Forums The Vibe Chat I Just don’t get it

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      Bit of a random thread, and its just a thought i get all the time, but i’m listening to an awesome hard techno mix and i can’t stop laughing its so good. But i just dont get how someone can prefer these lame, boring bands like Franz Ferdinand, the Kooks, Snow Patrol to this awesome music which has an impact. I seriously don’t get it. Almost all rock music these days is just so whack, and yet when i show most of my friends techno they just say, “Its repetitive”. Im aware of opinions, but seriously, liking the mundane stuff thats about now isnt opinion, its just shit!

      Another reason they give for not liking it is, “But i cant sit at home and listen to that”. I just wonder why. Ok its more energetic than most rock, but it doesnt mean you cant chill to it. Theres nothing better than sitting back and nodding your head to some nasty, slow nu-skool, industrial gabba.

      I like listening to some rock but this indie shit has no impact whatsoever, its just tame and weak.

      Again, im aware its only opinions, but people who listen to indie should get some better ones. (I’m aware that the examples of bands i gave arent really indie, but the more “Underground” indie scene is just as bad and more pretentious)


        I think the answer is simple….different strokes for different folks.

        There is a lot of music and a lot of people…..everyone doesnt like it all and thats what makes it interesting.


          I think that the dislike of techno or any other form of dance music is an inability to find the musicality in the artform.

          I have always liked all forms of dance music since before I first realised there was such a thing. I have been a bit startled at times by the vehemence of some people’s dislike of it.

          Most people who dont like it say ‘thats not real music’ and dont take the time to appreciate the mental freedom of not having your thoughts channeled by the presence of lyrics written by someone else. They have often asked me how I could move from listening to classical and baroque music or goth and rock to listening to ‘that stuff’. ‘dont you get bored?’ was another common question.

          I find unless I can get them to sit and listen to a really good mix of dance music which I find exciting to listen to this situation doesnt change. And some mixes can be really tedious to listen to unless you are really into the specific style they are in. [Some styles may require chemical help to be appreciated – without said chemicals they can sound like nasty noise to the newcomer :groucho:]Maybe this is part of the problem. Going to a large free party and hearing the music on a big rig also permanently alters how you hear the music as does taking most any kind of drugs and listening to it.

          Some people just plain dont like the repetitive beats but are happy to listen to some popstar with little talent warbling off key and unable to sing a tune….Not my cup of tea but hey if they want to thats their choice:wink:


            Im sorry but I agree with your friends.. I hate techno! HATE IT!! and I used to listen to that gabba shite too. Rotterdam Terror Corps and some other shit. I think it is bit a repititive… but in truth it doesn’t all sound the same I just don’t like techno.. and I love electronic music. Its thumping baselines that I don’t like there rubbish. I like house because they have organ like baselines. I love jungle and drum n bass because they have so many different types of base lines and I love warpy sounding baselines such as “Zippy – Cookie Monsters” check it out you’ll know what I mean 😀

            Techno just doesn’t quite deliver for me and I dont like that tempo… its a little bit to energetic from what Ive listened too.


              I got to agree with your friends and the previous poster i don’t like techno in the slightest. One of the main reason i don’t go to many free parties nowadays is the techno i hate it ! I went to one a while ago in a huge warehouse in andover there was a few rigs but by 5 in the morning they were all playing techno arrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh :you_crazy

                elretardo87 wrote:
                I think the answer is simple….different strokes for different folks.

                There is a lot of music and a lot of people…..everyone doesnt like it all and thats what makes it interesting.


                  Kerrse wrote:
                  I got to agree with your friends and the previous poster i don’t like techno in the slightest. One of the main reason i don’t go to many free parties nowadays is the techno i hate it ! I went to one a while ago in a huge warehouse in andover there was a few rigs but by 5 in the morning they were all playing techno arrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh :you_crazy

                  I also think the definition of techno varies from place to place [certainly at least between england and scotland there is a huge variation] and this means that what I am calling techno and what others are calling techno are not the same….I tend to refer to pretty much everything I like as either techno or house music [originally its all house music :groucho: innit]. Sounds like what you are refeering to as techno is stuff I dont like either…..

                  What is your definition of techno? If it doesnt include Hardfloor, Harthouse, Prodigy, Tesox, Morganistic, React, Missile, etc we are having a communication problem arising from the regional definition of the music styles…

                  Playground Politics

                    music taste, i like all most music for its key goodnesses. But i only like the best of each genre(although there are some genres i hate eg nu rave) but what i like about electric, is that there are so many sounds layers and i find that they are all interwoven with a riff that is constantly changing, i dont care if my friends like the same music or not, i do find some genres repetitve tho


                      The mix i’m refering to is hard techno, not in the broad definiton of techno, nothing like the prodigy or hardfloor etc. But I’m talking about most electronic music in general. My friends just hate it all, and i find it way better than the rock thats going round at the moment. I dont really care what music they like, but i just dont get their reasoning behind disliking electronic music (though i do understand its difficult to explain why you like or dont like music). But when they call gabber “stupid and loud” or say techno is just a drum beat they totally miss the point.

                      LaverT wrote:
                      I love jungle and drum n bass because they have so many different types of base lines

                      Personally i find jungle and DnB (DnB in particular) just as, if not more repetitive than techno. I find there are only a few different types of bassline, and a 4 min track will be a 4 bar loop over and over, with build ups leading nowhere. Having said that, I still love the stuff and will be the first to defend it if any of my rock fan friends try and insult it.

                      Oh, and Rotterdam Terror corps are shit. Outside Agency, Nosferatu, Ophidian, Endymion, Evil Activities and Tha Playah are some cracking (Nu skool) Gabba.

                        Raj wrote:
                        What is your definition of techno? If it doesnt include Hardfloor, Harthouse, Prodigy, Tesox, Morganistic, React, Missile, etc we are having a communication problem arising from the regional definition of the music styles…

                        Could be an age thing 😉 The techno I listen to probably ain’t your thing. I would class all of the above as oldschool but I’m a youngun. Techno nowadays for me is stuff like Bass Mooy and Jurgen Liegbrets….stuff like this



                          Its always been dificult to define the type of a tune even amongst friends, its gonna be more difficult here!

                          But as for diff people liking diff types of music I agree its horses for courses.

                          My dad used to say that appreciation of jazz is something that comes with age. I like some of it, but the progressive stuff is still way beyond my ken, tho I do see it as ‘i havent learnt to appreciate it’ rather than ‘its a bunch of crap’

                          I think the ear is like the tastebud and can be educated but only if it wants to be

                            elretardo87 wrote:
                            Could be an age thing 😉 The techno I listen to probably ain’t your thing. I would class all of the above as oldschool but I’m a youngun. Techno nowadays for me is stuff like Bass Mooy and Jurgen Liegbrets….stuff like this


                            You are so right :crazy_fre [though to be fair I do buy modern techno too so we may have some music in common :groucho: and I quite liked that fantoompin track 🙂 raaa]

                            Guess about half my box is oldschool if you call it that and the rest is newer right up till recently….raaaraaaraaa

                            Have you seen my zimmer young man :groucho:? :crazy_fre 😛

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                          Forums The Vibe Chat I Just don’t get it