Forums Web Site Your Feedback, Questions & Suggestions Has Dr Bunsen Been Playing With The Forum

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  • #1123036

      :flowers: Thankyou Dr B


        :flowers: Thankyou Dr B

        Techno Viking
          boothy wrote:
          are these permanent changes?

          “title” i’m indifferent too, don’t really make much difference, limits what u can put tho!

          the green light i agree with everyone else, it was ace!

          I’m not changing it back for the time being. The old format was getting messy especially since I added video avatars so I tidied it up yesterday and this got changed. If you all still REALLY hate in a while I might reconsider…

          Techno Viking
            boothy wrote:
            are these permanent changes?

            “title” i’m indifferent too, don’t really make much difference, limits what u can put tho!

            the green light i agree with everyone else, it was ace!

            I’m not changing it back for the time being. The old format was getting messy especially since I added video avatars so I tidied it up yesterday and this got changed. If you all still REALLY hate in a while I might reconsider…

              Dr Bunsen wrote:
              I’m not changing it back for the time being. The old format was getting messy especially since I added video avatars so I tidied it up yesterday and this got changed. If you all still REALLY hate in a while I might reconsider…

              All up for a change Dr B, keeps things feeling fresh.

              Just like the blobs 😉

                Dr Bunsen wrote:
                I’m not changing it back for the time being. The old format was getting messy especially since I added video avatars so I tidied it up yesterday and this got changed. If you all still REALLY hate in a while I might reconsider…

                All up for a change Dr B, keeps things feeling fresh.

                Just like the blobs 😉

                  Dr Bunsen wrote:
                  I’m not changing it back for the time being. The old format was getting messy especially since I added video avatars so I tidied it up yesterday and this got changed. If you all still REALLY hate in a while I might reconsider…

                  if you don’t change it i’ll pettition the pm on 😉

                  nah just kiddin i dont mind it now, once i got used to it. i’m not a staunch conservative afraid of change, honest i’m not! haha

                    Dr Bunsen wrote:
                    I’m not changing it back for the time being. The old format was getting messy especially since I added video avatars so I tidied it up yesterday and this got changed. If you all still REALLY hate in a while I might reconsider…

                    if you don’t change it i’ll pettition the pm on 😉

                    nah just kiddin i dont mind it now, once i got used to it. i’m not a staunch conservative afraid of change, honest i’m not! haha


                      ok i think i am tireder than i thought (which is saying summat)

                      I posted thanks Dr B this morning coz i saw/thought the blobs were back!!!!

                      Hallucinating without drugs?! shattered :crazy:


                        ok i think i am tireder than i thought (which is saying summat)

                        I posted thanks Dr B this morning coz i saw/thought the blobs were back!!!!

                        Hallucinating without drugs?! shattered :crazy:



                          I was thinking that you must have said something special getting it back ,when the rest of us didn’t



                            I was thinking that you must have said something special getting it back ,when the rest of us didn’t


                              wishful thinking perhaps?

                              this is weird, i could swear I saw them, I was so chuffed when I saw i had my ‘greenie’ back :hopeless:


                                wishful thinking perhaps?

                                this is weird, i could swear I saw them, I was so chuffed when I saw i had my ‘greenie’ back :hopeless:






                                      ta angel :flowers:

                                      feel lke a rag doll coming slowly an softly apart at the seams.

                                      s’not so bad really, all i gotta do now is sip some more of my vodka an drift off to sleep, don even hav ta get outta bed, already in it . . . . end of a long long week :love:


                                        ta angel :flowers:

                                        feel lke a rag doll coming slowly an softly apart at the seams.

                                        s’not so bad really, all i gotta do now is sip some more of my vodka an drift off to sleep, don even hav ta get outta bed, already in it . . . . end of a long long week :love:

                                      Viewing 18 posts - 26 through 43 (of 43 total)
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                                      Forums Web Site Your Feedback, Questions & Suggestions Has Dr Bunsen Been Playing With The Forum