Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      mcat is awesome, not full of s*it like most of the other illegal drugs


        @TheLostOne 373654 wrote:

        Umm you are probably talking about Mephedrone, not Methadrone. It is not actually plant food. I don’t actually think that this drug is highly addictive, more of a fiendish thing and not knowing when to stop. You can’t say something is addictive just because you went on a 6 day bender with it. It can be addictive but a 6 day bender has nothing to do with addiction. Drinking is the worst thing you can do on Meph, I find it makes you have a horrible comedown and makes you do more.

        methadrone/mephadrone are both just slang names for the chemical, despite their somewhat official appearance. there is also evidence to show that 4-mmc is infact physically addictive.


          methedrone is bk-pmma


            @Buzz 373723 wrote:

            methadrone/mephadrone are both just slang names for the chemical,

            Like Poly says there are two.

            Mephedrone = Bk 4MMA

            Methedrone = BK PMAA

            Top one = bad for you.

            Bottom = lethal.

            Archibald Wankrist

              Hi all, im archibald, this is my first post. Reason being I tried some of this stuff for the first time like an hour ago. A ‘dry run’ if you will.

              First impressions: Hurts your nose like fuck, have small lines. Tastes much like any other phetamine type drug i.e rank. Effects are very mild (ive had about half a g). Similar to pills (ecstacy) but no major come up. Im sat at home listening to music but this is perfectly fine to have in public without looking monged. I think. Let you know about the comedown if any yo


                When i come down off this i generally feel useless, you know, like i had to do something but didn’t, now i feel really bad about it.

                My brains usually very scattered but i find myself being a lot more ditzy than usual. :you_crazy

                General Lighting

                  standard amfetamine-type stimulant comedown, especially for ladies (who always seem to get this worse than blokes do, or maybe they just talk about it or worry about it more…)


                    @Archibald Wankrist 373912 wrote:

                    Hi all, im archibald, this is my first post. Reason being I tried some of this stuff for the first time like an hour ago. A ‘dry run’ if you will.

                    First impressions: Hurts your nose like fuck, have small lines. Tastes much like any other phetamine type drug i.e rank. Effects are very mild (ive had about half a g). Similar to pills (ecstacy) but no major come up. Im sat at home listening to music but this is perfectly fine to have in public without looking monged. I think. Let you know about the comedown if any yo

                    It is a fun drug but don’t do too much of it. Doing too much can do you a wrong un.

                    Have fun!

                    Archibald Wankrist

                      @GiantMidget 373986 wrote:

                      It is a fun drug but don’t do too much of it. Doing too much can do you a wrong un.

                      Have fun!

                      I’ve been dabbing away casually for a few hours now, snorted a little, munched on a little. No more than a g in total.

                      I wanted to try this on my own before having it on a night out. I’ve had more than one embarrassing mong-out from pills (felt ok but bad gurning etc.) and it’s not something I’m keen to repeat.

                      Weekday Afternoon Drug Experiment Journal:

                      I have a decent wet fingerful for starters, dont rub it on my gums. Drink a can of beer, smoke some cigs, listen to music.

                      After 20 mins – Pulse is quickening and Im feeling alert. No more than a heavy redbull buzz with a touch of mdma-like euphoria. No massive come up, very gentle.

                      30 mins – Havent come up any more so I try a small line. Yowzers.
                      The stuff burns like nothing I’ve ever snorted! Happilly the sensation doesnt linger. Immediate strengthening of amphetaminous effects, start feeling more loved up after a min or so, but not a lot. No embarrassing gurning (im pretty sure), no anxiety, tunes sound wicked, enjoying my beer. I decide not to take any more and see how long buzz lasts.

                      1hr – Forget that, im no more buzzing than I was half an hour ago, I dont think the stuff I’ve already had is gonna creep up on me and blow my tits off. It feels too mild, im a long time sessionner, I would know it in my bones. I chance another dab. A biggish one.
                      Inkling of a thought that I should be doing something more constructive with my thursday afternoon. I nip it in the bud, watch some beardyman on youtube and crack a beer.

                      2hrs – The high seems to have plateaued. Had a few more dabs during the last hour, no real increase in intensity. Nice mellow all round high: a bit e-like, a bit speed-like. Not as pronounced as either. Sit in view of a mirror, start playing nintendo ds to distract attention, dont catch myself pulling gurn faces or looking otherwise insane! Result.

                      First impression is its a mild drug you could have down the pub without making a complete tw*t of yourself and enjoy a few beers.

                      Of course, I dont know how strong my bag was…

                      Sorry about the manuscript. I’ll shut up now.


                        @GiantMidget 373986 wrote:

                        It is a fun drug but don’t do too much of it. Doing too much can do you a wrong un.

                        Have fun!

                        which you perfer miaow or charles?


                          i doubt theres anyone that likes mephe more than coke lol (assuming the “coke” in question is actually good coke)

                          Archibald Wankrist

                            Not a big fan of the sniff, overpriced and overrated imo. I’ve had more instances of anxiety off it than anything else as well. Ahem… it also gives me the shits. When it’s good it’s pretty good mind

                            Better when shagging


                              i wasnt referring to price, just the high. that being said though. id still rather do mephe if i had to do either. Essentially imo coke just turns you into a prick for 20 mins.

                              Archibald Wankrist

                                Coke is clearly the superior (and harder) drug. I mean, it’s cocaine. Saying that I can see miaow blowing it out of the water in popularity. Purely on price


                                  @Buzz 374033 wrote:

                                  i doubt theres anyone that likes mephe more than coke lol (assuming the “coke” in question is actually good coke)

                                  @Buzz 374035 wrote:

                                  id still rather do mephe if i had to do either. Essentially imo coke just turns you into a prick for 20 mins.



                                    @Diceface 374041 wrote:


                                    i meant that, when you do coke it feels fantastic but turns a lot of people into pricks so id rather do mephe to avoid that and because quality is much more consistent.

                                    how is that hard to understand lol?


                                      you wrote ” i doubt theres anyone that likes mephe more than coke lol ” …. ” id still rather do mephe if i had to do either “
                                      so you perfer miaow? i was just confused as to what point youare trying to put across here.

                                      the folks i know who act like pricks after sniffing coke are usually wankers anyway. the cocaine just seems to escalate their problem, lol.


                                        ah ok i get u now.

                                        as a drug i like the feeling of coke better, but id rather take mephe cos i fucking hate the coke comedown.


                                          coke comedown (crash) is terrible, but at least it doesn’t last days and days like mephe….


                                            All depends on how much you do.
                                            You could do enough blow to feel like shit for a couple days too.


                                              generally i find mephe blues last a hell of alot longer.

                                              Archibald Wankrist

                                                Don’t do them anymore but Es were always my worst comedown, felt like part of your brain had turned to sponge. Not good for Mondays back at work :crazy_diz


                                                  @Diceface 374030 wrote:

                                                  which you perfer miaow or charles?

                                                  Charles usually but lately it doesn’t do anything for me so I’m trying to avoid the stuff. I do like the miaow but I’m determined to limit my usage, Probably hit it every couple months or so, don’t wanna go down the charles route with this shite!

                                                  @p0ly 374085 wrote:

                                                  coke comedown (crash) is terrible, but at least it doesn’t last days and days like mephe….

                                                  I find powdery drone makes the comedown last for ages, Crystal drone lasts a couple days imo plus fucks me up a lot more than the powder drone.

                                                  But yeah i get terrible anxiety with regards to the drone comedowns, Easily combated though with fresh fruit and exercise! raaa


                                                    iv never really had a comedown from mephe which has involved depression.


                                                      @elretardo87 373744 wrote:

                                                      Like Poly says there are two.

                                                      Mephedrone = Bk 4MMA

                                                      Methedrone = BK PMAA

                                                      Top one = bad for you.

                                                      Bottom = lethal.

                                                      these are new terms. mephedrone used to also be known as methedrone. but since BK PMMA has been gaining popularity the name has been transferred over for some reason.

                                                      true story.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC