Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      comedown does not feel to bad at first,but it still boshes your head,and makes you feel down for 3to 4 days!tolerence comes pretty fast as well! first time is always the best! my play days are over for a while ,with drone,and i recomend to people who are are fiending on it ,to take easy! i think it is a bit of a dodgy chemical WHICH IS DEF NOT GOOD FOR YOU!!:wink:


        @theo123 357223 wrote:

        comedown does not feel to bad at first,but it still boshes your head,and makes you feel down for 3to 4 days!tolerence comes pretty fast as well! first time is always the best! my play days are over for a while ,with drone,and i recomend to people who are are fiending on it ,to take easy! i think it is a bit of a dodgy chemical WHICH IS DEF NOT GOOD FOR YOU!!:wink:



          It’s awesome stuff – we got some really strong shit direct from China can’t manage more than 2g in 24 hours it’ws that strong – I haven’t been to bed yet and feel great.


            i did a 250mg capsule on friday night and ended up totally freaking out (not in a bad way, just going a bit nuts) and my mates said i shud get checked out for epilepsy :/

            tequila + mephe = bad


              @Buzz 357238 wrote:

              i did a 250mg capsule on friday night and ended up totally freaking out (not in a bad way, just going a bit nuts) and my mates said i shud get checked out for epilepsy :/

              tequila + mephe = bad

              We limit caps to 200mg maximum and drink more pop than alcohol


                i think its for the best if i stay away from stimulants now :o/ scared myself on friday.


                  well due to our scales being shit, we were heading for a nice 250mg capsule, but could only do 200 or 300 so did the 300. had two of them over the night and snorting, btu tbh, i didnt feel the capsule nearly quarter as much as the sniff. it was a nice gentle flow but….nah! wasting it in my opinion…If i took more however, would this intensify it or make it last longer? there seems to be a big limit at about 250 with alot of people but, if it doesnt affect me too badly then surly i just have more tollerence to it.


                    you build up a tollerance fast i have noticed … when i first did it .. i took about 200 oral and got a nice rush … now it just makes me hyper and slightly euphoric but not like the first time … snorting it is more of an instant hit so will be more intence .. but the same rules of tollerance apply … imo it’s nice to do a few times .. but them becomes pointless to carry it on as i can see where it will lead if i keep doing it .. and i not going down that road again with any substance in my life if i can help it


                      Fuck me i got battered on the drone last night, was quality!!!

                      Made a g last all night and finished it at 5pm today,

                      proper good night! 😉


                        @DJCliffy 357251 wrote:

                        Fuck me i got battered on the drone last night, was quality!!!

                        Made a g last all night and finished it at 5pm today,

                        proper good night! 😉

                        oh noes … the monster has been unleashed :laugh_at:


                          this thread is full of:


                            cliffy the drone head


                              @p0ly 357263 wrote:

                              cliffy the drone head

                              Haha that will be it now for a while. Was good but i don’t wanna start doing it regular like! 😉


                                wanna come round on sat and do some drone cliff? i’ll sought you out some for free 😀


                                  cliffy is gona get himself a drone drip, all day dosing


                                    @p0ly 357316 wrote:

                                    cliffy is gona get himself a drone drip, all day dosing

                                    straight into his cock :yakk:


                                      @DaftFader 357249 wrote:

                                      you build up a tollerance fast i have noticed … when i first did it .. i took about 200 oral and got a nice rush … now it just makes me hyper and slightly euphoric but not like the first time … snorting it is more of an instant hit so will be more intence .. but the same rules of tollerance apply … imo it’s nice to do a few times .. but them becomes pointless to carry it on as i can see where it will lead if i keep doing it .. and i not going down that road again with any substance in my life if i can help it

                                      iv done well over 1.5g before, but for some reason this cap just blew me away :/


                                        mby stronger drone?


                                          @globalloon 357189 wrote:

                                          i really don’t get the hype. i think it’s shit

                                          i think your brain lacks serortonin cos everyone else who does it is loved up


                                            @DaftFader 357323 wrote:

                                            mby stronger drone?

                                            fuck knows mate, but the police came round cos a window got smashed and i had to get covered with a blanket so they didnt see how fucked i was LOL


                                              @p0ly 357325 wrote:

                                              i think your brain lacks serortonin cos everyone else who does it is loved up

                                              i think my brain must have a shit load of serotonin raaa


                                                @Buzz 357329 wrote:

                                                i think my brain must have a shit load of serotonin raaa

                                                ive heard globalloon say most drugs are shit or didnt do nothing…. dunno why he bothers


                                                  @p0ly 357330 wrote:

                                                  ive heard globalloon say most drugs are shit or didnt do nothing…. dunno why he bothers

                                                  *cough* serotonin depletion *cough*


                                                    @Buzz 357332 wrote:

                                                    *cough* serotonin depletion *cough*

                                                    Buzz’s stolen globalloon’s serotonin!! That’s it! He’s double dosed… cough mixture will get you trippin’ :crazy:

                                                    Give it back. You can’t handle it, lmao


                                                      As this is my first real post I best make it a long one…. 🙁 sorry for boring you all.

                                                      Couple of things I wanna say. Sorry to P0ly as I was one of those members that joined up and asked for a meph link on PM. Also I have had some trouble with the EUmeph site, started with 5g then 10g then another 10g then 25g and then the last 25g hasn’t arrived still, tried emailing and nothing still. It was ordered just under 2weeks ago now and I’m thinking that maybe I have lost my £195 gutted 🙁 as the stuff was amazing and really liked the feeling.

                                                      Anyway SWIM best also share his experience on it all as I’ts only fair.

                                                      First ever session for SWIM was great, starting around 7pm on a friday SWIM and his friend laid a line of around 90mg-100mg as they couldn’t be arsed to weigh it the first time. Once snorted they both felt tingles, blurry vision and extremely chatty, plus the need to smoke like they wanted to finish off every fag in the packet one after another. SWIM took around 4-5 minutes to come up but SWIMs friend took about 10, maybe because of the food intake as SWIM did not eat much that day. The initial buzz (blurry vision) lasted for around 10-20mins then felt very chatty and calm. Feeling of comfort and all SWIM can explain is perfectness. The whole effects lasted for around 1 and a half hours.

                                                      SWIM carried on doing lines later with his other friends of around 100mg now every 2 hours, this kept that Buzz happening everytime and also making just over g last most of the night for 3 people. All night SWIM and his friends chatted shit about anything and everything just like they would on amphetamines. Also the alertness and being able to stay awake was a great factor, everytime SWIM felt a little tired he had another line which took him through the next 2 hours feeling great. SWIM and his friends stopped taking meph around 6am on the sat and SWIM easily got to sleep around 8am which is something he really liked as on amphetamines this is hardly possible.

                                                      SWIM usually takes amphetamine but has also dabbled in coke, ecstasy, MDMA and cannabis (Doesn’t like since he found the narcotics) :hopeless:

                                                      I will post some more and would like to know if anyone gets a result back from EUmeph. I was hoping that on my last order I was going to try that methylone as it sounded a good alternative to MDMA as its hard to come by around where I live and if you can get it its god damn expensive at £40 a g. :yakk:

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC