› Forums › Radionics › Radio Promotion › Globalloon + guests on partyvibe radio tonight 28-07-2006
well it sounded like it could a been good … maybe next time eh?
hopefully all the techie probs will be sorted and we can have some more phat tunes from down in sunny in devon …
hope level-1 is ok:hopeless:
me too
sending good vibes to tribaleditor and SdZ
we’ll be back as soon as we can
That happened the other week in the middle of my stream when i played before Biotech on the Thursday…
Hope the rest of the show went without a glitch 😉
unfortunately it went down and stayed down for several hours … think we got about 40 minutes airtime in before that
and it was sh*t hot too:hopeless: waited around for ages in the hope it would come back up:groucho: