Forums The Vibe Introductions help me please

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  • #1038839

      hi there im form east anglia does any one no any paRTY lines have lost phone with all numbers hanging about now waiting to here of any raves


        welcome to partyvibe


        [ as i am sure you appreciate no here knows anything about you and you could be old bill – so hang around and post on the board so that people get to know you :groucho: :groucho: :groucho:]

        General Lighting

          welcome to partyvibe Dave!

          Unfortunately all the numbers I have got seem to be out of date; I have been told a lot of crews no longer use partylines because of the amount of surveillance/monitoring these days; it is now a matter of getting to know people and trust you…

          its not so much undercover cops as well people are worried about (cops will find it very hard to keep up banter about the latest music and trends) but journalists who are all about our age trying to get info about parties – the ones from Archant (the company which makes the free papers that we get through our doors) even work weekends to update their site, and they are constantly reporting on the parties and increasing the backlash against them.

          why not come to flabbergast tonight at the Silver Star (Ipswich)? Although its not an all night event there are a bunch of friendly people there and perhaps one of them may know if anything is happening…

          Shit Robot
            dave168 wrote:
            hi there im form east anglia does any one no any paRTY lines have lost phone with all numbers hanging about now waiting to here of any raves



              Hi Dave..

              Welcome to Partyvibe..raaa raaa

              Talk to you soon 🙂


                You all sound English, did I stumble into a British chat room?


                  My mistake, no english spoken here!

                  General Lighting

                    hi colleen – welcome to partyvibe!

                    this board was originally set up in Britain and many of our users are from there but it has an international focus; we have users from all across the World.. (check our party ads out for instance and you will see events in the UK, US and Europe…)

                      colleen wrote:
                      You all sound English, did I stumble into a British chat room?

                      No you didnt Colleenn,or we are not british all of us..
                      If i started to chat in danish,nobody would understand me,well they dont
                      always do when i write in english either :laugh_at: :laugh_at:

                      By the way

                      welcome to Partyvibe 🙂

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                    Forums The Vibe Introductions help me please