Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      I know there has been a lot in the media about it, but my opinions come from a mixture of experience and reports on forums of drug users, not the perspective the scaremongering media is coming from.

      I would seriously advise anyone who is taking mephedrone regularly to stop, basically. This drug can be used, but it has an pretty high addictive threshold so serious moderation is advised.

      I know I sound like I’m preaching but I really don’t mean too, the more I read about mephedrone the more it seriously concerns me. I’ve taken most illegal drugs and a few research chemicals, and have been doing on and off for 5 years or so. The only drug that has ever caused me problems or has become regular is mephedrone.

      There are increasing reports of low-level abuse possible causing long-term paranoia and/or anxiety, and as mephedrone is very addictive, this level of abuse is not hard to reach. Little is known about the long-term effects and this generation is the guinea pigs, so we’ll have to wait and see for confirmation, but there are closely-related drugs that have caused serious long-term problems.

      I’m not saying don’t do it, but seriously moderate it and don’t let it become a habit, I’m currently experiencing some serious anxiety issues despite having stopped using it some time ago.

      I’m paranoid of sounding like I’m preaching, but I’m just worried about it’s level of use. And the age of some of the people using it. I used drugs at a young age, but thankfully (and through mostly luck rather than my own decision) I used drugs that were tested and effects known about.


        When I did a large amount of drone a while back I had severe anxiety for three weeks afterwards.

        Learnt my lesson the hard way and now rarely touch the stuff. I do worry though about some of my mates though. They are bang on this shit and doing large amounts nearly every weekend.

        It’s quite worrying really :hopeless:

        General Lighting

          TBH I think the risks are marginally greater than that of pure dexamfetamine and very similar in both physical and mental side effects. Bear in mind the dexamfetamine of 10 years ago was only 40-50% purity, whilst mephedrone obtained from online sources is 80-99% purity despite the rumours of it being cut. So people are doing nearly double the amount of active chemical anyway.

          it does also seem to be slightly shorter acting than dexamfetamine, hence the redosing or “addiction”.

          this stuff is not a MDMA or pills substitute, its a substitute for speed and more about energy and constant thought (good or bad) than happiness or empathy.

          For instance I have been able to do things like cycle back from my mates house 26 miles away, then stay up all night and build a entire Debian based Linux server on mephedrone which on MDMA I would have been too spangled to do.

          BTW there is already a whole load of fraggles from my age group and older as well as their 20s suffering from drug-induced mental health problems, people what are too paranoid / sketchy to get out of bed or hold down a job and many sectioned by NHS, its been going on since the 1990s but its not talked about as families try to keep it confidential.

          General Lighting

            A confirmation from HM Coroner and NHS that someone died as a direct result of mephedrone use.

            it appears that the deceased had some experience of drugs as his mates were busted for sale of other drugs from the house. Of course its not known what state of health he was in..

            A man from Hove collapsed and died as a direct result of taking the legal high mephedrone, according to the results of toxicology tests released today.

            John Sterling Smith, 46, a Marks & Spencer checkout worker, suffered a heart attack in early February after taking the drug, which is also known as K-Cat and Meow Meow and has a similar effect to ecstasy and cocaine.

            The result, which emerged from tests at St George’s hospital, Tooting, south London, for the Brighton and Hove coroner’s office, added to the clamour for the drug to be banned.

            It is thought to be the first time a fatality in the UK has been directly attributed to the stimulant.

            Hove man’s death caused by mephedrone | Society |


              amphet (base) is really quite disgusting!! GLs favourite??

              General Lighting

                I’ve found its only nasty if you abuse it loads. for me the physical and emotional comedown is less worse than MDMA, and adversely affects my performance at work during the week far less… ditto with mephedrone (although I do think mephedrone is “dodgier” on the heart than afmet)


                  amphet is the cock abuser


                    You’ve had waaaaaay too much! But yeah chewing gum while you’re on it helps…


                      I wish they would put how much he had taken for it to kill him.


                        funny you should say this, i woke up from an alcohol sleep and started texting my mate. i told him to go into this complete idiots room and go wake him up for mephedrone for a joke and then say i want it for free. he got naked and went to his room to wake him…… the guy was sitting in the dark awake sniffing mephe. this guy is a fucking mentalist, not in a good way at all. complete weirdo. mephe addict.

                        as for mephe last summer it gave me chronic depression which lasted 3-4 weeks. it was awful, never been depressed before. i didn’t get greedy and do it all the time either! i did it maybe a few weekends in a row but mainly every 2-3 weeks for one night only…. it’s horrible stuff.


                          Still dont believe the hype i’m afraid. Just yesterday or the day before when talking about the tragic death of these guys they also mentioned the heavy drinking beforehand, also the fact they had taken Methadone to help them come down after?! That is now not being mentioned, hmmm i wonder why? I hate it when the media catches on to stuff like this. I am not saying it is not a problem, bu the problem is partly with the media and silly billys over doing it with cheap, easy available available drugs. Still, it will be banned in a week or 2 then thats that problem solved, pfffft.


                            in a week or two??……. na


                              You seriously dont reckon? Of course i’m not privvy to how quick this can be pushed through but im sure i read the ‘experts’ initial findings are released the the Government on the 29th, thats only 10 days away and im sure they can fudge a quick ban out on the results. I will be happy to be proven wrong 🙂
                              P.S Poly, just clcked your avatar, Longsy D! I still play that tune out on the rare occasions i still dj!


                                ye mate it’s a fucking banging tune! you have it on vinyl??


                                  @p0ly 376998 wrote:

                                  ye mate it’s a fucking banging tune! you have it on vinyl??

                                  Yup, good condition too considering the age and amount its been played, Skacid lol, got silly amounts of classic vinyl 10,000ish, all from my early days of ravin/djing 😉


                                    I wonder if this will mean a big black market in meph. There’s gotta be piles of it lying around somewhere.
                                    I would expect there to be a lot of bulk buying going on at the minute by peeps looking to sell it on after the ban.
                                    I reckon it was a foregone conclusion that it was gonna be banned right from day 1. I was hoping that it’d lead to more mdma being around again, but didn’t realise that the banning of precursors was to blame! Bollocks!!


                                      @finbar 377000 wrote:

                                      I wonder if this will mean a big black market in meph. There’s gotta be piles of it lying around somewhere.
                                      I would expect there to be a lot of bulk buying going on at the minute by peeps looking to sell it on after the ban.
                                      I reckon it was a foregone conclusion that it was gonna be banned right from day 1. I was hoping that it’d lead to more mdma being around again, but didn’t realise that the banning of precursors was to blame! Bollocks!!

                                      Me and the misses have been thinking the same, trouble is money is tight to stockpile right now. Also got my fingers burnt buying from a site i hadnt tried before, god knows what it was, mega cut i reckon. Infact im saddened to see that there isn’t a thread about where not to buy, i guess that could bring lots of problems issues with it. Need somewhere new but dont want to chance it again. Ho hum!


                                        @jasonuk 377001 wrote:

                                        Need somewhere new but dont want to chance it again. Ho hum!

                                        pm’ing you details….


                                          Back to the original postings and what i was saying earlier, do you not think that media hype which seems to get worse year on year provokes the Government to doing some irrational stuff? The class A then class B then back to class A crap last year was a classic example. It now is a daily occurance on the news of someone else injured or killed from ‘suspected’ Meph use.


                                            if you dont mind me asking what was your average consumption in a session?


                                              @Buzz 376958 wrote:


                                              nah mate dont get me wrong, i love uppers and trips (especially mandy and acid <3 ) but amphet is just fucking wrong.

                                              mandy is not an upper

                                              and dob/doc are not amphets, they’re just trips that make you chatty instead of making you want to lie on your back and stare at pretty things (which is pretty much what most trips do to me)

                                              General Lighting

                                                coroners and NHS (and in fact medical professionals worldwide) generally do not state lethal doses of poisons for humans (outside professional formularies/medical literature) as they don’t want it on their consciences if someone uses that info to commit suicide or poison another person!


                                                  @Ruxpin 374427 wrote:


                                                  This certainly won’t end up in The Sun – it’s for a women’s monthly magazine. It will deal in fact and first hand account only.

                                                  Thanks Tank Girl, will have a look.

                                                  listen you could listen 2 me i have taken the drug many times and have experianced its many different stages and buzzes this is a simple drug but still people underestamate its power i have many freinds who have surcome to its euphoric lure and i wouldnt say that that they are unexperianced drug takers either.we need to learn more about this drug its just not safe to take it with out knoing long term affects and people will still continue takin it even if it is life thretning becouse we dont know the risks. you cant just egnore this drug its here to stay and the people have a wright to know about its wrisks.if you wish to speak with me futher just ask away.

                                                  General Lighting

                                                    unfortunately the cops have the power to do this, as selling bags of white powder in the middle of Sudbury can’t be explained away as “feeding the plants”, as eccentric as East Anglians can be they tend to do their gardening in daylight…

                                                    Inspector Paul Crick, in charge of policing in Sudbury, said: “I am hoping the Government will make it illegal and a controlled substance as soon as possible. The dangers are obvious, we have all seen the two teenagers on the telly. We would urge people not to take it and anyone in possession of it can hand it into the police station, and anyone with concerns, or who knows of suppliers, please call us

                                                    I would get suspicious though, if there is suddenly a rise in cops enthusiastically volunteering to do double time, then followed by them going randomly “life on mars” on members of the public when the comedowns kick in :laugh_at:

                                                    Drug expert’s mephedrone warning – Evening Star 24


                                                      I noticed as well with drone that if it’s really powdery it makes you anxious for longer but if it’s crystally then it doesn’t last as long.

                                                      When I had powdery drone, I shared some with a relative and we both had severe anxiety for three weeks afterwards. I did do a load of it granted but my cuz only had half a g and had a similar reaction.

                                                      Again when we had the crystal stuff he and I both shared it and no problems at all, other than smelling of the stuff.

                                                      I could be wrong but I believe if it is poorly processed it gives off more dodgy side effects and horrible anxiety :/

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC