I don’t think I have ever used the introduction forum before so here go’s
I like to party every body dose :wink:, Im 21 from wales and I have only just been introduced to Rural freepartying in the last couple of years and think it’s fucking amazing.
I know a fair bit of random stuff about allsorts but nothing really useful, I am planning to build a lil rig and hope to have it finished by august.
If I ever sound condecending just tell me to shut the fuck up.
Oh and I fucking hate the oppresive western superpowers, I just cant put into words how pissed off I have been getting about the situation on this planet.
You were born not rolled off some production line, your free and belong to yourself no matter what you have been led to belive, you can whatever you want (but be prepaired to suffer the consiquences of your actions) you have that basic human right to freedom of choice, your goverment would have you belive otherwise but I am telling you.
I have a bad feeling the worst is yet to come, In fact it’s like I know…but thats not somthing I wan’t to go into on the net.
If theres ever any partys within like 3-4 hours drive of me and there good ones PM me (an let me kip in your garden 😉 ), I cannot get enough and don’t seem to be in the right circles to hear about them.
If you ever need my help with anything ask and I will try my best, If ya like my posts or even if you don’t but find them helpful then give me some + rep/karma (whatever you call it here).
If you want to add me as your freind go ahead.