Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      @MisterDuck 363883 wrote:

      You fucking prick.

      Interestingly, my comments seem to have sparked a debate over the incident with the 14 year old girl when I was actually refering to the guy who tried to rip his nuts off.


        @MisterDuck 364049 wrote:

        anyone who thinks that overdosing is solely the fault of the FOURTEEN year old is clearly a fucking thick narrow-minded idiot

        I wouldn’t say “solely the fault” and I would suggest the you’d have to be “thick” either to hold the opinion that responsibility lies quite heavily a feet of the user.


        and it is a terrible thing that has happened

        General Lighting

          lots of otherwise healthy people have underlying heart problems, and circumstances (not even drugs, sometimes just stressful life events or even “healthy” exercise) can finish them off suddenly whether they are 14 or 40.

          dickie boy

            It’s brilliant,dont take the piss with it and you’ll never look back :weee:


              But what about your plants??? They need it more!!!

              dickie boy

                I’m Organic aswell,i’ll leave them a little

                General Lighting

                  barely a year and its gone from being “saviour of the party scene” to yet another drug being demonised and bringing a clampdown on it.. and that was with all the education this forum and loads of others have given….


                    when people say we shouldnt do these new substances cos we dont know what they do to us i think differently. yes maybe some of these drugs will do some nasty things to us but what if they don’t? people are gonna do them anyway.

                    the more long term health effects that are known about new drugs could help show which drugs are less damaging? no point in just looking at the bad side which is ‘this drug could turn you into a mutant in 10 years’ c’mon people

                    General Lighting

                      @p0ly 364093 wrote:

                      when people say we shouldnt do these new substances cos we dont know what they do to us i think differently. yes maybe some of these drugs will do some nasty things to us but what if they don’t? people are gonna do them anyway.

                      the more long term health effects that are known about new drugs could help show which drugs are less damaging? no point in just looking at the bad side which is ‘this drug could turn you into a mutant in 10 years’ c’mon people

                      I think the issue though is people are ignoring sensible advice not from cops or NHS but from their own peers and friendly forums, and doing stupid amounts.

                      same happened with ketamine which had been in legit medical use for 30+ years, people binged on it and fucked themselves up.


                        I think most humans are just greedy in general. no amount of warnings will get through to people.

                        You find out on your own. (as i did lol!!!)

                        General Lighting

                          and in 25/27 nations where we all virtually take for granted free at source healthcare no matter what stupid things we have done to ourselves I think the health authorities do have the right to be a bit judgemental as they have to share out limited resources across large diverse populations..


                            Hello again 🙂

                            I was just wondering, is anybody here finding they’re becoming dependent on this drug?

                            What with it being so easy to get hold of, so consistent and so cheap?

                            Maybe it’s a good thing drugs like cocaine are so expensive…


                              @Buzz 364041 wrote:




                              Max dont you fucking dare. :love:



                                @captain 364171 wrote:

                                Hello again 🙂

                                I was just wondering, is anybody here finding they’re becoming dependent on this drug?

                                What with it being so easy to get hold of, so consistent and so cheap?

                                Maybe it’s a good thing drugs like cocaine are so expensive…

                                a bit like alcahole yes


                                  i find most drugs easy to get hold of but that doesnt make me dependant on them


                                    Can someone PM me some sites, my supplier has stopped selling at the mo.

                                    Looking for 20Grams for around 160pound if possible, prefferably via alertpay or paypal.


                                      @Weesteve 364241 wrote:

                                      Can someone PM me some sites, my supplier has stopped selling at the mo.

                                      Looking for 20Grams for around 160pound if possible, prefferably via alertpay or paypal.

                                      no selling drugs on PV or linking to sites that do.


                                        @General Lighting 364021 wrote:

                                        where the fuck is county durham anyway?

                                        just south of newcastle mate

                                        used to be a biiig mining community, good honest strikers, joined the yorkshire miners on the picket line, unlike the nottingham scabs

                                        /arthur scargill


                                          my mums from durham, i’ve been there quite abit


                                            also, well done SOCA for your MDMA clampdown. You managed to stem the supply for a few months, causing an explosion of mephedrone use which resulted in far more damage to the public than if you’d done nothing at all

                                            *sarcastic clap*


                                              @Iacchus 364384 wrote:

                                              also, well done SOCA for your MDMA clampdown. You managed to stem the supply for a few months, causing an explosion of mephedrone use which resulted in far more damage to the public than if you’d done nothing at all

                                              *sarcastic clap*

                                              they don’t care about people getting damaged by drugs though


                                                true, as long as conservatives arent outraged it’s all good in their opinion


                                                  does anyone on pv do mephedrone anymore?


                                                    @p0ly 364394 wrote:

                                                    does anyone on pv do mephedrone anymore?

                                                    I’m sure some do… if they can get hold of it

                                                    The channels of distribution appear to be being, disrupted


                                                      @olboy 364395 wrote:

                                                      I’m sure some do… if they can get hold of it

                                                      The channels of distribution appear to be being, disrupted

                                                      funny you should say that :crazy_diz

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC