good luck 2 u – but please keep it within reason, i.e nothing that would permanently traumatise people (like a sexual encounter that both parties regretted) or incriminate ppl (remember drugs are illegal!)
i don’t mean 2 be a wet blanket as I actually think this could be fun and hope your site goes well; but sometimes I see sites like this being used 2 bully/shame people etc… 2 many times these days I see people using boards 2 slag ppl off when the comedown kicks in; or I hear (both off and on the net) “bitching sessions” post rave rather than fun random stuff! So if this 1 is being used to remember the fun times fair play 2 u lot.
also I take it u will use nicknames etc – some1 may not want their partying excesses being identified 2 a prospective employer/their parents/the old bill (remember all these peeps can and do read “our” sites these days!)
must send u the story about the post-rave acid binge and the aylesbury ducks. Animal lovers don’t worry: no ducks were harmed or force-fed illegal substances – in fact the ducks had the last laugh on us ravers!
BTW what is “biff?” I suspect its cannabis in 1 form or another; but perhaps we should set up a glossary of “ravers’ slang”? Sometimes in 1 region of a country we have slang words others may not be sure of the meaning………