- This topic has 43 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated November 10, 2008 at 9:42 pm by uglyprettytrash.
September 10, 2008 at 10:15 am #1179144
if you look after yourself you won’t need to go into an old folks home… but
if people keep doing ketamine in the quantities they are (and overdoing other drugs). these institutions will be exactly the same as they are today.i.e. with security doors on every entry/exit (to stop dementia sufferers wandering and getting run over), incontinence supplies being used by the ton, everyone in monitored/locked rooms to stop them fighting due to psychosis, rules and regulations to keep an eye of everyone and a load of often bitter, sad people watching daytime telly and the crime news on the idiot box whilst their grandchildren fight and die for oil across the world.
The only upside is that the NHS might pay for some of the drugs, but they will be benzos and anti-depressants to keep everyone placid.
And some people will be seeing the insides of such places by their mid 40s if they don’t check themselves…
September 10, 2008 at 10:20 am #1179152thats it piss on the bonfire. throw empty cans on too:laugh_at:
September 10, 2008 at 10:26 am #1179145april;235243 wrote:thats it piss on the bonfire. throw empty cans on too:laugh_at:sometimes you need to do that before someone throws on a spray can and it blows up and hurts people, or the fire gets lunched out and nearly burns the forest down….
Quote:im an oar:bounce_fl and have to agree with the above couple of posts that the drugs people r on these days has made the atmosphere a bit dark at some parties a lot less:group_hug.at a recent one when i was asking some obviously k-holed kid if he was ok i got verbally attacked by one of his m8s “fuck off who are you his dad ?”.exactly.
all of us who are in our 20s onwards have seen this, and it is very recent. its just that the slightly younger people tend not to want to admit it as such especially if their mates are doing bare ket (or just overdoing things) regularly as it makes them feel like “outsiders” to challenge it. That is the difference between youths and “old skool ravers” as many of our age group have seen loads of our former friends fuck up big time on drugs.
I was partying in East Anglia right up until the clampdown and noticed how quickly things were declining – to the point my young friends can’t be arsed with it any more especially the more intelligent creative people…
think about this everyone, ketamine was just as available in 1991 or 1992 and would still have been a nice earner then with less risk (people used to get long stretches for just 10 pills back in the day) – yet for whatever reason few ravers wanted to get too involved with it – even in 1997 it wasn’t very popular – people did it but not in the way its taken over today…
the older ravers from the 90s are mostly still about even if they don’t or can’t party all the time at least those what haven’t fucked their minds and lives up too much. What is more worrying IMO is people just giving up in their early to mid 20s because they are already jaded with it, and a whole quarter of the country on zero tolerance for unlicensed parties and putting stringent restrictions on legal events.
September 10, 2008 at 11:24 am #1179157General Lighting;235244 wrote:sometimes you need to do that before someone throws on a spray can and it blows up and hurts people, or the fire gets lunched out and nearly burns the forest down….exactly.
all of us who are in our 20s onwards have seen this, and it is very recent. its just that the slightly younger people tend not to want to admit it as such especially if their mates are doing bare ket (or just overdoing things) regularly as it makes them feel like “outsiders” to challenge it. That is the difference between youths and “old skool ravers” as many of our age group have seen loads of our former friends fuck up big time on drugs.
I was partying in East Anglia right up until the clampdown and noticed how quickly things were declining – to the point my young friends can’t be arsed with it any more especially the more intelligent creative people…
think about this everyone, ketamine was just as available in 1991 or 1992 and would still have been a nice earner then with less risk (people used to get long stretches for just 10 pills back in the day) – yet for whatever reason few ravers wanted to get too involved with it – even in 1997 it wasn’t very popular – people did it but not in the way its taken over today…
the older ravers from the 90s are mostly still about even if they don’t or can’t party all the time at least those what haven’t fucked their minds and lives up too much. What is more worrying IMO is people just giving up in their early to mid 20s because they are already jaded with it, and a whole quarter of the country on zero tolerance for unlicensed parties and putting stringent restrictions on legal events.
yeah some people do need to have a word with themselves about there drug use, but then maybe its a form of natural selection, if all the people that cant run a good party or cant control thier own drug use disappear from the scene either through getting nicked because their bait or getting thier system crushed cause they throw shit at the cops or end up in rehab or a mental hospital, wouldnt it mean that the party scene would be a better place? it might be harsh losing friends and people getting nicked, but if there not gonna listen theres not much you can do is there?
September 10, 2008 at 12:02 pm #1179181deepgreen;235063 wrote:What do people think of this party ‘generation’ gap? Do you youngsters look at partying 30 somethings and think ‘eew’ go to bed grandad, even though the music and scene is pretty much the same just evolved a bit more? Just curious to know…hmmm, nope. Maybe i’d think ‘come to bed grandad’.. I just love older men…
:love:September 10, 2008 at 1:25 pm #1179146djprocess;235249 wrote:yeah some people do need to have a word with themselves about there drug use, but then maybe its a form of natural selection, if all the people that cant run a good party or cant control thier own drug use disappear from the scene either through getting nicked because their bait or getting thier system crushed cause they throw shit at the cops or end up in rehab or a mental hospital, wouldnt it mean that the party scene would be a better place? it might be harsh losing friends and people getting nicked, but if there not gonna listen theres not much you can do is there?thing is this has been going on for the last 20 years and “natural selection” means a lot of people are giving up younger, plus it makes it difficult for the better crews. I know one crew what has been persecuted by feds IMO quite unfairly simply because of the idiocy of others elsewhere in the county – everyone gets tarred with the same brush.
what I noticed at the recent East Anglian raves before the clampdowns was loads of teens to early 20s, a fair few people my age group, but less and less in between (particularly in their mid 20s).
September 10, 2008 at 1:40 pm #1179158General Lighting;235259 wrote:I know one crew what has been persecuted by feds IMO quite unfairly simply because of the idiocy of others elsewhere in the county – everyone gets tarred with the same brush.yeah that is one of the downsides.
General Lighting;235259 wrote:what I noticed at the recent East Anglian raves before the clampdowns was loads of teens to early 20s, a fair few people my age group, but less and less in between (particularly in their mid 20s).ive noticed this as well, there seems to be hardly anyone my age at the parties i go to. age range goes from 16-early20’s then 30-45. strange.
September 10, 2008 at 2:21 pm #1179147djprocess;235262 wrote:ive noticed this as well, there seems to be hardly anyone my age at the parties i go to. age range goes from 16-early20’s then 30-45. strange.it might be that lots of people have kids and its certainly not fair or right to lunch out your kid from the age 0-5 and leave them regularly with babysitters
also I don’t mean to be sexist as its a natural thing really but when people get in long term relationships, women start putting more pressure on their partners to stay in at weekends and/or spend time with kids (or even without kids they just want their partners to not take so many risks)
so with the 30-40 somethings either their kids (if they have them) are old enough to be left with with friends/family (or if teenage are even at the rave as well :laugh_at:), or they have broken up with a long term relationship and if there are kids the other partner has got custody…
September 13, 2008 at 1:30 pm #1179172i used to go to slamming vinal alot and there was allways this dude at the front of the speakers in the happy hardcore room and he was like 60+ mentalist thru and thru …. at one perticula rave he collapsed from heat exaustion and dehydration .. 15 mins later he was back at the speakers giving it some …. makes me think of that catch phrase “hardcor will never die” lol … i aspire to be like that guy when i am older .. not sure if i got it in me tho :laugh_at:
September 13, 2008 at 2:42 pm #1179166Well I’m dusting off my zimmer frame as I’ll be out partying two weekends in a row!
The age of of a person is unimportant, it is attitude that counts. I’ve known lots of idiots that have been both old and young. The only advantage for younger people is they have longer to change their attitudes. Some older people go to their grave being miserable and looking for someone to knock!September 13, 2008 at 2:46 pm #1179173welly;235812 wrote:Well I’m dusting off my zimmer frame as I’ll be out partying two weekends in a row!
The age of of a person is unimportant, it is attitude that counts. I’ve known lots of idiots that have been both old and young. The only advantage for younger people is they have longer to change their attitudes. Some older people go to their grave being miserable and looking for someone to knock!thi9s is very true .. but you also have to take the physical stresses and strains of getting older that doesn’t help if you are of that age and want to go out raving
September 13, 2008 at 2:47 pm #1179141Anonymous
i cant say iv ever given age any consideration when speaking to people at raves. age and wisdom go hand in hand (or at least its ment to) so it can only be a good thing. i did see a 60 year old hippy sitting on one of the stacks at a certain rigs birthday party at the beginning of the summer, all i remember thinking was “good man” :crazy_dru
September 13, 2008 at 2:57 pm #1179167I put myself in the middle of the age thingy, it dosent realy bother me how old you are as said above alot of older people are good for chating to but ive also found myself in this situation talkin to 18 19 year olds and remenising on some of the good old days when you knew a party was guna be PHAT and every one there was safe as fuck, not much has changed much I think theres a bit more atitude:cry:, and this moshing wosnt a part of the scene when I started but I still love it!
September 29, 2008 at 10:55 am #1179153When I got me crew together to form a sound system, I was 23 and had been raving for two years….my crew then ranged in age from 16 to late 30’s. In fact one of our Boxking Club nights was dedicated to my rig partner’s 40th…
We just kept on partying and never really noticed the age thing. I always described my crew as “our age” even tho that meant a pretty big spread…
Nowadays, like others have said, I love the antics of you kids, and if there weren’t any younguns doing it, then the scene would eventually die out. Don’t let that happen, as some of us olds can’t be doing it no more (work/mortgages/partners etc)..
September 29, 2008 at 11:46 am #1179175actually the first free party i went to was the celebration of a 60 year olds birthday :bounce_fl
September 30, 2008 at 6:20 pm #1179155just look at old man shazam..
November 5, 2008 at 6:11 pm #1179142Anonymous
I think its great!!Im 18 been partyin for nearly 4 yrs now n i think its wkd that u can go out n avit 2 stompin tunes wit people of all ages!
Theres nothin like feelin the love of the moshpit!! :love:
Free party-goers r like a second family! :bounce_g:
November 9, 2008 at 11:38 am #1179148I turn 33 in a couple of weeks and still go out raving fairly regularly (my first rave was about 18 years ago). I love the new music and even though I feel a bit older each time I go out I gotta hand it to the young ‘uns for bringing energy and enthusiasm to the party. If raves were full of old’E’s I don’t reckon the atmosphere would be anywhere near as havvinit.
My mum is in her 60’s and loves a good rave. I can’t wait ’till I’m in my dotage, singing songs from the past around a fire with my oldskool mates – “Smack my bitch up!”, or what about “We’ll live as one familiiiiie, nooowwwoooooooooooooooyeah” :bounce_fl
As for the drugs thing… K was there then, it’s till here now. Not my ideal party drug but still good for a laugh and the comedown is easier to manage than an E comedown. My local town’s drug of choice is K (apparently) and (apparently) the locals grass up the smack dealers because they “don’t want that shit in our town”. I think this is a definite step in the right direction as K doesn’t turn people into liers, thieves and muggers.
Besides which – no drugs are as important as the music (new and old raaa)and the atmoshpere (young and old :group_hug) at any rave.
November 10, 2008 at 9:42 pm #1179182From the ones I’ve met there are two types of older generation ravers, the ones who still love a good party and a good atmosphere, and the ones who go purely to complain that “back then it would’ve been so much better”.
It always depends on the person, and the only ones I think that shouldn’t go to parties anymore are from the latter group because they obviously aren’t enjoying it!
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