the headline is ambiguous and could equally apply to someone attacking a hermaphrodite WPC who decides to self-identify as female :laugh_at:
that said I do feel a bit guilty about making light of what was a nasty incident of domestic abuse – his gf called nines on him because he was acting in a drunken and abusive manner – IMO they should have made him do a few days/weeks in the can, then he will be made to get it out in front of other men and maybe even female HMP staff (whether he wants to or not) as part of health inspection or the communal showers rather than being able to try and intimidate others..
I bet if he did that in his own country the WPC would have put a 9mm round into his groin, or whacked him with a baton.. then when he was down the station the blokes would have gone “life on mars” on him for being a dirty pervert…
the Scots cop should have deployed her pepper spray :laugh_at: