing alright 🙂


                              RIght, I’m back on it for the third Friday in a row. Did less than I thought last week as still have 1.5g left. Faved .5 and myself and the wife are doing 1g between us. I know what Cliffy said about smaller lines. Last week we made 1.5g last 15 hours but tonight we are trying a different approach and have put 1g into 3 or 4 large lines. The plan is to get very high quite quickly but hopefully be able to sleep by the early hours as last weeks football visit was hard work. Leeds at home tomorrow and I want enough energy for that!

                              For the record. We don’t leave the house when we do this, and don’t drink anything other than water. What I like most is the fact it removes your inhibitions. We talk about stuff we’ve avoided since we got married and it’s actually proving beneficial for our relationship.

                              One question, so many people say they are really horny and have great sex on this. Well, yes, I’m horny as hell but there is no way I can get it up! Last Sunday (2 days after our binge) we had the best sex ever. COuldn’t have managed that any sooner though! Am I sharing too much here?!


                                no mate, share away. i can get it up on mephe tho… unforunatly no1 to get it up for!!! lol

                                P.S there is nothing wrong with mephe, there is something wrong with railing over a G in lines of any chemical… including caffine…. just be sensible and it will be fine…. and if its not…. call and ambulance.

                                General Lighting

                                  @deliriyummy 357944 wrote:

                                  P.S there is nothing wrong with mephe, there is something wrong with railing over a G in lines of any chemical…

                                  yep thats a good rule of thumb for most recreational substances.

                                  also for those older people / couples using it there appears to be the same risk if 4-MMC is done constantly of the same syndrome what affected people back in the “good pills” days…

                                  This is where there is depression and serious arguments midweek or on the comedown – at least one of the older users mentions that this occurred to the point it nearly cost him and his wife their marriage..


                                    @General Lighting 357933 wrote:

                                    not me – I still consider it to be no worse than stronger amfetamines (which also scare a lot of people) but aren’t as dangerous if treated with respect.

                                    yeah i agree .. alltho there’s scare mungering .. besides it coming from greedy peoples experiance …it also comes from lack of knolage of this substance … and alltho the signs are there that it is what it is … the truth of it is .. that no body knows just yet … like it is with k and the compleat fuck up of alot of ravers … every one thought it was fine … and it wasn’t … but then again … overuse comes into play … i think on a personal level a bit of caution is good …as with anything new … but mass hysteria is only gonna make things worce for “our” life styles as a whole when YET AGAIN there’s another killer drug out there .. in every ones eyes …. the way i see it … is … i have done a fair bit of methedrone in one sitting .. and been fine .. no rotting toes falling off and i haven’t had a heart attack … but then even tho i have done a fair bit .. i am used to alot of stims … and i know when i am feeling a bit “krook” and wount do more if i am … also … when i have taken .. say .. 2G in a night … i haven’t b een doing 1/2 G bombs … and incrasing cos it hasn’t effected me … i do it in resonable amounts … “DRUG TAKING ISN’T A COMPERTISION!!! IT’S FOR FUN!” .. :you_crazy

                                    General Lighting

                                      Also I think the scare stories get everyone frightened of hurting their body. The body is actually very strong.

                                      I recently managed to foolishly jab myself in the hand with a screwdriver, just between the thumb and forefinger. The point went straight through the first layer of skin and had to improvise a bandage out of tissue paper and masking tape (even more foolish: I have no first aid kit in the house), but what amazed me was how little claret there was and how quickly this all healed up. It did cane for 2 days but now you can hardly tell I had sustained this injury. (And yes, I had been up all night hence making this error of judgement).

                                      But I think the mind can be far more fragile if you bombard it with chemicals on a regular basis.


                                        u really dont want to be fucking up your brain chemicals… like GL sats they are fragile…. when i first got into drugs, i was doing E’s… did LOADS over 6 months… then came donw for a year and a half… thats why using in moderation moderation and knowing yourself are important factors in taking chemicals.

                                        Oh yea,,,, the come down made me depressed, paranoid and lazy…. although i have come out the other side as a better person than going in… at least i think so.


                                          With mephedrone there all ways seems to be opinions of it that are in fashion, specially on forums. One week it is amazing, everyone agrees, then people all start feeling the same side effects, then every says it is a horrible drug. I don’t know how big a drug pig anybody on here is, but surely people know there own bodies, and when they know something is supposedly really dangerous they still do the stuff and moan about it being dangerous. And every one seems to agree. I have done drone, great fun, nice buzz, that’s it right. Nah, people go ahead and start eating it all up like big drug pigs, then start slagging it, and people that do it.


                                            @General Lighting 357950 wrote:

                                            But I think the mind can be far more fragile if you bombard it with chemicals on a regular basis.

                                            I am so glad you said that …. and the funny thing is … if you damage your mind through over use of mind altering substanses .. you become paranoid (amongst other things) … what is lethal in this times sociaty … and probably causes half the scare storys out there with regards to drug effects “frank stylee” … the twisted truth is … if your expecting to feel bad effects from something … cos you heard it can cause this … you will tend to test your limits … and if you only given extram examples to go by … people are gonna test them selves alot more than they would otherwise .. and that’s fucking dangerous! … i am a firm beliver in “Don’t drink a couple of beeres every night after work, pick one night out of the week .. like tonight .. and drink all the fucking beers at once .. get compleatly shitty … find your range … tell the person next to you what you really been thinking about them for the last six days …and apologise for the next six days .. and then start over … YOU CAN’T PALY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD IF YOU’VE NEVER SEEN THE FAR CURB! you don’t know where the middle is .. really” …. BUT … if your TOLD the middle … commen experiance from a drug .. is … arms falling off … and heads exploding … then when you do alot of that drug .. your gonna wonder how you got away with it … and why this never happened … and will instinctivly do more … if your in that frame of mind … and over shoot the mark … cos you think .. “well .. if it’s that bad … i would be feeling something fucking awefull halfway cos it’s so evil” … being denyed true teaching of judgement .. by scaremungering people whith nothing but there own sucessess at heart .. this casues people to take 1/2 of mthe in a night .. or do an eye balled amount of bromo-dragonfly … it’s miss infomation .. and lack of infomation!

                                            General Lighting

                                              @TheLostOnes 357954 wrote:

                                              With mephedrone there all ways seems to be opinions of it that are in fashion, specially on forums. One week it is amazing, everyone agrees, then people all start feeling the same side effects, then every says it is a horrible drug.

                                              Some of us can remember exactly the same happening with pills and then MDMA powder, and then “base” (strong) amfetamine, and then ketamine, and before the internet it was the banter amongst ravers………


                                                @General Lighting 357959 wrote:

                                                Some of us can remember exactly the same happening with pills and then MDMA powder, and then “base” (strong) amfetamine, and then ketamine, and before the internet it was the banter amongst ravers………

                                                when i first heard about the damage ket could do .. it was on the internet … b4 that … it was a perfectly harmless drug that had little or no side effects … i never really got “plugged in” till about 4 years ish ago … and k was the super drug with no side effects all but 8 years ago … :hopeless: .. now peoples bladers are literaly jumping out of there bodys cos they can’t take it any more …

                                                a certain amound of fear about a substance is good .. but over hype of negative effects is just as bad as no knolage of it at all


                                                  @gl … another way of saing what i was trying to say in that big post is …

                                                  people learn from there mistakes … and when you have done a bit too much of something .. you know not to do it again … but when your told if you take it once you will suffer dier consiquenses … you will tend to take more after that never happened … and won’t know limits .. as the ones you bleived are so exagerated … you think you can go the whole extra mile as you belive what your told to be compleat bullshit .. rather than exagerated …
                                                  i have been cynicle since i was very young .. due to smoking too much weed and being around some not nice people who did nothing to help a person have trust in others … and from these experiances have been very causious of most things in my life … overly at some points … and this imo is what has helped me gauge my limits … as i have all be it causiously tested them … i haven’t gone all out unknowingly for some time … i learnt my limets for caution and experiance … BUT .. what i am getting at .. is not every one has this base to gauge things by .. and may … over do it .. in a honeymoon period .. or something of the likes … because they fear no consiquences .

                                                  General Lighting

                                                    @DaftFader 357966 wrote:

                                                    i haven’t gone all out unknowingly for some time … i learnt my limets for caution and experiance … BUT .. what i am getting at .. is not every one has this base to gauge things by .. and may … over do it .. in a honeymoon period .. or something of the likes … because they fear no consiquences .

                                                    This is the risk of what is going on at the moment. Most of the health warnings / scares are serious/frightening acute (i.e sudden) physical health problems caused by doing 2-3 grams at a weekend of 4-MMC. its like when pills first came out the papers and even rave mags were full of stories of people overdosing and dying – but comparatively few people died from MDMA.

                                                    Even with the increasing use of 4-MMC, deaths are comparatively rare, seems like <10 people across the EU where there are 25 countries. I also suspect in some countries a lot of what is sold as MDMA is in fact 4-MMC

                                                    I think the real risk from the substance is the same as all other amfetamine type stimulants, that of mental health issues including severe depression/anhedonia.

                                                    Also I know people who are leading fairly dead-end lifes outside the rave scene and parties/drugs for them are everything, and some of them simply don’t care if they live or die, so no amount of scare stories will stop them. One lad I know has twice been in hospital for his drug use and yet still parties hard….

                                                    I only know of 1 raver who died in the early 90s in my circle of friends. My younger friends know maybe 10 but half of those were killed in road traffic collisions. As tragic as these deaths are, considering the amount of party people thats a tiny amount. But I know a lot of people what have ended up in mental health units or are bitter and burned out because they overdone the party substances back in the day…


                                                      alltho imo you are right about 4-mmc being simila to amphet .. you need to realise that meth-amphet .. is also an “amphet” type drug …. an the crossover is unkonwn … i have done speed .. and very pure mdma in my time … and so have some of my friends …. but regardless of the toxisity of 4-mmc … it seems top have a hold on people very quickly that i havn’t experianced like this other than when i took coke for a few times in a row … what i can gather from it .. is it seems to stimulate the pleasure centers in ur noggin in the same fasion as coke … ie. … give you x-amount of pleasure .. but rewarding your brain with many times that in the reward centers … unlike extacy .. where you actualy feel elated … 4-mmc .. seems to give you an .. ok follow up to the euforia of mdma .. but that’s short lived and the want to keep on taking it seems to still be there a hell of alot .. even after the actual euphoria has given in to tollerance

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC