Forums The Vibe Chat IS THIS LEGAL?!

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      my mate just told me that she got searched on west st (sheffield) the other day. They showed her a search warrant that said they could do RANDOM stop and searches on people for drugs! I thought the law was that they had to have a reason to stop and search you, weather they made it up (someone matching your description) or not. i thought this was to cut down on discrimination/persecution… surely this isnt right, just to be able to get a non-specific search warrant enabaling them to stop&search everyone and anyone they like! Talk about police state. Anyone else had similar encounters?

      General Lighting
        djprocess wrote:
        my mate just told me that she got searched on west st (sheffield) the other day. They showed her a search warrant that said they could do RANDOM stop and searches on people for drugs! I thought the law was that they had to have a reason to stop and search you, weather they made it up (someone matching your description) or not. i thought this was to cut down on discrimination/persecution… surely this isnt right, just to be able to get a non-specific search warrant enabaling them to stop&search everyone and anyone they like! Talk about police state. Anyone else had similar encounters?

        they’ve been doing it for years, usually in areas of town where its “known for drug use”.

        the only new thing is that they either give a reason or give you a bit of paper afterwards to explain what happened, and they are supposed to monitor how many non-white people they stop.

        I’m Asian but I don’t have a beard (don’t want one, would make me look old) and look more “Oriental” than “South Asian”, and being older I tend not to hang around on streets any more which is why I don’t get stopped as often as I used to

        But at the height of the “political correctness” (before the terrorism) I’ve had a copper shine a torch in my face, take a good look at me, and radio my description as “IC1″ (White Male”) :laugh_at:just so it didn’t look “bad” on his records (ironically had I actually been wanted for anything the incorrect description would have meant I would have got away with it!)

        General Lighting
          djprocess wrote:
          my mate just told me that she got searched on west st (sheffield) the other day. They showed her a search warrant that said they could do RANDOM stop and searches on people for drugs! I thought the law was that they had to have a reason to stop and search you, weather they made it up (someone matching your description) or not. i thought this was to cut down on discrimination/persecution… surely this isnt right, just to be able to get a non-specific search warrant enabaling them to stop&search everyone and anyone they like! Talk about police state. Anyone else had similar encounters?

          they’ve been doing it for years, usually in areas of town where its “known for drug use”.

          the only new thing is that they either give a reason or give you a bit of paper afterwards to explain what happened, and they are supposed to monitor how many non-white people they stop.

          I’m Asian but I don’t have a beard (don’t want one, would make me look old) and look more “Oriental” than “South Asian”, and being older I tend not to hang around on streets any more which is why I don’t get stopped as often as I used to

          But at the height of the “political correctness” (before the terrorism) I’ve had a copper shine a torch in my face, take a good look at me, and radio my description as “IC1″ (White Male”) :laugh_at:just so it didn’t look “bad” on his records (ironically had I actually been wanted for anything the incorrect description would have meant I would have got away with it!)


            the reason was for drugs, but they actually had a non-specific search warrant enabaling them to stop and search who and when they wanted. I thought they at least had to make up an excuse/reason rather than just being authorised to do what the hell they want? surely thats a violation of human rights? just being able to stop and searching you because you look guilty of a crime (dreads/beard etc…)


              the reason was for drugs, but they actually had a non-specific search warrant enabaling them to stop and search who and when they wanted. I thought they at least had to make up an excuse/reason rather than just being authorised to do what the hell they want? surely thats a violation of human rights? just being able to stop and searching you because you look guilty of a crime (dreads/beard etc…)

              General Lighting
                djprocess wrote:
                the reason was for drugs, but they actually had a non-specific search warrant enabaling them to stop and search who and when they wanted. I thought they at least had to make up an excuse/reason rather than just being authorised to do what the hell they want? surely thats a violation of human rights? just being able to stop and searching you because you look guilty of a crime (dreads/beard etc…)

                I think its called a Section 60 order and is part of CJA 1994 (similar to the law used to close down raves). There’s another similar law they can use under the Anti Social Behaviour act 2003 (“dispersal order”)

                It tends to get used in certain areas around summer time after the neighbours have moaned about youths/druggies “hanging around”, and its reach is usually only limited to certain streets.

                General Lighting
                  djprocess wrote:
                  the reason was for drugs, but they actually had a non-specific search warrant enabaling them to stop and search who and when they wanted. I thought they at least had to make up an excuse/reason rather than just being authorised to do what the hell they want? surely thats a violation of human rights? just being able to stop and searching you because you look guilty of a crime (dreads/beard etc…)

                  I think its called a Section 60 order and is part of CJA 1994 (similar to the law used to close down raves). There’s another similar law they can use under the Anti Social Behaviour act 2003 (“dispersal order”)

                  It tends to get used in certain areas around summer time after the neighbours have moaned about youths/druggies “hanging around”, and its reach is usually only limited to certain streets.

                    General Lighting wrote:
                    I think its called a Section 60 order and is part of CJA 1994 (similar to the law used to close down raves). There’s another similar law they can use under the Anti Social Behaviour act 2003 (“dispersal order”)

                    It tends to get used in certain areas around summer time after the neighbours have moaned about youths/druggies “hanging around”, and its reach is usually only limited to certain streets.

                    thats fucked up! cheers for the info tho..

                      General Lighting wrote:
                      I think its called a Section 60 order and is part of CJA 1994 (similar to the law used to close down raves). There’s another similar law they can use under the Anti Social Behaviour act 2003 (“dispersal order”)

                      It tends to get used in certain areas around summer time after the neighbours have moaned about youths/druggies “hanging around”, and its reach is usually only limited to certain streets.

                      thats fucked up! cheers for the info tho..

                      General Lighting

                        I found this on SYP’s website as part of a “New Year Podcast”

                        Although it doesn’t refer to the law being put in place, it shows that the area is already known as a “key hot spot” area so its liable to always have such measures implemented, particularly at holiday seasons and “summer” (not that we are having much of one!)

                        South Yorkshire Police wrote:
                        Is there a specific operation being carried out over the New Year
                        “Yes – Operation Drink Safe is being carried out this weekend. What that
                        consists of is a high number of officers out on the streets who are highly
                        visible in key hot spot areas where we generally experience crime.
                        “In Sheffield that’s around West Street, Carver Street and around the night
                        club areas. These officers perform a number of functions. Firstly they are
                        there to deter crime and secondly they are there to reassure the public and
                        engage with the public.
                        “Those officers will respond very quickly to any emerging situation and
                        hopefully deal with it effectively before it becomes a serious issue.”
                        General Lighting

                          I found this on SYP’s website as part of a “New Year Podcast”

                          Although it doesn’t refer to the law being put in place, it shows that the area is already known as a “key hot spot” area so its liable to always have such measures implemented, particularly at holiday seasons and “summer” (not that we are having much of one!)

                          South Yorkshire Police wrote:
                          Is there a specific operation being carried out over the New Year
                          “Yes – Operation Drink Safe is being carried out this weekend. What that
                          consists of is a high number of officers out on the streets who are highly
                          visible in key hot spot areas where we generally experience crime.
                          “In Sheffield that’s around West Street, Carver Street and around the night
                          club areas. These officers perform a number of functions. Firstly they are
                          there to deter crime and secondly they are there to reassure the public and
                          engage with the public.
                          “Those officers will respond very quickly to any emerging situation and
                          hopefully deal with it effectively before it becomes a serious issue.”

                            nah can’t be the same operation, that sounds like they’re just wanting to control pissheads and reasure the public with a visible presence. These were plain clothes and the warrant was specifically for drugs. Weird.


                              nah can’t be the same operation, that sounds like they’re just wanting to control pissheads and reasure the public with a visible presence. These were plain clothes and the warrant was specifically for drugs. Weird.


                                may have just been a fishing expedition to see what was out there?


                                  may have just been a fishing expedition to see what was out there?


                                    still didnt think they were allowed to get search warrants for whole areas for anyone they like, but i suppose they must get one for football matches, festivals etc (but even at festival they have to give you a reason, sniffer dog/desciption etc) Got searched at the tek in 05′ and there reason was that i was at a rave, and my car smelt of weed, even tho the windows were shut and they were driving past in thier car with the windows shut and we hadnt even smoked any! still a sort of valid reason tho…


                                      still didnt think they were allowed to get search warrants for whole areas for anyone they like, but i suppose they must get one for football matches, festivals etc (but even at festival they have to give you a reason, sniffer dog/desciption etc) Got searched at the tek in 05′ and there reason was that i was at a rave, and my car smelt of weed, even tho the windows were shut and they were driving past in thier car with the windows shut and we hadnt even smoked any! still a sort of valid reason tho…

                                      General Lighting
                                        djprocess wrote:
                                        nah can’t be the same operation, that sounds like they’re just wanting to control pissheads and reasure the public with a visible presence.

                                        indeed, wouldn’t have been the same op but shows that the legal framework is there to lock down the area (i.e it has been tried and tested).

                                        These were plain clothes and the warrant was specifically for drugs. Weird.[/quote]

                                        I’ve encountered this before at the height of the rave scene in Reading.

                                        Usually means that casual/recreational drug use has picked up in the town and as Raj said its a “fishing expedition” to get ideas of how many people are likely to be carrying drugs.

                                        hmm – maybe its because more clubber types are seeking out alternative venues after Crasher One burned, thus driving pillheads into other more unfamiliar areas?

                                        General Lighting
                                          djprocess wrote:
                                          nah can’t be the same operation, that sounds like they’re just wanting to control pissheads and reasure the public with a visible presence.

                                          indeed, wouldn’t have been the same op but shows that the legal framework is there to lock down the area (i.e it has been tried and tested).

                                          These were plain clothes and the warrant was specifically for drugs. Weird.[/quote]

                                          I’ve encountered this before at the height of the rave scene in Reading.

                                          Usually means that casual/recreational drug use has picked up in the town and as Raj said its a “fishing expedition” to get ideas of how many people are likely to be carrying drugs.

                                          hmm – maybe its because more clubber types are seeking out alternative venues after Crasher One burned, thus driving pillheads into other more unfamiliar areas?


                                            it was about 2weeks ago before gatecrasher got destroyed (gutted) tho. sounds like raj’s theory might be right or they could have been round the bars/clubs swabbing toilet tops, covers etc and realised that everyone round there loves their coke and decided to try and send out a message?


                                              it was about 2weeks ago before gatecrasher got destroyed (gutted) tho. sounds like raj’s theory might be right or they could have been round the bars/clubs swabbing toilet tops, covers etc and realised that everyone round there loves their coke and decided to try and send out a message?

                                              General Lighting
                                                djprocess wrote:
                                                it was about 2weeks ago before gatecrasher got destroyed (gutted) tho. sounds like raj’s theory might be right or they could have been round the bars/clubs swabbing toilet tops, covers etc and realised that everyone round there loves their coke and decided to try and send out a message?

                                                yeah that seems quite likely. The clubs/bars are really heavily nannied/policed these days, where I live any club which does anything dance music related automatically gets checked out by the OB..

                                                General Lighting
                                                  djprocess wrote:
                                                  it was about 2weeks ago before gatecrasher got destroyed (gutted) tho. sounds like raj’s theory might be right or they could have been round the bars/clubs swabbing toilet tops, covers etc and realised that everyone round there loves their coke and decided to try and send out a message?

                                                  yeah that seems quite likely. The clubs/bars are really heavily nannied/policed these days, where I live any club which does anything dance music related automatically gets checked out by the OB..


                                                    im off home from work now anyway, nice one for the info. reckon i might avoid west st. Anyone who lives in Sheff be warned!


                                                      im off home from work now anyway, nice one for the info. reckon i might avoid west st. Anyone who lives in Sheff be warned!

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat IS THIS LEGAL?!