- This topic has 24 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated June 20, 2011 at 12:55 am by sweething.
June 15, 2011 at 9:00 pm #1051127
i’m standing at the bus stop and the first bus was heaving. No biggy peeps.. me thinking ahead, used bustracker so i knew there was another one 5 mins later. i’m watching it getting jam-packed and i’m choking for a pint….decisions…decisions?? fuck it! next one is soon so chill oot yeah man. Easy.
gets on the next one which was predictably emptyish and off we go. we stop at the traffic lights not further than 20 yards along the route. Then I spotted them…the little bastards… the little fuckin bastards… sitting on the wall just a pavement away on my side. I knew once the lights would change summit was gonna happen. i’m lookin them in the eye and before i could even put my hand up to waggle my finger at the little bastards then ……………..FUCKIN BOOSH! brick comes right for my face!! SMASH!! goes the window! poor guy sitting behind me nearly shat himself!
bus driver slams on the brakes while i’m shouting “You little BASTARDS!” driver’s saying “WTF was that THAT!” “Them little BASTARDS have tanned yer windae man! i’m shouting….”everybody Ok?” says the driver..i look around and everyone looks bewildered. I’m fuckin ragin! cos i know that i aint getting to the pub for at least another half an hour…if only i had squeezed myself on the first bus then i would have avoided all the drama……life is a Bitch sometimes. Hey-ho
No one got hurt but we got held up from little BAsTARDS!
Age range from 5 to 8 i may add
June 15, 2011 at 9:03 pm #1241003Anonymous
thats a bit mad, glad your okay man. Stuff like that freaks me out, every so often some kinds throw something heavy off a bridge on a motorway/duel carriageway down this way. I used to think I was a rebel for spitting
June 15, 2011 at 9:10 pm #1241004Anonymous
@Fizzbombheid 440270 wrote:
Age range from 5 to 8 i may add
i was walking to my friends house one time and i walked past a house and there were loads of little(ish) kids outside staring at me and i was like, hmmm.. and a few seconds later they started lobbing bricks and stones and stuff at me! o.o maybe kids these days really are as bad as they say. it was an unprovoked act of violence! didn’t even know them.
glad nobody got hurt though! it could have been very different. hope they all got a good old clip around the ear!
June 15, 2011 at 9:14 pm #1241007I think thats the difference – kids have always got up to stuff like this = if my dad is anything to go by –
but when they pushed it too far they’d be brought in to line – and not always by ma and pa – maybe the neighbours etc
people are too scared these days, I know when my dad had rocks thrown at his car years ago he went down the road to tell the parents and was welcomed by the dad opening the door with a baseball bat…. no wonder the kids were like they were….
June 15, 2011 at 9:20 pm #1241010@extraslim 440271 wrote:
thats a bit mad, glad your okay man. Stuff like that freaks me out, every so often some kinds throw something heavy off a bridge on a motorway/duel carriageway down this way. I used to think I was a rebel for spitting
the funny thing is extra..i.m listenining to Where is My mind?” by the PIXIES
whats it all about?
June 15, 2011 at 9:56 pm #1241022Hi FizzBombHeid ,
Rough one mate , glad no one was hurt . Aint it mad some times that you get a sense that somethings gonna happen before it does !!!! . Bloody stupid of those kids though as they could have killed some one !!!! , a brick to head and it could be fatal . Still did you get that pint you was hankering for ?regards
MungoJune 15, 2011 at 10:02 pm #1241011@mungo1972 440287 wrote:
Hi FizzBombHeid ,
Rough one mate , glad no one was hurt . Aint it mad some times that you get a sense that somethings gonna happen before it does !!!! . Bloody stupid of those kids though as they could have killed some one !!!! , a brick to head and it could be fatal . Still did you get that pint you was hankering for ?regards
Mungosure did buddy. nowt stopping me from getting me groove on. but OCH!, kidz are kidz we all done it……but just dinnae dae it at me ya wee……….BASTARDS!!
June 15, 2011 at 10:07 pm #1241023Hi FizzBombHeid ,
Kids are Kids thats true but where i was brought up it was rural so was quite relaxed , plus everyone knew you so you couldn’t get away with anything !!!!! . Then we moved to a town !!!!! culture shock i can tell ya lolregards
Mungo the townieJune 15, 2011 at 10:25 pm #1241012i’m from a rough area. i am a rough man. i was a rough kid. nothing seems to be changing? i’m not shocked.
centuries this shit has been going onfor.
what does it tell you?
In the auld words of ‘Depeche Mode’….”People are people so how can it be? that you and I can get along so awfully/happily”
Fuckin Ce la vie
June 16, 2011 at 12:05 am #1241009haha, fizz, i imagne you as Renton from Trainspotting. minus the smack. actually no.. Begbie!! you are definatly Begbie!!
June 16, 2011 at 12:20 am #1241021in italy a few years ago two motherfuckers have killed a girl doing the same thing from a bridge over the highway .. fucking bastards
cool nothing serious happened this timeJune 16, 2011 at 1:36 am #1241020@mungo1972 440293 wrote:
Hi FizzBombHeid , Kids are Kids thats true but where i was brought up it was rural so was quite relaxed , plus everyone knew you so you couldn’t get away with anything !!!!! . THEN I MOVED TO IRAQ !!!!! culture shock i can tell ya lolregardsMungo the townie
June 16, 2011 at 1:52 am #1241013@Pike Tom Us 440304 wrote:
haha, fizz, i imagne you as Renton from Trainspotting. minus the smack. actually no.. Begbie!! you are definatly Begbie!!
hee-hee Pikey you are so close to the truth it’s untrue lol
same city..same district/scheme ..same age..same team..same auld same auld…bla bla fuckin bla…
but i aint fuckin Begbie cos that cunt had a moustache and a shit jumper!!………and he was a weegie(Glaswegian) played him perfectly though.
trainspotting is still appening ma man.
and that’s a shame.
June 16, 2011 at 4:59 am #1241008Those little bastards. Glad you’re okay though fella. If it’s any consolation karma will get them back. She always does.
June 16, 2011 at 8:33 am #1241005Anonymous
@Fizzbombheid 440278 wrote:
the funny thing is extra..i.m listenining to Where is My mind?” by the PIXIES
whats it all about?
its about experiences whilst diving I believe, a little fish for example. Why do you ask/what made you mention that song?
June 16, 2011 at 12:07 pm #1241014@extraslim 440340 wrote:
its about experiences whilst diving I believe, a little fish for example. Why do you ask/what made you mention that song?
I dunno lol i was tripping while i was typing and that choon must have been on the speakers.
the mrs thinks i’ve got some kind of tourette’s. i say out loud random things that pop into my heid
i’m not as bad as Ruth from Deuce Bigalow though :crazy_dru
June 16, 2011 at 12:11 pm #1241006Anonymous
@Fizzbombheid 440371 wrote:
I dunno lol i was tripping while i was typing and that choon must have been on the speakers.
I only ask as its my favourite song thus seemed odd 🙂
June 16, 2011 at 12:18 pm #1241015@extraslim 440372 wrote:
I only ask as its my favourite song thus seemed odd 🙂
that’s spooky man!
tis a great choon though
June 16, 2011 at 4:39 pm #1241024Oh, dear! That’s horrible! Thank goodness I haven’t come across those kind of kids yet. I’m glad you’re ok!!!
June 19, 2011 at 7:04 pm #1241018I got a huge bollocking when I was a kid for lobbing a dirty big bloody rock at a car from around the corner as he drove past. The guy spent every hour polishing that Capri, I have no idea why I did it. I think all kids have that one bad event where they test the limits of how bad they can get in trouble.
June 19, 2011 at 7:29 pm #1241016@Moonie 440711 wrote:
I got a huge bollocking when I was a kid for lobbing a dirty big bloody rock at a car from around the corner as he drove past. The guy spent every hour polishing that Capri, I have no idea why I did it. I think all kids have that one bad event where they test the limits of how bad they can get in trouble.
Moonie mate when i was a kid there was this guy that lived next door that had this fuckin handsome old motor…an old Wolddrserly (spel check) or summit..barry it was1 but cos the cunt was a a kunt…us kiddies hated him him..thought FuK Him!. ..we rubbed butter all over his lights and chrome bits…slashed the roof..tyres …threw white paint on it..punched it..kicked it..stuk fings up itz exhaust pipe..and pished on it……….fuckin pack mentality…went m ental oan it…
sad.sad fuckin sad thinkin back……wee bastards!! i was one o’ thum!!
poor car. a thing of beauty it was ..poor man ..but he was a KUNT!
nothing changes sigh
i feel sad about that but thats the way it is.
Hey-hoJune 19, 2011 at 7:57 pm #1241019it’s just kids though mate, at least you can say that you grew out of it, plenty of blokes don’t.
June 19, 2011 at 7:59 pm #1241025I’m so glad that no one was hurt, its just pure madness. With each generation, the kids behaviour seems to get worse. Darwin theory of evolution at work maybe.
June 19, 2011 at 8:48 pm #1241017@sweething 440720 wrote:
I’m so glad that no one was hurt, its just pure madness. With each generation, the kids behaviour seems to get worse. Darwin theory of evolution at work maybe.
sorry sweething but yer missing my point ma pal. it aint getting worse its just the same.
nothing will change.
dont worry bout it though. tis just the way it is.
June 20, 2011 at 12:55 am #1241026True….kids will be kids, well we’ve all been there (well me anyway). It just seems a little more shocking when you hear what kids are up to now days but I guess Can blame it on my age 😥 … Shift+R improves the quality of this image. CTRL+F5 reloads the whole page.
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