Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      @Psil 363665 wrote:

      Schoolgirl, 14, dies ‘after taking dangerous new drug’ at house party | Mail Online


      This means that they can now slate meph! 🙁 The tabloids are gonna go crazy with this one and call for it to be banned. It’s not right that they will blame the meph for this, even though its more likely the combination and more on the Ket side.

      Be careful on the meph guys treat it with respect like any other drug and it will treat you with respect.

      RIP lass. It shouldn’t have happened, especially to such a young girl.


        @buddmeister 363701 wrote:

        its more likely the combination and more on the Ket side.

        what are you basing this on? surely the stimulant is far more likely to be responsible


          Normally its only a big problem when you got two chemicals acting against one another.

          Fast heart beat then a sudden slow down, making your heart stress from one to the other makes an irregular beat, resulting in a slow/fast rhythm putting large stress on the poor thing.

          Swim’s friend seems to get a tight chest on meph alone but Swim Is always ok unless swim starts taking other things too. Swims opinion on ket is not good so probably a biased thing to say.


            i get a tight chest from meph too, thats why i quit it

            and yeah ket will put extra strain on the body, releases stress hormones which arent good for your heart.

            difficult to say with one isolated case tho.. this wouldnt be happening if MDMA was legal and easily available dammit!


              ketamine wouldn’t have helped but mephedrone is the drug which can kill you, ketamine alone will not.


                It will if you do a shit load.


                  what? slowly rot you…? i’m talking OD


                    you can OD on ket, what are you talking about?

                    ofc tbh by the time you even get close to OD’ing u wont be able to move anyway so yeh

                    General Lighting

                      I went into palpitations/arrithymia on ket+amfetamine a few years back, was getting ready to run out of my mates house with 999 already pre-dialled on the phone (the idea being that if I was going to keel over I would hit “send” and the call is traced, plus my mates could also just say they saw some dude collapse in the street and not get their house searched by the feds) – but I recovered and turned back. I don’t mean to boast though but I think I am in good shape for my age due to regular exercise / not owning a car so can recover quickly – I still think ket+any stimulants can be very dodgy.

                      But as the detective said, its the job of the pathologist to work out cause of death.

                      Otherwise healthy folk die of heart problems or natural causes all the time, even at very young ages. TBH I think its a done thing that 4-MMC will be made illegal probably class C or B.


                        you will black out before you OD snorting or injecting ket


                          @General Lighting 363721 wrote:

                          I went into palpitations/arrithymia on ket+amfetamine a few years back, was getting ready to run out of my mates house with 999 already pre-dialled on the phone (the idea being that if I was going to keel over I would hit “send” and the call is traced, plus my mates could also just say they saw some dude collapse in the street and not get their house searched by the feds) – but I recovered and turned back. I don’t mean to boast though but I think I am in good shape for my age due to regular exercise / not owning a car so can recover quickly – I still think ket+any stimulants can be very dodgy.

                          But as the detective said, its the job of the pathologist to work out cause of death.

                          Otherwise healthy folk die of heart problems or natural causes all the time, even at very young ages. TBH I think its a done thing that 4-MMC will be made illegal probably class C or B.

                          i do like your going outside idea!


                            a mate of a mate died after snorting a whole gram of k in one go

                            he’d been up for 48 hours drinking though


                              Awesome Idea dude. I like it. And hear hear about the MDMA not being legal, would stop a lot of problems happening. God I wish I was older in the 80’s early 90’s for the better chemicals…. 🙁


                                @Iacchus 363724 wrote:

                                a mate of a mate died after snorting a whole gram of k in one go

                                he’d been up for 48 hours drinking though

                                what did he die of? 😥


                                  i should point out the anesthetic dose is like at least 10 times the khole dose, and the club ‘bump’ is even less. and people can be given much higher than the anasthetic dose and survive

                                  its only really a problem if mixed with the wrong stuff or the ‘wrong person’

                                  General Lighting

                                    @buddmeister 363725 wrote:

                                    Awesome Idea dude. I like it. And hear hear about the MDMA not being legal, would stop a lot of problems happening. God I wish I was older in the 80’s early 90’s for the better chemicals…. 🙁

                                    I am older and although the chemicals were “better”, people still got unwell (both physically and mentally) and some died of much the same things that people are dying of now..

                                    Even when MDMA was purer people did not often die of impurities in MDMA – they died because they took too much. Whilst varying dosage levels particularly in pills didn’t help matters, when the stuff was really pure as recently as two years ago people still binged on it and keeled over :hopeless:

                                    I do think also that many people in their 20s today are not in the best of physical or mental health anyway due to poor diet, stressful lives and getting cars very early on in life (thus taking less exercise) so drugs are more of a strain on their bodies and brains.. I wasn’t exactly a picture of health myself at that age but only did a fraction of the drugs some of my younger friends take…


                                      they give horses 1.5 grams IV!!!

                                      about 20-40mg would knock you out big time


                                        @buddmeister 363725 wrote:

                                        Awesome Idea dude. I like it. And hear hear about the MDMA not being legal, would stop a lot of problems happening. God I wish I was older in the 80’s early 90’s for the better chemicals…. 🙁

                                        i think you are just failing to find good substances!! i say the best drugs are around today, theres more of them and i don’t have much trouble finding most.


                                          @p0ly 363726 wrote:

                                          what did he die of? 😥

                                          well nobody knows exactly, as far as the coroner is concerned it was through consumption of drink and drugs, he just went into a khole and never came out

                                          best not to take k when you’ve been drinking excessivly

                                          General Lighting

                                            @p0ly 363730 wrote:

                                            i think you are just failing to find good substances!! i say the best drugs are around today, theres more of them and i don’t have much trouble finding most.

                                            The good MD was around until very recently and the only reason SOCA got their pants in a twist was because idiots were caning it and keeling over. One reason I left Reading/SE England in 2005 was that drugs were so easy to get and I didn’t want to be constantly involved with them as a major part of my life as they were fucking up all my friends.

                                            Its a big shame the 14 year old girl died, but back in the day far worse happened, I saw loads of pretty girls of that age basically get used as disposable trophies by drug dealers/DJ’s/promoters what were in their 30s/40s and by the time they were in their late teens/20s many of them were addicted to hard drugs, some on the game or virtually so (basically being a dealers plaything) and deep down many wished they were dead.

                                            The illegal raves in my area were recently investigated by the same team of detectives what caught the Suffolk Strangler, and when I delved deeper into the criminology and rationale behind what seemed like a overly harsh response, I learned that the cops did this as they were genuinely concerned that history was repeating itself.

                                            Soul glow Bro

                                              i take it u guys read the front page of the metro??


                                                A friend of mine apparently had proper crystal MDMA at the weekend for £40 a gram.

                                                seems to good to be true, real MDMA this far up north?

                                                i thought even far far south MDMA was like £70 quid a g?


                                                  still 40 on the g down here for crystal, its just not around much


                                                    hmm maybe its legit then, might see if i can get a dab or 2 for old times sake 😛 been a while since i had some proper mandy


                                                      @General Lighting 363733 wrote:

                                                      The good MD was around until very recently and the only reason SOCA got their pants in a twist was because idiots were caning it and keeling over.

                                                      Good MD is back doing the rounds.

                                                      ‘Nuff of this meph shit.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC