Forums The Vibe Introductions Hey everyone .

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  • #1036202

      Wats going on everyone Im new =)

      funny cat


        things ain’t too bad in my neck of the woods, howz about you? 😀


          Well DTRiPzX,

          Things are prettyy cool at the moment, just trying to build a few contacts so i can go to a few decent parties. Trouble is the raves round here are all the same, same old weirdos same old tunes. same old venues.

          I’m looking for another level.
          Harder, Darker, Faster…………..




            Did you got anywhere decent at the weekend?. I had a look on the calender and there was a couple of do’s on but nothing down my way.


            funny cat

              no, gotta admit i was pretty boring at the weekend, haven’t been feelin to good lately (keep feeling dizzy and faint), so no partyin at the mo’ unfortunatley! 🙁


                We have the Kacchina do up here sometimes , or Ascension, or Survival.
                But they tend to stick to /techno/hard trance and stuff like that.

                I love me DRum and Bass and wonder if there is anything decent in Brighton coming up?

                The good thing is i am on the Thameslink@Luton so travel down your way is pretty easy…..


                funny cat

                  sweet, I love me drum and bass too, and really wanna hook up with some people who share my passion! Everyone seems to be into hard house! Will let you know if hear about anything decent, have got a couple of leads to follow up through partyvibe. There’s always good club nights here as well though. 😀


                    Lets keep in touch then!

                    If i hear any decent tracks i will let you know!

                    Well if your a music editor maybe you could let me know too!

                    Def keep in touch you sound like a good ol’ girl

                    Dunstable Town.

                    funny cat

                      cooooelll! I’m not really a music mag editor, I just wanted to put something more interesting than what I actually do!! Cool keep in touch dude, do you know if that subfocus track has been released yet? ‘x-ray’, I was after it a while ago and haven’t seen it out yet. So is there much of a scene in your neck of the woods? 😀


                        In Dunstable there is a small Police force and they are hell bent on stopping the raves. Trouble is though its the second smallest police force in the country and if you set a do up over here you never get any trouble. More ravers than cops is always a good start.

                        There are raves such as Ascension ,, Kacchina,…. and Survival.

                        Search them on google…. the numbers are on there sites

                        I love going to do’s but i have to make proper contacts coz i dont drive and it is a bit hard trying to travel 115miles home the following day completely wankered!
                        Once i went to a rave in LOndon ‘stinky pink ‘ ended up getting lost round london and nearly joined the Marathon that was taking place that sunday morning.!
                        I would have looked a right state….!!!


                        funny cat

                          he he, that would have been well funny, joining the marathon!! Me and boyf have moved to Brighton about a year ago and still trying to make contacts for parties in the area, will let you know if hear of anything decent, roll on summer!!! :p


                            I was chilling on weekends,went to Spirit . Had a lot of fun ,was tripping balls .
                            So Im looking forward to posting here .
                            Nice forums =)


                              hello all. me new here 2, if u near 2 suffolk/norfolk atall there r lotsa shit hot raves evri wknd

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                            Forums The Vibe Introductions Hey everyone .