Lewis Carrol is satirizing philosophical paradoxes and riddles. As a logician he is poking fun at our need for an answer to every question. In reality it is not a riddle at all, but a pseudoproblem masquerading as a riddle. If you buy into the riddle you are merely the butt of Carrol’s joke. Your playing his game, by assuming the question has a logical answer. It’s not called “logicland”.
Lewis Carrol believes that most riddles are fallicious because they lead the reader to believe that such events are possible or even answerable.
the real answer to the riddle is: there is no answer
Pressed for an answer in the preface of a later edition of the book, Carroll wrote “Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front! Notice of course “never” is spelled wrong to be “raven” backwards.
There have also been various answers over the years from others, convinced that Carrol was “too dumb to solve his own riddle” some of which included answers such as “Because there is a B in both and an N in neither”, “Because they both have inky quills” and “Because Poe wrote on both”.
hows that for ya? can i have the tune now please?:hopeless::hopeless: