Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      @TEK Tonic 378512 wrote:

      Just saw this on yahoo…

      Deadly New ‘Legal’ Drug Bound For Britain – Yahoo! News UK

      And we shall call this new drug “Woof Woof”


        @GiantMidget 378520 wrote:

        And we shall call this new drug “Woof Woof”

        i thought that was methedrone :crazy_diz

        General Lighting

          @joshd96320 378519 wrote:

          so anyway, yeah.. moving on, the boy has probably grown up where this is common. although its not a golden excuse. instead of locking him up for a couple of months, and letting him back to peoples drawers, he should learn how to respect and work for his own drugs. i doubt this will happen though

          I don’t even think this sort of behaviour is common TBH – I didn’t put the rest of the cops blog on here but he pointed out that area of Norfolk has very little crime and a high detection rate when crime does happen…

          even the estate in Ipswich I live in is much less dodgy for crime than anywhere in London or SE England I have previously lived in… EA’s a really good place to live in which is why as a exiled Londoner I get even more angry when little shits fuck it up…


            @joshd96320 378519 wrote:

            fucking little townie scummers fuck up EVERY scene. the only ability in life they have is to go to any scene and fuck it up coz their own one is shit. townies come to a metal gig, and fuck it up. townies come to a rave, and fuck it up.

            i do not think they are anarchists, or even have raging anger for the government. most anarchists are progressive people, i myself am a supporter of libertarian socialism (aka socialist anarchism). A common libertarian socialists’ ideologies would aim for the sort of world you see in them books on ‘modern utopia’ where theres no corporatism, but real progress within society.
            Libertarian socialism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            so anyway, yeah.. moving on, the boy has probably grown up where this is common. although its not a golden excuse. instead of locking him up for a couple of months, and letting him back to peoples drawers, he should learn how to respect and work for his own drugs. i doubt this will happen though

            anachism mean no rules or powerstructure … this alowes for any number of mentalies to be apart of it … just because you have met some progressive anachists .. (the ones that probably call them selves anarchists) doesn’t mean these chav scum arn’t allso with out rules 😉


              @DaftFader 378522 wrote:

              i thought that was methedrone :crazy_diz

              No that’s Purr Purr. Woof Woof hasn’t actually been assigned to a drug yet so this new Nrg1 shite shall have the honour.


                i can’t wait for oink oink to hit the streets of the uk! … mby then the powers that be might relax a bit once they get on it 😛


                  @DaftFader 378527 wrote:

                  anachism mean no rules or powerstructure …

                  My idea of Hell. :crazy_diz


                    I had Oink Oink once. It was very nice. Bit like Neigh Neigh but no where near as bad as Tweet Tweet.

                    General Lighting

                      @DaftFader 378527 wrote:

                      anachism mean no rules or powerstructure … this alowes for any number of mentalies to be apart of it … just because you have met some progressive anachists .. (the ones that probably call them selves anarchists) doesn’t mean these chav scum arn’t allso with out rules 😉

                      anarchism is about the absence of a centralised state power, with the (perhaps idealistic) hope people will self-regulate rather than require defined rules.

                      I would not class chav scum as anarchists as they actually do often have defined hiearchies and rules (particularly those in gangs), usually dictated by physical strength and effective defence of territories. In many respects they are in fact very conservative!


                        @General Lighting 378534 wrote:

                        anarchism is about the absence of a centralised state power, with the (perhaps idealistic) hope people will self-regulate rather than require defined rules.

                        I would not class chav scum as anarchists as they actually do often have defined hiearchies and rules (particularly those in gangs), usually dictated by physical strength and effective defence of territories. In many respects they are in fact very conservative!

                        Don’t get me wrong (I classed myself as an anorchist for a good few years), I’m not saing anorchists are all violent thugs, I’m saing chavs are violent thugs and would be seen as anorchists by the powers that be and wider sociaty.


                          @General Lighting 378526 wrote:

                          I don’t even think this sort of behaviour is common TBH – I didn’t put the rest of the cops blog on here but he pointed out that area of Norfolk has very little crime and a high detection rate when crime does happen…

                          even the estate in Ipswich I live in is much less dodgy for crime than anywhere in London or SE England I have previously lived in… EA’s a really good place to live in which is why as a exiled Londoner I get even more angry when little shits fuck it up…

                          its a point, i think the policeman was a little quick to blame mephedrone without background info, although this focus may have just been in relation to the recent mephedrone developements.
                          yeah, even for me it is a little frustrating when it gets that bit ‘closer to home’

                          @DaftFader 378527 wrote:

                          anachism mean no rules or powerstructure … this alowes for any number of mentalies to be apart of it … just because you have met some progressive anachists .. (the ones that probably call them selves anarchists) doesn’t mean these chav scum arn’t allso with out rules 😉

                          @General Lighting 378534 wrote:

                          anarchism is about the absence of a centralised state power, with the (perhaps idealistic) hope people will self-regulate rather than require defined rules.

                          I would not class chav scum as anarchists as they actually do often have defined hiearchies and rules (particularly those in gangs), usually dictated by physical strength and effective defence of territories. In many respects they are in fact very conservative!

                          Building on what GL said, anarchism is the absence of government and authority in that aspect, it does not mean an absence of rules on an equal level…
                          I myself would argue that the ‘chavs’ are too shallow to consider government and anarchism at all except for the ‘fuck the system’ stuff. then again, some of them are actually intelligent folk brought up in the wrong environment



                            General Lighting

                              @joshd96320 378537 wrote:

                              its a point, i think the policeman was a little quick to blame mephedrone without background info, although this focus may have just been in relation to the recent mephedrone developements.

                              I don’t think he was jumping on a bandwagon TBH. there is no way a officer who comes across as otherwise quite intelligent and media-savvy would risk his badge and shield in todays politically correct world by putting a wildly inaccurate report about a juvenile into his personal blog.

                              The lad or his defence team must have clearly said in Youth Court that the crimes were committed to fund a habit for mephedrone, especially considering there are many other drugs popular in East Anglia. It the lad and his defence team giving the drug a bad name this time, not the copper!


                                You stay away from Moo Moo Josh. Terrible stuff mate.


                                  @GiantMidget 378552 wrote:

                                  You stay away from Moo Moo Josh. Terrible stuff mate.



                                    Hi All,

                                    I introduced myself on the intro forum. So please feel free to have a read about my background etc.

                                    Tonight I tried mcat for the first time. Why? Because I was curious to see what all the fuss was about. Surely in my own head it couldn’t be anywhere near pills/coke etc. Sometimes I think its good to educate yourself. It makes me cringe when you have non users offering advice to people without knowing all of the facts. If there are parents out there reading this. My advice as an experienced recreational drugs user is that sites like this will provide much better feedback and advice than a newspaper. And yes I have a decent education, not been in trouble with police, etc. Which I think some people assume all users are not educated etc. My opinion below is an honest one so I hope it puts things into a bit of perspective.

                                    First impressions. Up the nose – not nice! and had to have few drinks to get rid of the taste. I tried a small line (being sensible) and then waited. Got a bit of a rush but defo nothing like Speed. Very much like ecstasy. But not quite the full on rush….
                                    So after I worked out that I wasn’t allergic – I tried another line. Bit bigger this time, and it then produced the effects to a much higher level. This reminded me of a gentle pill buzz and not too dissimilar to coke.

                                    So I left it alone for a few hours and got a minor comedown. But again not in the same league as Pills. But the comedown signs are pretty much identical as pills. One thing that I had noticed is that I wanted to take some more, so I can now fully understand why people are snorting 3g’s etc. For me that is a risk – cause usually with Pills, most of us would be happy with a few and once the comedown starts then I would usually want a smoke instead. With this stuff though… its almost like you could keep on topping up all night! Which in my opinion makes this a much more dangerous drug than ecstasy. I think speed can be more dangerous – but most people (apart from the hardcore) would usually settle for 1g.

                                    IF the newspaper reports are correct and say that all kids appear to be taking the stuff. Then I think it was the right decision to ban it. Yes I realise the impact of this action. ie it will go underground and prices will go up and the quality may go down?. But at the end of the day we have to be seen to be protecting the kids in schools and due to current UK drug laws there was no other alternative. If they were going to make this a legal controlled drug then they would have to do the same with other types.

                                    The argument put forwards is that the dealers will get the drugs to youngsters, but as the prices will go up… it will make it a bit harder for the average school kid to obtain.

                                    Perhaps in the future we may have a government/society that will want to hold a proper debate on perhaps legalising it, as I am sure attitudes towards substances has changed and will continue to do so.

                                    if anybody has any constructive points to make or questions….



                                      in work and cant view the link , is this NRG1 ? if so i overdosed on it last weekend only got out of hospital on wednesday , now i have liver damage and have to go back for more blood tests later this afternoon , stay away


                                        @boyle_46 378616 wrote:

                                        in work and cant view the link , is this NRG1 ? if so i overdosed on it last weekend only got out of hospital on wednesday , now i have liver damage and have to go back for more blood tests later this afternoon , stay away

                                        Jesus mate not good, other than the liver damage how are you feeling?

                                        Also how much did you do for this to happen? :hopeless:


                                          Its very tiresome when defence teams claim addiction as an excuse for bad behaviour – it creates an idea that all drug users are irrseponsible as for many people the court reports are the only contact they have with drug users [that they are aware of].

                                          As GL said I have never met an addict who didnt know right from wrong; they know whats wrong but it doesnt stop them doing it anyway because they dont care. Thats a different issue to not knowing the difference – its an ‘I dont care as long as I get what I want attitude’ : its purely selfish and self centred.

                                          If they want to claim addiction as a defence then treatment for it should always be a compulsory part of the sentence handed down. If necessary with parole conditional on drug tests remaining clear as they obviously are claiming to have no self control in their own right.:you_crazy

                                          General Lighting

                                            @Raj 378641 wrote:

                                            If they want to claim addiction as a defence then treatment for it should always be a compulsory part of the sentence handed down. If necessary with parole conditional on drug tests remaining clear as they obviously are claiming to have no self control in their own right.:you_crazy

                                            this is how a lot of foreign nations operate and what the Tories are planning if they get in! I don’t like these new Tories any more than the old ones but they are the same age group as me and they have seen their own peers have both good and bad experiences from drugs.


                                              Drugs and alcohol as mitigating circumstances are just fallacies – they knew enough to source and consume them so its obviously a choice they made :rant: and not an excuse they should be allowed to use by the courts :you_crazy


                                                Lmfao GL


                                                  @scouse1978 378585 wrote:

                                                  at the end of the day we have to be seen to be protecting the kids in schools and due to current UK drug laws there was no other alternative

                                                  surely making the drug only available to over 18s from pharmacies, and making it illegal to buy and pass to under 18s like with alcohol is the alternative


                                                    yeah, itll still be available just probably cut with god knows what now too. banning everything isnt always a good thing


                                                      banning everything is never a good thing lol

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC