Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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  • #1185592

      @pixx 374540 wrote:

      google checkout rocks. i was recently closed down for selling explicit content on there, instead of holding all my funds they actually PAY YOU WHAT THEY OWE YOU!

      i think paypal have set some pretty poor standards!

      what were u selling?


        @1984 374542 wrote:

        what were u selling?

        I’m going to go out on a limb here.

        Was it rubber chickens?


          Hope u bought the poodle back with u. They do have a good sense of direction though i find :p

          Suppose its not a fun place to take them!!!

          MCAT does seem like a harmless feeder in moderation 🙂

          Its the sort of thing id feed my plants, but never sell them to others.

          Silly really.

          1984: erotic hypnosis!


            @GiantMidget 374545 wrote:

            I’m going to go out on a limb here.

            Was it rubber chickens?

            Close!!!! :weee:


              @pixx 374547 wrote:

              Hope u bought the poodle back with u. They do have a good sense of direction though i find :p

              Suppose its not a fun place to take them!!!

              MCAT does seem like a harmless feeder in moderation 🙂

              Its the sort of thing id feed my plants, but never sell them to others.

              Silly really.

              1984: erotic hypnosis!

              The more i read that the more self defeating it sounds! It just feels right at times. Never liked my gf doing it at all though.

              There is a definate comedown, 2 days later and i still have slight jaw tension. Also having to deep breath (almost a sigh) every so often to calm anxiety. Not comftorble. Its really hard for me to judge it, as i’ve been on the drink since then. That in itself isnt a sign of health.

              Really dunno with this :crazy: Its bought me closer to an old mate.


                @GiantMidget 374541 wrote:

                I used to abuse mandy everyday for 6months (combined with K) and it totally fucked my mind up, I was an emotional wreck and it didn’t do me any favours at all.

                With the drone though I can see how it fucks people up but if you do it now and then I can’t see anything wrong with it really.

                By now and then I mean once every 1-2 months. Couldn’t do this shit every weekend though, been there with the poodle and have no wish to return to that life! 😉

                Ah well, people will learn from experience not to over do it when it comes to stimulants.


                  @Buzz 374552 wrote:

                  Ah well, people will learn from experience not to over do it when it comes to stimulants.

                  i worry about the truth in that. for people with self destructive tendencies, stimulants are a bullet in a gun.

                  and we all get times, when we dont care about tomorrow.


                    Well My Girlfiend who is 24 uses this regular with me at weekends….

                    She is a perfect for your story….O hang on you said bad experiences

                    We only have f***** great times on it!


                      meow meow meow, a safe refuge for people who are scared to lose their ego… but after the cat has purred ur ego has been drained and abused


                        that t***** link did look pretty legit to me lol


                          @GiantMidget 374541 wrote:

                          I used to abuse mandy everyday for 6months (combined with K) and it totally fucked my mind up

                          every day, for 6 months?

                          Tank Girl

                              SPank you Vry mucch x


                                @Diceface 374599 wrote:

                                every day, for 6 months?

                                Ah no I meant every weekend. My bad man :laugh_at:


                                  Seems a bit harsh to remove the guy at the top of this page. Ive been purchasing plant food from that exact website, and its the most reliable company ive purchased mephedrone from interms of product purity. I understand this websites policy towards spamming but there are so many other companies selling ungenuine mephedrone.

                                  General Lighting

                                    its not so much spamming, it also tends to get the sites (particularly in the UK) eventually investigated – its not exactly “gardeners question time” forum here and can be used as evidence that humans are consuming it – plus mephedrone is now illegal in at least one country where some of our mods are based in and you can be held accountable as moderator of a site for any illegal content posted on it..


                                      I read an article in the metro about “The new kid on the block” methedrone .. and they actualy said people use it to feed plants LOL


                                        the stuff i fell in love with is a white powder that clumps together kinda like talcum powder would, what is the correct name for this is it ……mephedrone – mm4 or …methylone or M1???
                                        just wanna make sure i buy the stuff i like and not some weeker version


                                          why she interested mostly on people who have tried it and had a bad experience ? bit biased…. she only get half the picture then ..

                                          more have tried and enjoyed….. than tried and regretted i am sure…….!!

                                          write it on few regular users regardless of if they regretted it or not and you might get a better understanding 🙂

                                          Tank Girl

                                            @DaftFader 374656 wrote:

                                            Mby dice face has been taking methedrone too much …


                                            good one Daft


                                              @DaftFader 374658 wrote:

                                              I read an article in the metro about “The new kid on the block” methedrone .. and they actualy said people use it to feed plants LOL

                                              found the article,

                                              side effects include convulsions, breathing problems, nosebleeds, depression, psychosis and a big risk of overstimulating the heart. Paul recently took mephedrone and used a heart monitor to check his heart rate. Within half an hour he went from 76 to 114 beats per minute. He had taken just an eighth of a gram.

                                              ‘Just’ an eighth of a gram within half an hour? Now can anyone help me out here, An eighth of a gram is 0.8 isn’t it?

                                              If so then of course his fucking heart rates going to increase. It’s a pretty big amount to do in half an hour, She’s making it out to be a small amount but bloody hell come on woman. :you_crazy

                                              Mephedrone is the new drug on the block |


                                                Meow is amaayzing. & here is the best place on the net to get it. Highest purety, best delivery service & price.


                                                  fuck off idiot.

                                                  someone IP ban this prick.

                                                  Tank Girl

                                                    @Buzz 374830 wrote:

                                                    fuck off idiot.

                                                    someone IP ban this prick.

                                                    have reported :love:

                                                    Techno Viking

                                                      @Buzz 374830 wrote:

                                                      fuck off idiot.

                                                      someone IP ban this prick.

                                                      Duely dispatched…


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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC