Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      @boyle_46 367154 wrote:

      after excessive amounts yes i find it difficult to breath , i would normally feel like this on the come down , shortness of breath and finding it painfull when trying to fully inflate my lungs serious , but surpriseingly i can still manage to get erect 😀 taking a piss is out the window normally ends with a extremly sore cock to achieve a teeny tiny dribble lol , truth is guys i love the effects of the stuff but have had a look at what its doing to me at the same time , best to call it quits whilst i can and havent developed a SERIOUS habbit

      yes doesn’t sound like drugs and you go together tbh mate best knock it on the head.


        i know the shortness of breath, it’s combined with intense fatigue when you try to move around.


          ive haluccinated off meph:o
          proper fucked up really didnt expect it either, pretty vivid too!!
          might have been sleep deprivation as well tho. 50 hours without proper sleep.
          anyone know anything about this?
          after researchin a little i thought maybe it was a psychotic episode triggered by the stimulant and sleep dep.


            @mishap 367249 wrote:

            after researchin a little i thought maybe it was a psychotic episode triggered by the stimulant and sleep dep.

            there’s a nail and your hitting it right on its head.


              if u stay awake without drugs for 50+ hours u hallucinate, stimulants just help you stay awake and do add some fucked up psychosis with it.


                I’ve noticed there’s always at least ten guests viewing this thread.

                Say no to drone folks, There’s better stuff out there, like BZP……..


                  @DJCliffy 367272 wrote:

                  I’ve noticed there’s always at least ten guests viewing this thread.

                  Say no to drone folks, There’s better stuff out there, like BZP……..

                  tell me more about this bzp -is that not the stuff that was made illegal this week?

                  Soul glow Bro

                    @micfac 367281 wrote:

                    tell me more about this bzp -is that not the stuff that was made illegal this week?


                    Cliff, u bad for that one..


                      mephedrone pisses over bzp


                        @micfac 367281 wrote:

                        tell me more about this bzp -is that not the stuff that was made illegal this week?

                        I kid mate, BZP is awful stuff, Unscrupulous folk make em into pills and try and pass em off as good ol Ecstasy tablets. Makes you buzz but is no where near as good as regular mdma. Anyone who says otherwise is a deranged bishop.



                          I am from Scotland, and my house was raided by police last week, the only substances i ever use or have are mephedrone, mdpv and methylone. We were awakened by 15 officers and 2 sniffer dogs at 1am, we were handcuffed while they searched our house. They took the bags of legal highs and we were cautioned and charged, until drugs testing is complete.
                          Apparently sellers are cutting with kettamine and E’s so on testing anyone could fail, please everyone make sure you are getting what you think you are getting. The heat is definitely on !!


                            im lost


                              Cutting drone with Es? Fuck that, why waste mdma on that shite!!!


                                @kasybobo 367342 wrote:

                                Apparently sellers are cutting with E’s so on testing anyone could fail, please everyone make sure you are getting what you think you are getting. The heat is definitely on !!

                                bull shit. who the fuck would cut a common drug that’s legal and has flooded the UK with a really hard to get illegal one that costs way more. Who told you that?


                                  Maybe it’s the other way round. mdma being cut with drone, That would make more sense, :crazy_diz


                                    @DJCliffy 367362 wrote:

                                    Maybe it’s the other way round. mdma being cut with drone, That would make more sense, :crazy_diz

                                    yeah definitely, the average E probably has far more methedrone type stuff in it than MDMA.


                                      That’s why I’m staying away from it all for now. can’t be arsed with it anymore.

                                      You get little wankers trying to palm off dud mandy claiming it’s the best they’ve ever had when in actual fact they’ve never had a real E in their entire life.

                                      Even this drone shite, Someone tried selling a mate of mine some claiming it was super strong poodle and wanted 40 quid for it!

                                      Time to have a nice long break methinks, Far too dodgy these days!


                                        @DJCliffy 367366 wrote:

                                        That’s why I’m staying away from it all for now. can’t be arsed with it anymore.

                                        You get little wankers trying to palm off dud mandy claiming it’s the best they’ve ever had when in actual fact they’ve never had a real E in their entire life.

                                        Even this drone shite, Someone tried selling a mate of mine some claiming it was super strong poodle and wanted 40 quid for it!

                                        Time to have a nice long break methinks, Far too dodgy these days!

                                        Yeah that sound sensible mate, too many people trying to make a few quid. I just hope when they ban it they make it a similar class to MDMA otherwise you might find it still being more common than MDMA or being used as a cutting agent.

                                        Did ur mate buy that poodle? that fucking sucks.


                                          @1984 367367 wrote:

                                          Yeah that sound sensible mate, too many people trying to make a few quid. I just hope when they ban it they make it a similar class to MDMA otherwise you might find it still being more common than MDMA or being used as a cutting agent.

                                          Did ur mate buy that poodle? that fucking sucks.

                                          Nah the kid looked proper nervous so he tasted it and told matey to jog on. It was just a random moment in the pub, Couldn’t believe it when he told me though. What a cheeky little shite eh!!

                                          But yeah i think a break would be the one, good for mind and body ya know, Need to get back on the exercise trip as well, start running again! 😉


                                            @DJCliffy 367368 wrote:

                                            Need to get back on the exercise trip as well, start running again! 😉

                                            haha Cliffy, i think your on the wrong Thread for that lol! thats for the “im old and my bones are hurting from taking drugs so i need to get my health back” thread


                                            oh yeah, had a lil look around camden two days ago looking for some drone or just legal highs in general, all the shop keppers were telling me the police are really puttin the boot down on legals… they said sales stop the next day. is that the same for mephedrone? is it illegal now?!?!?!? got forbid! TOUCH WOOD AND CROSS UR FINGERS!

                                            :group_hug love you mofos…


                                              @kasybobo 367342 wrote:

                                              I am from Scotland, and my house was raided by police last week, the only substances i ever use or have are mephedrone, mdpv and methylone. We were awakened by 15 officers and 2 sniffer dogs at 1am, we were handcuffed while they searched our house. They took the bags of legal highs and we were cautioned and charged, until drugs testing is complete.
                                              Apparently sellers are cutting with kettamine and E’s so on testing anyone could fail, please everyone make sure you are getting what you think you are getting. The heat is definitely on !!



                                                you cant be cautioned or charged until the drugs test is back. All they can do is arrest you on suspicion of a controlled substance and bail you

                                                so the above story is if not a complete lie then massively embellished


                                                  @DrugExplorer 367373 wrote:

                                                  haha Cliffy, i think your on the wrong Thread for that lol! thats for the “im old and my bones are hurting from taking drugs so i need to get my health back” thread

                                                  :laugh_at: Tis true, tis true. They ‘Urt something terrible! 😉


                                                    @p0ly 367255 wrote:

                                                    if u stay awake without drugs for 50+ hours u hallucinate, stimulants just help you stay awake and do add some fucked up psychosis with it.

                                                    there’s a nail and your hitting it right on its head.

                                                    good to know, cheers guys.

                                                    ive had my playtime with meph now, no more for me either:laugh_at:


                                                      Pretty sure this subject has been touched on before early on in the forum but now that there are more people viewing maybe there is more information to be had..
                                                      Is it possible to smoke drone? and does doing so hold any effect?
                                                      I have tried heating a small amount on foil, it turns to a black tarr and seems to smoke quite a bit…
                                                      Any views for/against would be greatly recieved.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC