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- This topic has 15 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated September 3, 2004 at 11:15 am by globalloon.
September 1, 2004 at 5:14 pm #1035974
i’ve been using the site for a while now receiving my weekly emails about parties and have finally decided to throw myself into using the boards. so i thought i’d say hello to everyone first to be polite like.
September 1, 2004 at 7:05 pm #1062752Anonymous
a warm welcome to you, fuzzy, hope you attend many more phatties from the site info, and even maybe get insipired to throw your own parties, or hunt down your local crew and give them suuport. either way, pleasure to have you here among the the net head contingent of the rave community.heres to free party people!
September 1, 2004 at 8:16 pm #1062747Hi Fuzzy – welcome to the board. good to see one of our lurkers start posting :0
September 2, 2004 at 7:23 am #1062740Anonymous
cheers guys. really like the site and going to start making more use of it now i have taken the plunge.
i want to start getting out to more parties in the midlands. is the best place to keep an eye on the free parties forum here?
September 2, 2004 at 8:45 am #1062753the forums are a good place to pick up tips, exchange ideas and stories. Keep an eye on the party calender for events too!
chars fuzzy
September 2, 2004 at 8:47 am #1062748I’ve noticed a fair amount of Midlands based crews on here over the years, so keep checking the party boards and calendar.
http://www.dirtytechno.org also has info on more northern parties
September 2, 2004 at 9:04 am #1062741Anonymous
i would have thought there would have been more of squat scene in birmingham than there is. far too many old dilapidated factories knocking around. maybe they are being used for parties but its not the easiest place to get inot the loop.
September 2, 2004 at 9:27 am #1062742Anonymous
word up hombre.
nice to hear from youSeptember 2, 2004 at 10:08 am #1062743Anonymous
Originally posted by MKP
word up hombre.
nice to hear from youwhy thank you, nice to meet you.
September 2, 2004 at 11:21 am #1062749Originally posted by Fuzzy
i would have thought there would have been more of squat scene in birmingham than there is. far too many old dilapidated factories knocking around. maybe they are being used for parties but its not the easiest place to get inot the loop.NB: This comes from a Southerners perspective and I am trying not to be too sterotypical here. Much of what I say has come from anecdotes from other raves and the impression of the Midlands/North given by the media (notably Central/Carlton TV and the Guardian)- I haven’t spent too much time in the Midlands so I may be painting a bleaker picture of the place!
The impression I get of the Midlands is that there is not as much spare resources/cash needed to fund free party crews, and a rougher gangs / guns / crime / fighting culture; and the cops/dibble respond to this in kind by going in a lot heavier – often dealing out “street law” (i.e batter the scally with truncheons) rather than “doo-gooders book law” (put the scally in young offenders and make him do education and training).
All the violence breeds more violence (was reading a big article in the grauniad about Nottingham and all the gang culture/revenge killings) and this is of course not a good atmosphere for holding unlicensed parties with more “liberal” security procedures!
To be fair London is just as bad though for the shooters and violence on the estates; but in the SE and Home Counties we are a bit lucky that even with the recession there are still jobs to be found and often slack time and resources that can be diverted to the party scene; plus this extra “bling” makes people a bit happier and less desparate to get involved with gangs and crime.
A disused factory/warehouse is valuable to lots of other crews apart from party crews (safehouse / crack lab / place for fenced goods / shooting gallery etc) and perhaps these crews are prepared to defend their territory a bit harder? Here in the SE its normally only homeless squatters who want a warehouse and they like a party as much as anyone else!
September 2, 2004 at 1:14 pm #1062744Anonymous
interesting points.
i remember going to a free party in hulme in manchester a few years ago and coming from the SE myself it did open my eyes a little to extremes that exist in such a little country (size wise).
your point in reply to a disused building be useful to others other than party people is something i hadnt thought of before.
September 2, 2004 at 1:45 pm #1062751Hello, and welcome 🙂
September 2, 2004 at 10:10 pm #1062754I’ve only ever been to Birmingham once in my life. I’m amazed anyone stays there. Mind you, if everyone thought like I do and left the cities, my gaff would end up in the same situation as the one I’m trying to avoid.
thanks for posting.. and welcome to PVC
September 3, 2004 at 7:31 am #1062745Anonymous
dont get me started on defending birmingham. one visit is not enough to judge a place. i moved here from london and love it. if thats any endorsement.
September 3, 2004 at 8:49 am #1062750your manor is what you make of it – Reading has grown from a small provincial town to a grey soul-less inner city area which is run by corporates big time in some parts and derelict and populated by broken people addicted to various self-destuctive vices in others.
However, I have met my best friends here, had the best times of my life here and don’t feel that I have to look over my shoulder quite as much as I did in London where there is a cold “Fuck you!” mentality which no doubt explains all the dark shit happening at parties and at street level there.
Most areas are being homogenised into some corporate standard anyway – city or country. Sometimes I get on my bike and ride some distance; whilst my legs tell me I have ridden miles I look around me and see the same single-crop fields polluted by agribusiness, leading into the same fucking multi-exit roundabouts and the same soulless industrial estates. All the way from West Berkshire and the Chilterns to West London – as if I hadn’t really moved an inch.
IMO though living in a shithole sometimes means you and your friends come together, obtain whatever resources you can and try and make the best of it.
September 3, 2004 at 11:15 am #1062746Anonymous
i lived in reading for a year before moving up. i feel your pain. i couldnt stomach the place.
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› Forums › The Vibe › Introductions › Hello everyone