› Forums › The Vibe › Chat › Friday 13th
Does that day/date mean anything to you ?
Or is it just a day like all others :groucho::groucho:
i was born on Friday the 13th so i think its gonna be a lucky day!:love:
I have spilt gunk down my tie and then pickled onion vinegar in my car :crazy: DONT ASK!
Only one more thing to happen to make it 3
The first famous friday the 13. in history was when the pope banned the knigths, back in 1387!…and they were all executed(almost)…..
I got jojoba oil on ma trousers already… urgh.
i like it :bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl
but i have always been a little eccentric 😉
My twins are born friday th13..
13 minutes apart
the first one 13.05 danish time:crazy_diz:crazy_diz
i was due friday 13/05/83 but i was born on sunday 15/05/83 so it was not very lucky for me