Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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  • #1183615

      i’ll probaly hear about this from someone, when did it happen?


        I dont think the smell is that bad???

        Either that or I am not getting the same stuff as the rest of you

        Yes it has a smell but it aint all that, tastes like s*** wouldn’t like to dab it or anything


          you must of been getting different stuff, the crystals dont smell too bad. but the powder is fucking awful

          General Lighting

            last tuesday according to the news reports. there is also a report on Daily Mail and I expect there will be one on TVP website but I don’t post links from either place on PV as they mean the journos or cops techies can trace back to partyvibe.


              nasty though not surprising


                @General Lighting 370362 wrote:

                last tuesday according to the news reports. there is also a report on Daily Mail and I expect there will be one on TVP website but I don’t post links from either place on PV as they mean the journos or cops techies can trace back to partyvibe.

                why would they trace back?


                  Oh shit that’s only up the road from me.


                    Last couple times i had it was powder. Fucking horrible stuff. Even thinking about the smell of it is making me heave.

                    I say that but It’s like poodle though, If you’ve had a beer and it’s in front of ya you’ll end up doing it. Just gotta know when to say no more lol!

                    General Lighting

                      @p0ly 370365 wrote:

                      why would they trace back?

                      its how the whole system of links and the WWW works, you can see who linked to you.

                      on some threads here there’s a bit where it shows if people have linked to them from other blogs/forums/websites (I think its called trackback or linkback. this may have some sort of moderation/permission involved but on a normal web host the sysadmins can easily go in and see who has linked to them.


                        whats bad about it happening though?


                          They are bastards.


                            This might be come down speak, but that 30g didn’t last all that long.. I must have had about 7g to myself, im surprised im not ilke dead.

                            No more of this shit for me, the come down is fucking terrible. Be careful folkz o_O


                              @elretardo87 370382 wrote:

                              They are bastards.

                              that may have been the most perfectly executed sentence i have ever witnessed

                              AGENT 15

                                @p0ly 370381 wrote:

                                whats bad about it happening though?

                                The press and feds (mainly the press) pouring over this site and highlighting our drug use (which most of us see as normal) in the worst possible Daily Nazi(sorry Mail ) type story.

                                Can you imagine how most of the drug posts look, to someone that only knows about drugs through the disinformation horror stories, that they read about in the tabliods ? Just a guess.


                                  you can buy some meow here!


                                  AGENT 15

                                    I smell a banning in the air.


                                      remute is cool!

                                      General Lighting

                                        remute – I’ve removed the link for your own safety. You seem talented and intelligent and I think you made an honest mistake rather than trying to cause problems, but mephedrone has just become illegal in your country, which means your post could get you in trouble.

                                        I expect you would not go to a party in a foreign country and say “hey! I am a dealer from Germany!” when policemen of many nations were watching, and the same applies on the Internet. It doesn’t matter what EU privacy and human rights laws exist, they can all be ignored to catch “drug-dealers”. Companies like T-systems work straight with the BKA to catch people who use the Internet to sell drugs..


                                          @General Lighting 370427 wrote:

                                          remute – I’ve removed the link for your own safety. You seem talented and intelligent and I think you made an honest mistake rather than trying to cause problems, but mephedrone has just become illegal in your country, which means your post could get you in trouble.

                                          I expect you would not go to a party in a foreign country and say “hey! I am a dealer from Germany!” when policemen of many nations were watching, and the same applies on the Internet. It doesn’t matter what EU privacy and human rights laws exist, they can all be ignored to catch “drug-dealers”. Companies like T-systems work straight with the BKA to catch people who use the Internet to sell drugs..

                                          In fairness to him, it wasn’t even a link to mephedrone (it was a music site) lol


                                            @1984 370428 wrote:

                                            In fairness to him, it wasn’t even a link to mephedrone (it was a music site) lol

                                            uhmm… you name it.

                                            just a beatport-link to the first meow-anthem ever.
                                            i’m sooooo funny, h.a.h.a..

                                            nevermind. 🙂


                                              PM me the link

                                              General Lighting

                                                unfortunately I was at work, and so (if it were a drugs link) I did not want my work IP address to get associated with criminal activity in another EU country!

                                                sometimes it is not good to “cry wolf” in the current climate, when people are getting busted even for “jokes”. it is not (yet) illegal to make songs about drugs in the EU (laws are different in some parts of the world though!) so it is fine for the link to go in the music section…


                                                  @General Lighting 370443 wrote:

                                                  people are getting busted even for “jokes”.

                                                  really?? any info that can be shared there?

                                                  General Lighting

                                                    well someone in UK tweeted joking that he was going to blow up Nottingham Robin Hood airport and was promptly dobbed in and busted… its not even the feds you have to watch for but humourless wannabe vigilantés who keep tipping them off about stuff and sadly there are loads of these sorts around online..


                                                      I heard about that. Very silly!

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC